Spoiler Warning: Do not read on unless you've seen "The Flash" season one, episode eight, titled "Flash vs. Arrow."On Tuesday, Team "Arrow" — Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) and John Diggle (David Ramsey) paid a visit to Central City for the first part of The CW's ambitious two-night crossover between "The Flash" and its gritty antecedent. On Wednesday, Team Flash is returning the favor by heading to "Arrow's" Starling City, where Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) and Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes) will experience the harsh realities of what it means to be a hero in the Arrow's world.Did Arrow's Marc Guggenheim mention anything about under what context Laurel is going to be wearing the Canary outfit? The EP wouldn't go into specifics, but allowed, "Something happens in the midseason finale (airing Dec. 10) that makes it necessary. Which is not to say [Laurel wears it] in the midseason finale, but the impetus [for the costume] will happen then."Everyone always asks about Arrow's Oliver and Felicity, which is fine, but I would rather get some spoilers on Quentin or Roy or Thea for once. Hey, I'm all about spreading the love, and with regards to Ms. Queen, I've got EP Marc Guggenheim saying, "There's a lot of Thea and Felicity coming in the back half of the season. They'll be sharing quite a bit of screen time in 2015, and it's very interesting."