AT&T To Buy DIRECTV for $67 Billion

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You had a post a DirecTV discount for att employees. Correct?
There's your answer
The changes YOU need to know about??! / what you in particular wonders?
=free except taxes of any kind. ( premier)
Announced in one of "those meetings" this morn.
Of coarse " they said " , more details TBA.
So don't etch in stone.... Just Yet.
Just letting you know it was "high-archy announced" AND in front of many. ;)

Sadly, thats not exactly what it looks like they are offering ...
I have heard Ultimate instead of Premier (why, I don't know, it doesn't really matter to me as the biggest difference is more movie channels that I don't watch.)
Not sure yet about all the fees, if we do pay the fees and taxes, its a far cry from Free, but I'll take it.
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Yep last week said " ultimate ".
Meeting yesterday question of implementation (when) was directly ask.
Answer: " you will receive an email ".
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IIRC directv's numbers have been relatively stable and haven't reflected the loss Comcast and others have been seeing. I haven't followed it that closely though so I could be wrong. Regardless, its quite a switch to be adding or close to adding net subs to leading in them leaving.

I'm not claiming the deal was timed for this. Simply pointing out it was a good time to sell and D* was at the top and not likely to have anymore legs on the upward run.
This is the part which really stood out:

USA TODAY: Will U-verse and DirecTV co-exist?

[AT&T's John] Stankey: We sold to different customer bases. There's some overlap in the markets but we played to the bundle game with U-verse by consolidating product offerings. DirecTV played to people who wanted to buy standalone video. We now can start to cross market products and services. Over the long haul our goal is offer one video product in the market, (with) one video channel lineup, one set of programming relationships, one video brand.

I'll tell you what concerns me about the "One Video Product in the Market" statement. If that one video product is that down resolutioned AT&T Uverse product rather than the Directv 1080i, 720p video product currently being offered to Directv customers, there will be a lot of unhappy current Directv subscribers. That is for sure. And from my experience in the past with AT&T, get ready, because the Uverse product could very well be coming to the Directv satellites. If so, you can kiss great video quality bye bye.
I'll tell you what concerns me about the "One Video Product in the Market" statement. If that one video product is that down resolutioned AT&T Uverse product rather than the Directv 1080i, 720p video product currently being offered to Directv customers, there will be a lot of unhappy current Directv subscribers. That is for sure. And from my experience in the past with AT&T, get ready, because the Uverse product could very well be coming to the Directv satellites. If so, you can kiss great video quality bye bye.
I'm am going to stick with my prediction on another thread that AT&T will unload UVerse & their DSL/POTTS line services & be solely a Satellite TV/Wireless entity. That will greatly solve their Directv/UVerse TV conundrum,& they can also keep their promise that they'll expand their broadband internet capabilities,as long as it's the highly expensive & capped wireless broadband($120.00 for 30GB per month,their top tier).
I honestly do not think they will give up UVerse internet. There is a huge group of people that love it, having a hard line internet that frees them from the cable industry. They may, however, sell it to Google or Verizon and let them dominate that market(my money is on Google because of anti-competition clauses).
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Agree, people would riot in the streets, if Att went LTE or Satellite only internet.
The data caps suck for lack of a better word.
I'm am going to stick with my prediction on another thread that AT&T will unload UVerse & their DSL/POTTS line services & be solely a Satellite TV/Wireless entity. That will greatly solve their Directv/UVerse TV conundrum,& they can also keep their promise that they'll expand their broadband internet capabilities,as long as it's the highly expensive & capped wireless broadband($120.00 for 30GB per month,their top tier).
Definitely not what I'm hoping for, I wish they had Internet here, that would compete with my Time Warner Cable internet, no Cap, and pay around $100 a month, even though it's spotty, and goes out a lot.

We usually go way over 30GBs a month, a lot of streaming, WWE Network, Ring of Honor, NJPW World, Netflix, and such.
I honestly do not think they will give up UVerse internet. There is a huge group of people that love it, having a hard line internet that frees them from the cable industry. They may, however, sell it to Google or Verizon and let them dominate that market(my money is on Google because of anti-competition clauses).
That's what I meant by "unload," that they would sell their Uverse & DSL/POTS services to someone else & be satellite TV/wireless only.
That's what I meant by "unload," that they would sell their Uverse & DSL/POTS services to someone else & be satellite TV/wireless only.
Possibly with a contingency for fixed Internet, that whoever they sell to would have to bundle with them for a set number of years. If they could make that deal with someone like Google, for 15-20 years, then there could be a huge profit in it for them to go that route.
Possibly with a contingency for fixed Internet, that whoever they sell to would have to bundle with them for a set number of years. If they could make that deal with someone like Google, for 15-20 years, then there could be a huge profit in it for them to go that route.
It's no secret that they want get rid of DSL & POTS,so they can sell that to any local telephone company in the areas where they have those services,like Southern Bell,where I live. Uverse,they can sell that to Google,& then it will be Google's dime to expand those services.
hi directv was wondering if and when you folks plan on adding the football pac 12 package i have tried leaving messages through your face book page and have not ever received a direct answer as im on the west coast out in oregon on the central oregon coast and now since i have been ignored for so long am strongly thinking of calling dish network back and going back to them if i cant seem to get an answer out of you folks since switching over to AT&T so just would like to know when the pac 12 is going to be added. thanks.
hi directv was wondering if and when you folks plan on adding the football pac 12 package i have tried leaving messages through your face book page and have not ever received a direct answer as im on the west coast out in oregon on the central oregon coast and now since i have been ignored for so long am strongly thinking of calling dish network back and going back to them if i cant seem to get an answer out of you folks since switching over to AT&T so just would like to know when the pac 12 is going to be added. thanks.
Who are you talking to ?

Scott posted info about D* and the Pac 12 a week or so ago.
Who are you talking to ?

Scott posted info about D* and the Pac 12 a week or so ago.
It is her first day. DTV does not directly support this forum(although I believe Scott said that was likely to change soon if I'm not mistaken) but they definitely do read the posts. Follow the above link Kelley, and it will break down the news for you. By the way:

:welcome To Satellite guys.
Sorry Kelley,
I didn't realize you were new to the site ...

Welcome !

Follow the link I posted and you'll find more info on the Pac 12, theres a good possibility of it being here VERY soon.
AT&T's Big Plans for DIRECTV
In the earlier parts of this series, we talked about the implications of DIRECTV's (DTV) merger with AT&T (T). We observed that, since the merger was completed on July 24, 2015, the largest US telecom company by market capitalization has started launching DIRECTV products bundled with telecom offerings. We also looked at the guidance the company gave on the future cost synergies that they expect from the DIRECTV merger—specifically, that DIRECTV's video offerings are expected to boost AT&T's retail distribution.Now we'll look further into what AT&T has planned for DIRECTV in the short- to medium-term.
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Directv deal with Pac 12 "Dead"

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