ASC1 Loader/Editor and USB/Serial Converter Problems

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Like Magic Static stated, don't allow Windows to auto install drivers. Install the device drivers using the CD that we shipped to you with the USB/Serial convertor.

You don't need to buy anything new. Don't believe everything you read on the Internet! :D The Prolific chipset is a great device and used successfully in many devices. Sounds like you have very successfully succeeded in messing up the device drivers. I will let others weigh-in on how to address this as I am not a PC expert. Maybe simply installing the drivers from the install CD will correct? Maybe remove the current drivers first?

Make sure the generic 1-139w satellite file is unzipped before attempting to read. The satellite file is a simple .csv format. It can be opened and edited in Excel, OpenOffice, Notepad, Wordpad or any other text software. Nothing special or unique about the .csv file. I just downloaded the file and opened fine in Loader/Editor version 1.8. Opening the satellite list in the Loader/Editor has nothing to do with the USB/Serial Convertor.

Try downloading the satellite file again from our dowload page. Maybe the file was corrupted?
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Note: I changed the thread title to better classify the content of the thread.
One thing I did after the device began to drop out erratically was to completely remove ALL the drivers no matter what the source.
Then I used the disk that came with the adapter to install the drivers from. It still fails to find the device, it's as if it's not plugged in at all.
At first when I would plug it in to either of the two computers (the HTPC or the new laptop) it would make a noise confirming that something was plugged in and when you remove it it would make the unplug sound.
You know, like plugged in = bonk-boink(happy sound) or unplugged = boink-bonk(sad sound)..

Neither machine will do that at all anymore.

As to the file, I have downloaded a fresh copy and unzipped it to it's native format. When I try to open the file with the app the app locks up and I have to kill it, it will not recover on it's own.

I used Apache Openoffice to view the file and I can see the satellite names and some other information.
I also opened the file with my text editor just to see that it doesn't have any foreign gibberish in it and it looks clean.
I can not see anything in the file, anything wrong with it that would make an app lock up.

I really don't know what's going on here.

Anyway, my new serial adapter will be here tomorrow so I'm hoping that part of my problem will be resolved.
I suppose there's a chance that I burned out the original one with the wrong drivers or something, now that it's not recognized by any computer I have.

Oh and I also tried the older app, 1.6 version and same thing, totally locks up when I try to load the .csv file into it. On any computer, even a totally clean version of windows 7 running as a VM under Parallels on my Mac. Same exact behavior. I am completely baffled.

Screen Shot 2014-10-09 at 9.47.30 PM.png
Screen Shot 2014-10-09 at 9.50.31 PM.png
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I give up. It will NOT load a file, period, at all. So I just opened the file in notepad and I'm duplicating it in the app by hand.
Once I've done that I'll see if it will let me upload that into the ASC1 or not.

I don't know why this thing is giving me such absolute grief.

Oh, also, the little serial adapter? It's working today. Yesterday, not at all. Totally not recognized by anything I plugged it into to.
Today it's working as it should.

So anyway, I'll just do this by hand from now on. I'm done fighting with it.
If all else fails, do it the hard way..
Dee Ann.... Please read the Owners Manual. You are building the Satellite List wrong.

For giggles, I just downloaded and installed Loader/Editor version 1.8 and read the 1w-139w Satellite list file into the Loader/Editor on my home computer. Installs and loads fine. The Loader/Editor does not require a serial connection to run/load/edit/save. Just click OK when the window message states that no serial port found.

Remember that the Satellite List is a Comma Separated Value file. If you are opening the file like shown in your photos then saving it to be read by Loader/Editor 1.8, it isn't configured as .csv text anymore. See your photos compared to how the file actually looks and loads when downloaded. Your file is not loaded as comma separated values.

Here is what the Satellite List file looks like in OpenOffice, Notepad and Loader/Editor 1.8

Satellite List OpenOffice.jpg
Satellite List.jpg

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And here we go !!

I created a file within the app by hand and it uploaded into the ASC1 without error!
I saved it to disk, quit the app, restarted the app and loaded MY hand edited file into the app without error or locking up.
NOW it works perfectly !!

I would say that there is something wrong with the downloaded file that the app does not like.

Problem solved, I am happy !! :D
OH OH... I see what you are saying, that the file you are opening looks totally different than what I am seeing. SOMEHOW, the file is getting mangled when I extract it on my computers.
I can not explain how it's mangling the file, I have no clue at all but I can now see that there is something really messed up on my end.

Anyway, for now I've worked my way around it. I'll try a few different ways to extract the file and see if I can get it extracted properly.

Thanks! :)

EDIT: I just downloaded the file again and unzipped it on my Mac. I immediately opened it in my Mac text editor and this it what I see now.

This is the first time I've seen it with all the commas and zeros in it. Previously it only showed the positions and names, everything else was missing.

I'm baffled but now that I have this good version I'm going to upload it into the box and see if it will take.
I have to go take my dogs out so it will be about 30 minutes before I get back on this.

Thanks again !

Screen Shot 2014-10-09 at 11.28.20 PM.png
BINGO! 100% success !! :D

Ok, got to take the dogs out, back soon.. I'm in business now !
IMG_2430.jpg IMG_2437.jpg

And there we go! 100% spot on, perfect performance exactly as advertised !

Now that I've got this part working as it should be my next move is to synchronize the correct positions with my dish.
Tomorrow I'll print out the manual and go through it A to Z and see if I can get this thing working right.
I am sooooooo relieved to have finally overcome this speed bump. I had gotten a little discouraged and had quit messing with it.

I also need to get my new C2PLL's installed.


I have to say I am quite pleased right now and feeling a bit victorious ! Woo hoo!!
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HOLY SMOKES! It was just toooooooooo stinkin easy to get my ASC1 to sync the position with the names! CRAZY EASY!!

I had previously found SES 1 and locked on it. After I uploaded the NA satellite list into it it then had all the proper names of all the satellites.
But it was showing that it was on position 28, Brasilsat or something to that effect, on the ASC1 display. Angst, gnashing of teeth, wringing of hands. What to do?!!

I went into my A3 and then under the advanced satellite setup I went to the diseqc menu for SES 1 then just changed the position from 28, I think that's what it had been on to a few different things then hit SAVE and it would change satellite names in the display of the ASC1. Trial and a few errors landed me on position 20 which brought it to reading SES 1 which is where it truly is aimed. I hit save and it's all done !

GET SCREEN SHOT 0.7948883248027414.jpeg


I was dreading a long, hard battle because I wasn't real clear on how to do this. Sometimes reading instructions just makes my brain turn to pudding. This was one of those times.

I am very smug and pleased that this thing is now 100% operational as it should be and that I have run my KU USALS ---> THROUGH the ASC1 and both motorized systems work perfectly without interfering with one another.
All on a single wire. And with an 8x1 switch out on the far end past the USALS motor, I can add more fixed dishes. Tomorrow I'm going to add a fixed dish for 103, since SES3 will happen the day Doctor Who lands the TARDIS in my backyard.
Lot of work for having to rip it all down in six weeks but at least when I move I'll know how to put it back without giving myself the usual dose of grief.

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