Audit Department HELL!

quote Zero327 "Most audit issues such as these that get blown way out of proportions are a mix between so-so business practices, and a customer who feels whatever they want is a birthright. Sometimes this feeling is justified, and other times its not. But one thing never changes, no matter which customer you ask, they will feel they're entitled (usually to something for free.)"

I guess I am clueless... I thought a company wants to please CUSTOMERS and not upset them. Rule 1 - the customer is always right. Rule 2 - see rule one. One of the things companies today want to eliminate is the churn of existing customers. You do not earn the loyality of your customer base by yelling at them, making women cry, asking them to fax documents before you turn on the service you paid for in advance, and turn off the service several times. Additionally, auditing people on Mother's day sounds a bit like like scrooge during Christmas. The audit team can handle itself in a professional manner. E* should invest in technology to prevent account stacking not hassle the customer base. No one questions the right of the company to get the bad apples out of the mix, but this seems to be a bone headed way of doing it....
quote Zero327 "Most audit issues such as these that get blown way out of proportions are a mix between so-so business practices, and a customer who feels whatever they want is a birthright. Sometimes this feeling is justified, and other times its not. But one thing never changes, no matter which customer you ask, they will feel they're entitled (usually to something for free.)"

I guess I am clueless... I thought a company wants to please CUSTOMERS and not upset them. Rule 1 - the customer is always right. Rule 2 - see rule one.

Fact of business, the customer is NOT always right. The trick is not to piss the customer off while you're telling them they're wrong. Granted, it's not always possible. The customer is always right was a slogan of the 80's and 90's, it doesn't really apply in business today. Starbucks for instance places the employees over the customer because the owner sees his employees as more important. In turn, the employees value their positions and treat their customers well. Companies that focus on customers more than employees often lose sight of this. Which is why you get a better Dish N It Up program one year, but at the cost of employee salaries or benefits as has recently been harped about on the forums.

One of the things companies today want to eliminate is the churn of existing customers. You do not earn the loyality of your customer base by yelling at them, making women cry, asking them to fax documents before you turn on the service you paid for in advance, and turn off the service several times. Additionally, auditing people on Mother's day sounds a bit like like scrooge during Christmas.

Mother's Day isn't a business holiday. People are at work, and many people would refer to Mother's Day as a Hallmark merchandise holiday. It may seem like Scrooge, but I guarantee you Charlie isn't sitting in front of a small fireplace with a bowl of chicken broth each year...

The audit team can handle itself in a professional manner. E* should invest in technology to prevent account stacking not hassle the customer base. No one questions the right of the company to get the bad apples out of the mix, but this seems to be a bone headed way of doing it....

E* has invested in technology to prevent issues of this nature. Smartchips and smartcards are byproducts of this (as is the audit team.) But no secured system is unhackable and unfortunately, Charlie doesn't have Bush's "Please sir, may I have some more?" budget to work with.

Accept that most people here probably wouldn't run their businesses in this fashion. But also accept that noone here is running a multibillion dollar company trailing DirecTV by a few million customers. All things considered, Charlie makes more people happy than he upsets, so something must be getting done right.

I love people that cant help but bring politics into a conversation. :river

"Charlie doesn't have Bush's "Please sir, may I have some more?" budget to work with."
Well I have to disagree with you on this on - Zero. Business still depends on the cash flow given by customers. I am a director working for a fortune 20 company. This company could buy E* in a second. The axiom is treat the customer with respect. Cash flow is important. That is why we have over 75 billion in sales annually and growing. Perhaps E* has lost the customer focus and that is why it is behind D* in subscribers and has large customer churn. Yes the customer is wrong and often you have to work with them - in a professional manner.
When I go to Starbuck's, they are very polite and treat me with respect. The employees are rewarded on increased sales as well... No sales - no employees.... fact...

No matter what you think the audit team - the way this occurred it is a very poor way to treat your customers. Mother's day is always on a SUNDAY (usually a business holiday). This team shuts off your TV services and demands you go an fax them documents to re-establish your service while you are with your mother on Mothers Day... Does not seem to customer friendly and helpful......
years ago they call me and they were very nice I think they where in house then. Just told they need to verify that boxes are correct and they checked them out this was prob about 2 years ago.

they need to go back to old way
And I wonder how many people reading this thead changed their mind about getting E* after reading about the Dish Audit Taliban? Probably a very small number.

Actually I was going to sign up through my local phone company (I had always had D* but have been on antenna for some time), but after this no way. I have been pushing my neighbor to get off cable and had suggested dish (because of the phone deal) but told them they might be better off with D*. I was with D* for many years and although they have there problems I never had to deal with that BS...I will never go with dish now, why take the chance....I have enough stress in my life.

Just my 2 cents

PS: I get no less than 3 flyers from Dish a week wanting me to sign up
Fact of business, the customer is NOT always right. The trick is not to piss the customer off while you're telling them they're wrong. Granted, it's not always possible. The customer is always right was a slogan of the 80's and 90's, it doesn't really apply in business today.
We used to say "the customer is always right even when they're a**holes".
Starbucks for instance places the employees over the customer because the owner sees his employees as more important. In turn, the employees value their positions and treat their customers well.
What comes first, the chicken or the egg ?? Here's a novel concept: Treat both your customers and your employees well ! Gasp !!
Well I have to disagree with you on this on - Zero. Business still depends on the cash flow given by customers. I am a director working for a fortune 20 company. This company could buy E* in a second. The axiom is treat the customer with respect. Cash flow is important. That is why we have over 75 billion in sales annually and growing. Perhaps E* has lost the customer focus and that is why it is behind D* in subscribers and has large customer churn. Yes the customer is wrong and often you have to work with them - in a professional manner.
When I go to Starbuck's, they are very polite and treat me with respect. The employees are rewarded on increased sales as well... No sales - no employees.... fact...

No matter what you think the audit team - the way this occurred it is a very poor way to treat your customers. Mother's day is always on a SUNDAY (usually a business holiday). This team shuts off your TV services and demands you go an fax them documents to re-establish your service while you are with your mother on Mothers Day... Does not seem to customer friendly and helpful......

I'm guessing Verizon, HP or IBM. However, there are always more customers, with more being born everyday. Regardless of how many are being "wronged" this won't affect overall business on the scope being described. If E*'s liquidity were lower by margin, I'd probably agree that cashflow should be their foremost concern, but this is a developed company.

Regarding D* leading in subs, that has more to do with establishment dates than success or failure. D* was fully up and running prior to E*. The subs went with the newest technology to begin with. However on E*'s Q1 SEC filing they are increasing in subs at a faster rate with comparable churn to D*. Bottom line, if E* keeps going strong and delivers on some of the promises being made, their capacity and functionality will exceed D* by no later than 2010. Murdoch has a higher net worth, that's true, but none the less he's withdrawing for newspapers and Charlie is a fair bit younger.
Wow, can't say I've had that problem myself, sorry to hear about the bad experience. It's unfortunate that individual experience vary so much. On the other side of things, I remember someone saying that they had problems with Direct TV's instalation team setting it up on some pole or something, and how they switched to Dish Network and the installation was better, but then someone pointed out that they both used the same installation teams.
The one thing I have against the dish industries is these inconsistencies.
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Claude- Unbelievable! A Dish Retailer of your size and they put you through that? However, I have to agree with one of your posts that it was not really Dish Network that was out to get you, it was this one guy named Tom. He aparently has it in for you and you most likely don't know why. I'm sure it is not a JL syndrome ( dilusions of grandure) but something really personal he has against you.

I had a similar experience last year with my HO insurance. An insurance inspector contractor shows up at my house and does a report, 3 months after my policy is renewed. In his report he noted 5 violations. Only one was true but I was not aware of it. I had a diving board for 22 years at my pool and he says this is a violation. Nowhere was it listed in the policy I could not have a diving board. But that is an issue with the ins co. I removed the board in 10 minutes and asked him to write a retraction and request the insurance be reinstated. He refused because he said the other violations. I told him he was mistaken. We got into a short pissing match and I ended it short by explaining I was going to sue him for professional fraud and personal harassment. I told him I had the proof he lied in the report and unless he wrote a letter of apology to me and a retraction plus a copy of that letter to the ins co who hired him I would see to it his license to do business would be revoked and he would be paying huge damages to me as a resulyt of his actions. I gave him 24 hours to comply as requested or he and the insurance company would be notified by my attorney. In 5 hours I had the letter and the next morning I received a fax from the insurance company requesting evidence the 4 violations did not exist. I sent them the proof and within an hour I received a fax my insurance was reinstated.
This guy Tom is an employee so he may not be so quick to respond to your pressure but I would advise your retailer AE at Dish and explain what this ahole is doing and see if they can do anything to put a stop to his nonsense. Otherwise you may be forced to take legal action against him personally. Maybe coming down from above would have more meaning than dealing direct.
Personally, I think you have gone above and beyond what is necessary and further harassment should be taken to civil court against him personally. I'm sure he is way outside of company policy by his actions.
I'm guessing Verizon, HP or IBM. However, there are always more customers, with more being born everyday. Regardless of how many are being "wronged" this won't affect overall business on the scope being described. If E*'s liquidity were lower by margin, I'd probably agree that cashflow should be their foremost concern, but this is a developed company.

Regarding D* leading in subs, that has more to do with establishment dates than success or failure. D* was fully up and running prior to E*. The subs went with the newest technology to begin with. However on E*'s Q1 SEC filing they are increasing in subs at a faster rate with comparable churn to D*. Bottom line, if E* keeps going strong and delivers on some of the promises being made, their capacity and functionality will exceed D* by no later than 2010. Murdoch has a higher net worth, that's true, but none the less he's withdrawing for newspapers and Charlie is a fair bit younger.

You show exactly what is wrong with this country now its United States of Corporate America we the people are just leasing what we have and breath

You show exactly what is wrong with this country now its United States of Corporate America we the people are just leasing what we have and breath


I take that as a compliment towards dispassionate business ability but moving on... Claude's retailer status has no bearing on his personal account, every retailer (well, the ones not suffering from delusions of grandure) know this. When Claude is dealing with his personal account, he is considered just the same as 13.4 million other customers alongside him.

As far as his Account Exec, Sales has no pull with customer service. Otherwise techs wouldn't have to call in to activate units, Sales would find a way to do it or another option would be made available. It would also prevent horrid calls to Retail Services, but at least the wait times aren't five minutes lately.
Claude- Unbelievable! A Dish Retailer of your size ...
Zero327 has already commented on it but I'll repeat it. This "issue" had nothing to do with Claude's business side. These are personal accounts. In fact, I'd guess that there's NO link between his personal accounts and his retailer account nor even notes on his account to that affect.
I take that as a compliment towards dispassionate business ability but moving on... Claude's retailer status has no bearing on his personal account, every retailer (well, the ones not suffering from delusions of grandure) know this. When Claude is dealing with his personal account, he is considered just the same as 13.4 million other customers alongside him.

As far as his Account Exec, Sales has no pull with customer service. Otherwise techs wouldn't have to call in to activate units, Sales would find a way to do it or another option would be made available. It would also prevent horrid calls to Retail Services, but at least the wait times aren't five minutes lately.

Zero327 has already commented on it but I'll repeat it. This "issue" had nothing to do with Claude's business side. These are personal accounts. In fact, I'd guess that there's NO link between his personal accounts and his retailer account nor even notes on his account to that affect.

His personal account has nothing to do with his business. You would think however that he would know more than the average customer and have less problems with customer service/audits. If a person who is an expert on the business practices of dish network and advises customers all of the time has incredibly huge problems with customer service, what chance does a normal customer have?
His personal account has nothing to do with his business. You would think however that he would know more than the average customer and have less problems with customer service/audits. If a person who is an expert on the business practices of dish network and advises customers all of the time has incredibly huge problems with customer service, what chance does a normal customer have?

Fair enough, but understanding promotions and general company practices doesn't make a retailer an expert on E* direct accounts. Anymore than it is likely that Claude could follow through with Don's statements given that "Tom" isn't required and is prohibited by company policy to give his full name. (Convenient, but whatcha gonna do.)

The retail account statement does resurrect one point I made previously though. If Claude had taken that route, it would be that issue of entitlement I mentioned. Spending X dollars as a retailer or customer with E* doesn't entitle a customer (or retailer for that matter) to special treatment. There are exceptions, I know of a handful, including companies that would put The Dish Store to shame. But ethically, I don't consider it appropriate. Not my decision however, it's Charlie's.

The entire issue is relatively moot since most people don't even know what triggers an audit. (Yeah yeah... you heard from your best friend's cousin or a CSR told you once...) I am honestly curious though what would have happened if all that documentation would have been faxed into E* day 1. Would this topic even exist?
I am honestly curious though what would have happened if all that documentation would have been faxed into E* day 1. Would this topic even exist?

It was faxed in the same day, they just didn't accecpt my documentation to be authentic and required more documentation every time I spoke with them.
Paperwork deadlines are still not the main issue to me. The fact E* has a dept like this(this aint the first complaint ive seen) because they cannot come up with better security is lame.

The comment about the customer is not always right anymore is even more lame. Im a contractor for a major coal company, being that I am a contractor I have to do what is required of me and then some. I do this day in an day out and it has given me and my company a good reputation in the business. Excuse me if I hold companies I deal with to the same standards, but if I can do they can do it.

When you have more than one option, those companies are no more than contractors. I was paying D* $90 a month and they failed me, so I fired them. I now pay E* that much, Ill fire their ass too if they fail me. Guess who's next, Comcast.

Problem nowadays is companies have forgotten customer service, yes the customer is NOT always right, BUT companies just dont care anymore. If I feel someone Im paying good money to is not keeping up their end, their gone. Contractors.

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