Average 622/722 Temperature thread, Is your's Hot?

Mines down to 116 avg. I've been able to drop the avg temp 11 degrees by lifting the unit 3/4" and adding the usb fan to exhaust from the rear left opening.

Wow, that's great. I tried raising the units by about 1/2 inch and a laptop cooler and it didn't do that much. Installing the dual fans on the left side is really doing a good job. Once the temps stabilize I may remove the forward fan and go with the one on the left rear like you are doing and see what happens.
My girlfiend's 612 box did something odd the other night. She woke up at around 2:30 am unable to sleep, so she turned on the TV. She said all she got was a blue screen with black vertical stripes. She tried various things to get a picture, and eventually a message came on saying to the affect that there was a heat issue with a temperature displayed (she does not remember what it was). She noticed that there was something on top of the box so she took it off and the temperature started to slowly drop. Eventually, the actual television channel displayed. I have not been over there since this happened, but I have looked at the Diagnostics counters on her 612 boxes and the only temperature reading I have seen is labeled as the HDD temperature. Is this the temperature everyone is referring to?
My girlfiend's 612 box did something odd the other night. She woke up at around 2:30 am unable to sleep, so she turned on the TV. She said all she got was a blue screen with black vertical stripes. She tried various things to get a picture, and eventually a message came on saying to the affect that there was a heat issue with a temperature displayed (she does not remember what it was). She noticed that there was something on top of the box so she took it off and the temperature started to slowly drop. Eventually, the actual television channel displayed. I have not been over there since this happened, but I have looked at the Diagnostics counters on her 612 boxes and the only temperature reading I have seen is labeled as the HDD temperature. Is this the temperature everyone is referring to?
Yes, watch the avg HDD temp. For best results, keep it under 120.
My girlfiend's 612 box did something odd the other night. She woke up at around 2:30 am unable to sleep, so she turned on the TV. She said all she got was a blue screen with black vertical stripes. She tried various things to get a picture, and eventually a message came on saying to the affect that there was a heat issue with a temperature displayed (she does not remember what it was). She noticed that there was something on top of the box so she took it off and the temperature started to slowly drop. Eventually, the actual television channel displayed. I have not been over there since this happened, but I have looked at the Diagnostics counters on her 612 boxes and the only temperature reading I have seen is labeled as the HDD temperature. Is this the temperature everyone is referring to?

That is it. I have a 625 and 722s and they both indicate like this in the counters:

HDD High Temp:
HDD Low Temp:
HDD Average Temp:

Is that how the 612 reads? What are your temps?
Two of my DVRs are still coming down.

722 109 with dual VIP722 fan setup
722 107 with dual Thermaltakes
722 113 no fans
625 104 no fans

Yep, and I don't think they have stabilized yet. Trying to catch Smith, P. I think his are below 100. I think he has with the lid open and packed in ice! LOL
Did I read somewhere here that raising them a bit helps? Does that imply that you put something small under each corner to act as a support so that air can circulate underneath the box?
I used axle caps under each foot to raise mine about 3/4" or so. Raising it should help.

I tried raising my DVRs with those rubber feet pads that are used under furniture legs and they didn't seem to help that much. Laptop cooler was a little better. The biggy that really made a difference was adding side fans on the left side sucking the hot air out of the case.
My girlfiend's 612 box did something odd the other night. She woke up at around 2:30 am unable to sleep, so she turned on the TV. She said all she got was a blue screen with black vertical stripes. She tried various things to get a picture, and eventually a message came on saying to the affect that there was a heat issue with a temperature displayed (she does not remember what it was). She noticed that there was something on top of the box so she took it off and the temperature started to slowly drop. Eventually, the actual television channel displayed. I have not been over there since this happened, but I have looked at the Diagnostics counters on her 612 boxes and the only temperature reading I have seen is labeled as the HDD temperature. Is this the temperature everyone is referring to?

My wife was reading this post in my email account and looked: up at me and asked: "Why does this guys girlfriend have a hot box, is it a problem for him?" :) :) I'm still laughing. Sorry am_dew.
My wife was reading this post in my email account and looked: up at me and asked: "Why does this guys girlfriend have a hot box, is it a problem for him?" :) :) I'm still laughing. Sorry am_dew.

:) No apologies needed...I love it! Let's see...she wakes up at 2:30am with a hot box and I am not there... hmmmm. Next time I will get her to take pics! :)
Here are the 612 temps:

Bedroom TV - High: 127 Low: 32 (yes, that is what it says) Ave: 113

(The bedroom is where the problems were the other night; OK, bring on the jokes!)

Living Room TV - High: 125 Low: 111 Ave: 116

And for you voyeurs, here is a pic of the 612's diagnosis screen in the bedroom:


Need advice on HD/ Hopper or something

Test RG6 for 3000Mhz using purchased Hopper
