Auto-record based on a keyword search? NBR?


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Dec 1, 2004
Is there any way to save a search as a timer on the 522?

I came from a ReplayTV unit, and when you did a search by keyword, that search could be saved as a "theme" and it would search all new listings and flag them to record automatically if they matched.

I could create a theme for "mole" and it would automatically record "The Mole" even MONTHS later when the new season started. Of course, I also got a PBS special on the life of moles.....

ALSO - I noticed in one of the threads that the 522 is now doing Name Based Recordings. Is it safe to assume that it SHOULD (-=SHOULD=-) follow a program if it is bumped up/back - say - a half hour or an hour? Or if it's pre-empted, it won't record a basketball game instead?
And while I'm on the subject - why FOR THE LOVE OF FRED can't I restrict the searches to A FAVORITES LIST?!?!?!?

The way it operates now, the themes are absolutely, 100% totally useless. Period.

I don't give a flying fig if there's a Sirius channel with the same name as the movie I'm looking for!!! I'm not going to BUY MORE CHANNELS just because they happen to be showing a PPV of "The Cat In The Hat Movie" when I'm looking for "Dr. Seuss's: The Grinch Who Stole Christmas".

It's not helping their sales - it's just ticking off their customers.

ALSO - I want to be able to look for JUST kid's movies, or JUST horror movies, or JUST musicals - (sobbing) - I miss my Replay TV.....
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I'll answer your second question first.
At this time NO Dish DVR does NBR. The 522 should be the first model to get it.
If a program you've scheduled to record changes time or is pre-empted the recording will be adjusted as needed. IF your guide gets updated with the correct info.

The answer to your first question. Not at this time, altho it may be possible after NBR gets added.
Thanks n0qcu! It's great to be here!
I must have misread a post (or it was erroneous) that stated NBR was already here. I really did try to find answers BEFORE posting questions - honest!

Still another question (I asked it also in a different forum as well):

Do you suppose that the recent guide navigation problems have anything to do with an attempt to integrate NBR (maybe gradually)?

It looks to me like there may be two seperate lists maintained in the units - one accessed by the search engine, and one accessed by the EPG. Follow me here:

I was recently experiencing the guide problems like some (most) other people. I could not see anything in the guide past 1 or 2 days out - no matter how many updates I received - everything else was showing "no data avail."

HOWEVER - when I did a search, programs 8-9-10 days out were showing up! When I attempted to set a timer for one of these programs from the search, it would default to the last program for that channel that appeared in the GUIDE.

I could also swear that I've noticed subtle difference in some of the listings between what the search listing shows at a press of the INFO button and what the guide listings show at a press of the INFO button - spellings, times - 10:10pm start times instead to 10:00pm... etc...

I'm just wondering if the recent troubles are related somehow to an NBR coding attempt....

ALSO - earlier I read that TiVo was suing E* - what's the scoop there? Is that part of the reason why NBR wasn't released in September as promised?
That is an interesting thought. The problems showed up AFTER getting 2.08, right?
But I'm sure they'd test this behind the scenes and there would be a big hoo-rah when any part of NBR was actually functional. Still though....
n0qcu said:
If a program you've scheduled to record changes time or is pre-empted the recording will be adjusted as needed. IF your guide gets updated with the correct info.
Problem is, that's a HUGE "if". No one is sitting around at "TV Guide" or "Gemstar" (is that who Dish uses ??) or whatever guide company your box uses watching channels to see what game is running over it's time slot. Even then, is the game going to run 10 minutes over, 30 minutes or 3 ??

Safe rule, especially for Sunday evening network programming: Pad each program by an hour or more.
Hmm. I know speculation was that the TVGuide channel was added to assist with NBR, if what you are saying is accurate, that might lend some credence to that theory.

The irony is that I believe NBR was supposed to originally be release back in June (which may be why you thought it was here). I remember when I first got the 522 and called and complained about the lack of single mode which was advertised in the brochure (it wasn't called single mode but it was talking about the ability to record 2 shows while watching a 3rd which was not easy to do when I first got the 522 until they introduced the Record Plus preference feature. I couldn't find any rep that had any clue what I was talking about, they hadn't even heard of single and dual mode (hello, other receivers have it I believe) but that was my first introduction to tech support. eventually I got someone in advance tech that did some research and was able to tell me single mode would likely be available by the end of the year.

Now it gets really funny. NBR did not come out in June but single mode came out sometime around there (I forget exactly when). I tried it and didn't like it as much as dual-mode with Record Plus with the exception of PIP swapping which I really didn't use that much. PIP swapping would be much more useful if I could pause the one tuner, switch to the other, watch until the commercial, pause and switch to the first tuner and FF through the commercials. Also there were conflict problems with recording programs that were right up against each other. So I'm back in dual mode and happy except for the friggin' popping that is back in L2.08. I'm gonna go power down and reset now to see if that helps... :(
rhollinger said:
PIP swapping would be much more useful if I could pause the one tuner, switch to the other, watch until the commercial, pause and switch to the first tuner and FF through the commercials.... :(
You can do that, just without the pausing. Watch till commercial, swap, back up to where you'd left off on the other show, repeat from step one as desired.
A note on NBR on any DVR.

When say a football game runs long the dvr will pick up when it was regularly scedualed. wow i messed that spelling up. anyway the point is with NBR the guide tells the timer when to fire. If the guide or clock are messed up the timer fires wrongly. This was my Bane last football season with Tivo. Now the 522 i just record a big 2 hour block.
TuxCoder said:
You can do that, just without the pausing. Watch till commercial, swap, back up to where you'd left off on the other show, repeat from step one as desired.

When I tried that, it wasn't storing the program that wasn't active so I couldn't rewind, I had to make sure that I only stayed away for the length of the commercials. at least that's what I seem to recall. Maybe it did work that way and I was too annoyed to rewind back to where I left off (sometimes it would be 10-15 minutes of stuff if I walked away to grab a drink or something.

That's still the only benefit that I saw and it didn't work smoothly enough to outweigh the recording conflicts that I had to warrant staying in single mode. Dual mode works just fine for me and I can switch back and forth by simply hitting the PVR button and selecting the other program (or running TV2 to my TVs PIP but then I have to have 2 remotes handy...)

Sporadiac Breakups, same time each night

While Dish is hacking away at the code...

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