ATSC 3.0 $ 75.00 dongo SDR stick to hit the market this year...

This is the key... all the channels in an area on ATSC 3.0 are all on the same transmitter, however within a few years they will move off onto their own transmitter which will open up a lot... lot more space so channels can do 4K and other things with their signal.
4k broadcasts will be very rare. I can see these stations doing the same thing as now. Multiple bandwidth stealing sub-channels, except they'll be in HD.
So if I buy this but my market has no 3.0 whatever the letters come after then it's no use to get it
Don't bother buying it for now. For one thing, pretty much all manufactures of outboard ATSC 3.0 tuners, were going to release them into what they THOUGHT was a free to air signal. Since the providers have stupidly decided that encryption should be turned on, they've likely halted release. Why bother, because IF they can't handle encryption, people are going to scream bloody murder when they won't work for them. DRM encryption is NOT something that can simply be added later via a download, IF they aren't designed for it from the start (like the HDHR 4k tuners were, so a new download will work with them, ONCE they finally get certified)

So, they now have to redesign, and get certified to handle the new encryption. WHEN or IF that happens, you can be pretty sure they WON'T sell for just $75 anymore.

Besides, ATSC 3.0 Lighthouse setup right now is all a giant beta test, and simply rebroadcast of some .1 channels with barely better specs. There's simply NO real reason to get an ATSC 3.0 tuner right now, UNTIL it's guaranteed AND certified to be able to handle the DRM encryption.
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The only current advantage of ATSC 3.0 is that the signal handles multipath. If you are having issues receiving an ATSC 1.0 broadcast signal ATSC 3.0 may work for you.
Also some broadcasters are using 1080P which gives a slight improvement over 1080i.
As far as I have read the encryption doesn't seem to target TV sets such as Sony that have ATSC 3.0 tuners. They are currently targeting add on devices particularly those with a DVR.

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Last time I heard they were in processing and upgrading the HD Home Run boxs to be compatible with the DRM encryption system.

Someone said they had to turn in their HD Home Run box for swapping the new upgraded ones shipped out back to them. :hatsoff
Would not be surprised, since my understanding is that the DRM was designed from the word go, to require hardware.
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Is the HD Homerun Flex 4K compatible with the DRM encryption?

YES. They included box keys at manufacture. SiliconDust is working to get certified for the encryption, and when that finally happens, all our Flex's will need is a new firmware download to decrypt. Now, will we then be able to continue to RECORD Atsc 3.0 signals on Plex, or Channels Dvr? THAT we don't know as of yet. SD's $35 a year crappy Dvr will likely work, but the recordings will be encrypted, and locked to ONLY playing on the device.
According to Nick who is a moderator on the Silicondust ATSC 3.0 forum, the firmware update will not require that their boxes be returned. Zapperbox will require their boxes to be returned to allow DRM.
The Antennaman is the person who claimed that both manufacturers would require their boxes to be returned but Silicondust claims that their box already has the correct hardware and only needs a firmware update. They are still in the process of working out the requirements. Here is a quote from their form:

We are working with A3SA on right now on DRM matters. We will not have a definitive answer until this work is complete.

The end-to-end solution must be certified, so the tuner, the storage device (if any), the playback solution, and the presentation device will all need to be certified.

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Right now, the ATSC 3.0 broadcasts are just limited to simulcasts of their ATSC 1.0 broadcasts with better picture quality, so there's no real need to upgrade to the new broadcast standard just yet...
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It was a minimum of 5 years and everyone believes that time frame will be extended.

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It was a minimum of 5 years and everyone believes that time frame will be extended.

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I get the impression some are trying to get that five year rule shortened or removed. Combined with pressure to include ATSC 3 tuners in more devices.

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