quote Zero327 "Most audit issues such as these that get blown way out of proportions are a mix between so-so business practices, and a customer who feels whatever they want is a birthright. Sometimes this feeling is justified, and other times its not. But one thing never changes, no matter which customer you ask, they will feel they're entitled (usually to something for free.)"
I guess I am clueless... I thought a company wants to please CUSTOMERS and not upset them. Rule 1 - the customer is always right. Rule 2 - see rule one. One of the things companies today want to eliminate is the churn of existing customers. You do not earn the loyality of your customer base by yelling at them, making women cry, asking them to fax documents before you turn on the service you paid for in advance, and turn off the service several times. Additionally, auditing people on Mother's day sounds a bit like like scrooge during Christmas. The audit team can handle itself in a professional manner. E* should invest in technology to prevent account stacking not hassle the customer base. No one questions the right of the company to get the bad apples out of the mix, but this seems to be a bone headed way of doing it....
I guess I am clueless... I thought a company wants to please CUSTOMERS and not upset them. Rule 1 - the customer is always right. Rule 2 - see rule one. One of the things companies today want to eliminate is the churn of existing customers. You do not earn the loyality of your customer base by yelling at them, making women cry, asking them to fax documents before you turn on the service you paid for in advance, and turn off the service several times. Additionally, auditing people on Mother's day sounds a bit like like scrooge during Christmas. The audit team can handle itself in a professional manner. E* should invest in technology to prevent account stacking not hassle the customer base. No one questions the right of the company to get the bad apples out of the mix, but this seems to be a bone headed way of doing it....