Brian, he swapped the sensor wires, not the M1& M2 wires! Reread his his first post!
JFOK, if the ASC1 is able to read counts in one direction, it can do so in the other direction!
In other words, the sensor can be hooked up red to white or red to red or white to white, it is always going to read the same thing!
Your dish still went east and and the count was good! That means that all your wiring is good!
Two wires to the motor (reversible) and two wires to the sensor that does not matter what way the motor is going?
And it will not go West?
Command or programming error, or something to do with the DISQET commands out of our Linkboxs?
I am on my 2nt ASC1 , mine had a problem with going East, however!
Brian, you said to start a new post if my problem came back ,I bought me one more when I found you were dropping them.
It has started doing the same thing as the first one!
Titanium ASC 1 gone bad after 1 month in use