Attention SatelliteGuys Email Users

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Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
If your one of the folks lucky enough to have a SatelliteGuys.US email address, I am happy to report that today I have done a major overhaul of our email system and have eliminated a majority of the spam coming in to us.

Hope not, I am sure some will slip through.

I am watching the logs now, and its killing 1 spam every 4 seconds. :D
Still a few coming to mine, but this last check of my Satelliteguys email I only had 2 spam emails vs the usual 15+ I normally get.
Id mine set to forward to my netzero account? I'm missing a few e-mails, are they being filtered?
I went from over 300 spams in a day down to 15.

As far as I know I have received all the mail that was sent to me that was real email. I am very happy with the results.
Scott Greczkowski said:
I went from over 300 spams in a day down to 15.

As far as I know I have received all the mail that was sent to me that was real email. I am very happy with the results.

Holy, 300 in one day...

Now what's the scoop with the SatelliteGuys email addresses, like who gets one.. Because I haven't noticed anywhere that mentioned this..
It is a feature we offered when we first opened up to our supporters. Now however they are only available to staff members and those who were lucky enough to get one of the addresses when we were making them available.
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