Yup thats a great attitude. I can not afford it soo I hope since you can, it sucks and be buggy for you.
NO that is your perception of things. I have had just about every new dvr that DISH has created. I bought each one with my own money. I have over 13 years with DISH and I speak from experience here when I say this: All new dvrs are buggy at first. If you want to pay over $600.00 for a buggy dvr then go for it.
7100/7200 webtv/dishplayer-had both models and replaced so many that I settled for a plain 301 from DISH due to the cost of replacing the webtvs, shipping etc.
501/508/510 pvrs - had all 3 , still have 501 on Aunts account in my name.
721 pvr- had 3 but they crashed quite a lot and the hard drive would have to be restarted ,wiping it clean each time.
921 dvr -First hd dvr - worked fine if you baby sat it 24 /7. NO name based recording -nothing but a digital vcr.Cost over $1000.00
942 dvrs- Cool dvrs and name based recording features , had both analog and hd ota stations. Loved it had two.
622 dvr -great dvr with name based recording ,the basis for the present line of dvrs. Still have one on my mom & dad's account in my name.
722 dvr - same as 622 except bigger hard drive-had two.
722k dvr- the best yet. Bigger hard drive, better ota module and being able to record 4 things at once: 2 sat/2ota the BEST feature ever!
From everything I have read about this new 922, it is not as good as it was first advertised to be. They have removed many of the best features like the web browser, the tv 2 connection for whole house distribution. Plus the new hd extender to turn tv 2 into an hd output on tv2 is not even for sale yet.
I am not saying that I won't want a 922 , someday. But this is not that day. IF I really wanted one I would get it , but due to the missing features & no hd extender , this dvr doesn't do as much as my 722k does now.