It is unethical to treat one customer better than another based on expenditure. Do you judge someone that lives in a RV park less worthy to have an exception for an extra 622 if they can afford it than someone with six already on their account? I wouldn't, so long as they can afford it. E* can't treat one set of retailers better than another. It happens yes, but it shouldn't. You treat everyone well, or you treat everyone like crap but it's one or the other.
As far as the second question, RATS was changed when the test benches were renamed Receiver Automated Test last I heard. EVT is the current acronym being used, same team (there is another department for ...more severe issues. You probably haven't heard of them. Those are the guys responsible for the Canada arrests we hear about lately.) Just like ERT was the Executive Offices of Soraya Cartwright, then Executives Offices, then Executive Offices of DISH Network (EODN), then the Executive Resolution Team (ERT, present term). The funny part is they're all the same entity, and although they get praises up and down around here...they really shouldn't.
It may sound unetchical to you...and if your assertion is true, then entire casino gambling industry is unethical. In fact, lots of businesses would then be unethical..Like it or not Dish, like any other business is using it's sole discretion as a business entity to take better care of their best customers.
And toi let you in a on a little secret D* does treat reatilers differntly.They do..I ought to know , I work for one...I hear the music all the time..