Average 622/722 Temperature thread, Is your's Hot?

722 overheating

My 722 has started rebooting a lot. last night it was in constant reboot. called tech support and tried in vane to get it to come back on. left unplugged overnight. worked for 6 hours with the cover off but rebooted agin. fan shuts off after reboot and has not come on since. put a fan to blow air over unit and called tech support. they said it is to hot 132 was high and are sending me a new unit. It is sitting by itself in the open on a shelf but I think the fan not coming on is the problem and they agree. will see when I get the new unit.
last night
132 high
96 low
114 ave

now 127 high
78 low
107 ave
I have a fan in the same place right now and I also blocked the rest of the vent on the left side so that the air being pulled through the cooling fan all has to come from inside the receiver instead of being able to find it's way into the left vent and right back out the fan.

I've mainly had it there for the past 4 weeks and here are my results:
Hi 132
Lo 113
Avg 118

Hi 123 (after 24 days the high temp started to report a lower value)
Lo 93 (after 1 day the low temp reported a 17 degree drop)
Avg 107

I have a 24 CFM fan at 14dB. 11 degree average temp drop is good in my book (after 18 days). I'm waiting to see what happens when the new software L618 rolls out (for temperature updates).

You are getting pretty much the same numbers as me. This is the best config Ive had so far, and considering the fact the 622/722 runs fine with a 120's avg, I have to think 107/105 is just fine.
You are getting pretty much the same numbers as me. This is the best config Ive had so far, and considering the fact the 622/722 runs fine with a 120's avg, I have to think 107/105 is just fine.
Just fine for how long? I had one with the same setup for 8 months and the HDD died. My guess it that it would have lasted much longer if the avg temp was not around 120 degrees. The cooler the better for that HDD - especially with a know issue of being hot and not very good airflow.

How long have you had the fan going? I'd like to see what happens when the new software loads. Let us know if there are any worthwhile changes. I even opened my case an inch or two for 5 days and nothing significant changed, so I put it back to the setup I mentioned earlier today. I spent about $10 total to get the setup I have and I can't even hear it at night when the house is quiet. :D
Thanks for the info Elwaylite. I just ordered one per the link that you provided. Last night I checked my temps, and my high is at 140, with average 122. Unit is on an open shelf with no obstructions.
My 722 has a high temp of 131 with an average of 111.

I can't believe Dish designed these receivers to run so hot. I hope it doesn't catch on fire and burn my house down.
How often do the temp. "counters" update?

I haven't checked mine in a very long time (2 yrs.?), but last night I recorded 120/80/98. My 622 is in my greenhouse. It is in free air but gets direct sun for part of any sunny day. Being a 622 at least it's the right color to reflect as much IR radiation as possible! As the seasons change and the average ambient temp. increases considerably I expect the above numbers to rise as well. I'll try to keep an eye on it.

The only modification I have now is the one shown in post #646 (pg. 33). That was not intended to do anything for the HDD temps. If I see the counters increasing significantly I'll try an external fan(s) on the left side sucking out as others here have done. (That was the primary reason I bought the 3-fan laptop cooler almost 3 years ago, just never got "a round tuit"...!)
We don't have data how often they updates the values. Perhaps someone doing house choir during weekend, could check and write the temps each 3 or 6 hours of 48 hours.
Interesting product for $40. You'd have almost that much into buying your own parts, plus your time. I'm not inclined to buy since I already have the parts, but if I didn't I might very well go this route.

I notice his design completely covers the left side vents. I would go even further to make sure they are sealed tight. Otherwise some part of the airflow is just coming in from the same vent. My plan was to use 3 smaller box fans in a row. I was going to mount them in something like Styrofoam or foam rubber to ensure the seal. Mine are powered off the USB port and have only a single speed, but they are very quiet.

One issue to be considered - anything that forces air through the unit, including the internal fan, causes a build-up of dust over time. The cover should be removed periodically and the unit blown or vacuumed out. Heat-sensitive devices don't like a thermal blanket of dust build-up! That's probably worse than no forced airflow in the first place...!
I thought Dish will implement my design and new DVR will bring some royalty :), but 722k still had same stupid airflow solution, perhaps 922 aka 822 aka 722s will had redesigned the part.
Ive noticed changes daily, I always ASSumed it was during the nightly update and reboot.
Someone said previously that it was read at the nightly update and reboot, but I question that claim. I've never seen it change more than once per day, and it has always been after the nightly update, but when (and how often and what average) it actually polls the data is a mystery to me.
No, I bought a $6.50 fan from NewEgg that puts out 24CFM @ 14dBA and it works great. $48 (includes shipping) on Ebay was way too much for me. I do have a second fan available and it doesn't help enough to always run it and plus it adds to the noise and power consumption when it's not necessary - compared to one fan.

I'd lwould want to know the CFM per fan and the noise level before even considering buying it. I don't think you need more than 30CFM and anything below 20dBA is desirable.

Here's the link: Newegg.com - ENERMAX UC-8EB 80mm Case Fan - Case Fans
2 of these plus shipping total under $14 - and they are very quiet. So you would not have nearly that much if you bought the parts yourself ($34 savings, or 70% off, compared to that product on Ebay). Plus the way they are made the magnet pulls the fan right onto the side (left) of the receiver for a tight fit.

To be thorough - you need 160mA 12VDC power supply for this fan. But I had 2 in my closet just sitting there from old electronics years ago, and the local thrift store had a few for $2. I'll tell you how to do it if you are interested and don't know enough about electricity. It's very easy.
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