Arrow News and Spoilers

Arrow Season 3: Discussing the New Black Canary
by Gregg Katzman on November 26, 2014
We know Laurel is going to become a vigilante, but is it the right direction for her?
*Yes, this article contains spoilers from Arrow's third season. So leave now if you haven't watched the premiere!*
Black Canary is dead, long live Back Canary! Sara may have taken three arrows to the stomach and then fell to her death, but the Black Canary mantle is going to live on. As we've all suspected for quite some time, the show is finally moving forward with transforming Sara's sister, Laurel, into Black Canary. But is this something that should happen? Let's talk about it.
I'll be blunt, my immediate reaction is a confident no, it shouldn't happen. Yeah, Dinah Laurel Lance is Black Canary in the comics and the character's growth could lead to an Green Arrow and Black Canary relationship down the road (sorry, Olicity fans), but the character just doesn't seem to fit in with the other heroes. Being a vigilante takes more than just knowing how to fight. She's a passionate and driven character and we've seen her deal with a few tough situations before, but overall, I'm still left with this feeling that she just isn't ready take on Starling City as a vigilante and she should know she isn't prepared for it. Again, this thought goes beyond her abilities as a fighter. You need to be a gifted tactician, remain levelheaded (or try to), and make immensely difficult decisions on the spot.
Why Black Canary Won't Be A Superhero
We've known for a little while now that Black Canary is coming to Arrow. The character is set to have a big debut during the 10th, 11th and 12th episodes of the CW's drama this season, but when we meet Laurel's new identity, Arrow executive producer Marc Guggenheim says that she won't be one of the "superheroes" we've come to expect from the show. Here's what the executive producer had to say. "Just because you put on a mask and a costume doesn't mean you're a superhero. A mask does not a hero make. We're really at the beginning of Laurel's journey to becoming the Black Canary, not the end by virtue of the fact that she's put on a costume."
'The Flash' & 'Arrow' Stars Preview Crossover
TV's big crossover event of 2014 is nearly here.The CW worlds of "The Flash" and "Arrow" merge in epic fashion as characters from both shows crossover to each other's worlds this coming Tuesday and Wednesday night.It's "Flash Vs. Arrow" on "The Flash," December 2, and just as the title indicates, there will be a matchup between Grant Gustin's The Flash and Stephen Amell's The Arrow. It has been confirmed that Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) and John Diggle (David Ramsey) join Stephen's Oliver Queen on a trip to Central City for the episode.The following evening, on "The Brave and The Bold" episode of "Arrow" (Dec. 3), Barry (Grant Gustin), Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) and Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes) make the trek to Starling City.Just a few weeks after shooting the episodes, "The Flash" and "Arrow" casts discussed the crossover action with TV reporters, while on their Vancouver sets.
'The Flash,' 'Arrow' Stars Tease 'Ginormous' Crossover Battle, Romantic 'Clarity' and a Huge Bombshell!
It's time for double the dose of Arrow and The Flash!The CW's highly anticipated crossover event kicks off Tuesday with Oliver Queen and Co. making an unexpected detour to Central City, and Arrow star Stephen Amell has the perfect word to describe the epic two-night event."Crowded!" the 33-year-old actor tells ETonline. "It's a cool two hours of TV and it's fun to see new characters interact with one another. All in all, the whole thing's just a lot of fun."But it won't be fun for Oliver and Barry Allen, who become foes in Tuesday's The Flash, ominously titled "The Flash vs. Arrow," when the mentor-mentee square off in a heated battle.
How 'Flash Vs. Arrow' Trumped 'Batman V Superman'
I say "was," because The Flash is even better. The spin-off, which centers around the more-well-known Scarlet Speedster, hit the ground running (no pun intended) and immediately established a terrific cast of inherently likable characters. If Arrow did the now-standard "dark and grim" superhero shtick, then The Flash took the opposite track, finding its emotional enrichment in the surprising goodness and kindness of its heroes. Grant Gustin plays Barry Allen as a man who genuinely gets off not just on his powers but on the ability to stop bad guys and help people.
Arrow Fights a Furious Flash in Part One of The CW's Epic Crossover Event
Arrow (Stephen Amell) joined The CW's "The Flash" on Tuesday, kicking off a two-part crossover event which saw each DC Comics hero guest-starring on the other character's show.It's the first Arrow has been seen on the show since a short scene in the series' debut, but this time audiences got to watch the heroes duke it out.
'The Flash' drops a big 'Arrow' bombshell
Warning: This story contains major spoilers from both The Flash and Arrow. Read at your own risk.Looks like the Queen family might be expanding for once.During the first hour of the epic two-night Flash-Arrow crossover event, Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) ran into a very familiar face (Anna Hopkins), whom Arrow fans may remember first appeared in a season 2 flashback as one of Oliver's trysts who ended up pregnant. The late Moira (Susanna Thompson) paid her to disappear and lie about losing the baby, so Ollie was none the wiser.While it's not explicitly stated that Oliver is a father—though it was pretty darn obvious on The Flash—EW can confirm he is the daddy. "Ever since [episode] 220, the idea that Oliver may have had a kid—and now we're finally confirming it—is something that I put under the same category of Felicity's backstory," executive producer Marc Guggenheim explains. "We have ideas and we know what we're going to do, we don't necessarily know when we're going to do it."
Arrow Brings Back — To Take the Rap for Sara's Murder? Arrow Brings Back
— To Take the Rap for Sara's Murder?
A major Arrow baddie is making a return.Manu Bennett — who over the CW hit's first two seasons played Oliver's frenemy-turned-foe Slade Wilson — will reprise his role in Season 3, Episode 14, MTV News reports.It's not clear in what capacity — or timeline — Slade will make an appearance.He who is also known as Deathstroke was last seen during the Season 2 finale, in a supermax prison located on the island of Lian Yu. But perhaps he escaped long enough to play a part in Sara Lance's murder, as many have speculated?
'Arrow' Preview: Team Flash's Visit to Starling City Will Change Them Forever
Spoiler Warning: Do not read on unless you've seen "The Flash" season one, episode eight, titled "Flash vs. Arrow."On Tuesday, Team "Arrow" — Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) and John Diggle (David Ramsey) paid a visit to Central City for the first part of The CW's ambitious two-night crossover between "The Flash" and its gritty antecedent. On Wednesday, Team Flash is returning the favor by heading to "Arrow's" Starling City, where Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) and Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes) will experience the harsh realities of what it means to be a hero in the Arrow's world.Did Arrow's Marc Guggenheim mention anything about under what context Laurel is going to be wearing the Canary outfit? The EP wouldn't go into specifics, but allowed, "Something happens in the midseason finale (airing Dec. 10) that makes it necessary. Which is not to say [Laurel wears it] in the midseason finale, but the impetus [for the costume] will happen then."Everyone always asks about Arrow's Oliver and Felicity, which is fine, but I would rather get some spoilers on Quentin or Roy or Thea for once. Hey, I'm all about spreading the love, and with regards to Ms. Queen, I've got EP Marc Guggenheim saying, "There's a lot of Thea and Felicity coming in the back half of the season. They'll be sharing quite a bit of screen time in 2015, and it's very interesting."
Arrow Fall Finale First Look: Oliver's Chilly Battle With Ra's al Ghul
On a snowy winter day, Oliver Queen climbed a mountain to fight Ra's al Ghul — without a shirt, naturally.That's the easiest way to sum up the following photos from Arrow's fall finale (airing next Wednesday at 8/7c on The CW), in which the hero sets a fateful meeting with the League of Assassins baddie.But first, Nyssa (returning guest star Katrina Law) shows up in Starling City with a deadline for the crimefighter, from her father: find Sara's killer in 48 hours or the city's citizens will start going bye-bye faster than Oliver's clothes. (Not that we're complaining, mind you!)
Guess Who's Coming Back to Arrow Season 3?
Get prepared for a reappearance from a familiar face in Arrow season 3 episode 14…We're going to start this one off with a spoiler warning, even though it really isn't much of a spoiler. After all, considering the way that Arrow season two left things, surely you knew that this character would return. You should leave, though, if you don't want to know.You ready?
'Arrow' Sets Series Ratings Record With Crossover 'Flash' Episode
Apparently a little Flash goes a long way.The CW's "Arrow" set a new series high in ratings on Wednesday night, when it aired part two of the DC Comics series' Arrow/Flash crossover saga.Stephen Amell's superhero series scored 1.4/4 for adults 18-49, as TheWrap previously reported, which is a series high. Also, 3.86 million tuned in to watch the crossover special, making it the series' second-most watched episode ever, behind its 2012 premiere.Wednesday's crossover event featured Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), aka the Flash, traveling to Starling City to fight the good fight with Oliver Queen (Amell), aka Arrow. Gustin's "The Flash" is still in it's rookie season, but its Oct. 7 premiere was the network's most watched episode of television ever."Arrow" also matched its series high in adults 18-34 (1.2/5) and men 18-34 (1.5/6), and hit a new series high in men 18-49 (1.7/6), according to the network. The show serves as a lead-in for "The 100," which scored big last night, too. The sci-fi drama hit season high in total viewers (1.94 million).Together the two shows gave the network its most watched Wednesday night in over two years, with 2.9 million total average viewers."Arrow" airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.
What's Next for 'Arrow' and 'The Flash'? 10 of Your Biggest Questions Answered
How fun was that?The Flash and Arrow teams pulled out all the stops to bring two action-picked episodes this week. But, like the comic-book geeks that they are, the creative brains behind the two shows were adamant that certain things be featured in the two hours – and one of them was a biggie."The idea that [the Arrow and The Flash] would fight each other was one of our earliest ideas," executive producer Andrew Kreisberg said, with fellow EP Marc Guggenheim chiming in that the genius of doing back-to-back episodes was to showcase "the best of both worlds." "We have our cake and we eat it too."Filming the Barry and Oliver showdown wasn't without its challenges, as Arrow star Stephen Amell revealed. "The actual fight with Grant [Gustin], which we shot over three nights, was a different experience because of the visual effects elements. I think it turned out great," he said of Tuesday's VFX-heavy battle, admitting, "I fought the air a little bit... I kicked the air's ass!"As the shows' winter finales approach, several looming questions are about to be answered. On The Flash, the man in the yellow suit (Reverse-Flash?) -- the one responsible for the death of Barry's mother -- comes into clearer focus while Arrow stages one of the biggest sword fights to date. Epic.But before we get ahead of ourselves, the Starling City and Central City crews answered 10 of the biggest questions following the aftermath of The Flash and Arrow's two-night event, from Oliver's baby to an Arrow wedding(!). Find out what they had to say.
Arrow - The Climb Trailer........There are some battles you must fight, alone. Don't miss the mid-season finale of Arrow Wednesday at 8/7c!
'Arrow' Won't Be The Same After Mid-Season Finale!
"Arrow" fans got a little tease of Ra's al Ghul earlier this season, but next Wednesday, the leader of the League of Assassins makes his official debut on The CW series.The trailer has revealed Stephen Amell's Oliver Queen dueling in the snow with Ra's (Matt Nable)."I think what's really cool about Ra's coming to the fore is his presence changes the show," Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim told Access Hollywood . "Literally, the show will not be the same after Episode 9."Asked how bad Ra's is when he comes to "Arrow," Guggenheim said the character actually has his own perspective on things."We always say, 'Our villains are the heroes of their own story,' and I think if you were to ask Ra's, he would say, 'I'm a pretty good guy.' In fact, he actually gives a speech in Episode 9 that kind of explains, 'I replace evil with death.' That's not such a bad thing," the EP explained.
'Flash vs. Arrow' Shows Us How Much Fun Superhero TV Can Be
Following the much-anticipated crossover between two of CW's most beloved commodities (no really, Flash premiered with the highest ratings in CW's history), the Internet has been aflame. Arrow, DC's first successful superhero show, has been one of the CW's most valuable commodities. When Barry Allen (the alter ego of the Flash), showed up last season, fans instantly latched onto him. That faith was rewarded with his own spin-off series taking place over in the fictional Central City, giving the network (and DC) yet another hit hero. And then, along came the crossover episode this last Tuesday and Wednesday that fans have been aching for since Flash first aired.Some, like A.V. Club, believed it to be mostly successful, while others took the other end of the spectrum in calling it a "catastrophic misfire," as i09 did. More than anything though, what the crossover managed to do was fundamentally alter the dynamic of each show while still staying in the spirit of each one respectively.
WATCH: 'Arrow' Winter Finale: Laurel's Mom Is Back - and Things Get Awkward Fast![/quote] [/quote] The holidays are upon us in Starling City – and for the Lance household, that means an awkward family reunion.In ETonline's exclusive Arrow clip from Wednesday's episode, "The Climb," Laurel (Katie Cassidy) is in for a big shock when she walks in to her father's Starling City PD office only to be unexpectedly reunited with her mother, Dinah (Alex Kingston)."Mom…" Laurel trails off, as her mother comes in for an embrace. "I didn't know that you were coming to town."Turns out her father Quentin (Paul Blackthorne) had planned Dinah's return as a "Christmas surprise." Judging by the look on Laurel's face, however, it's clear this wasn't what she had in mind – considering her parents still don't know the truth about Sara.
'Arrow': Stephen Amell, Emily Bett Rickards on 'Emotionally Taxing' Mid-Season Finale
Things are about to get even more complicated for Arrow's Felicity Smoak and Oliver Queen. Some of that may have to do with Ray Palmer."It's escalating, that's for sure," Emily Bett Rickards tells ETonline of the maybe-romance brewing between Felicity and Ray ahead of the winter finale. "We ended on an awkward note because Ray walked away saying [their kiss] was a mistake. That is never good for anybody, and he's going to have to either have to explain himself or there's going to be an understanding between the two of them."
Arrow Midseason Finale: Watch the Return Fans Have Been Waiting for...and Oliver's Been Dreading!
If there's one thing that all DC Comics fans know, it's that you don't mess with Ra's al Ghul.The leader of the League of Assassins is one scary dude no matter who portrays him on TV or in movies, and Arrow's version is no different.The so-far-rather-absentee big bad of season three (played by Matt Nable) makes his epic return in the midseason finale of the CW hit superhero show tonight, and while the fans have been eagerly awaiting this moment, it's one that Oliver (Stephen Amell) has been seriously dreading.Oliver knows that Ra's is bad news, and even though they both want to find the identity of Sara's (Caity Lotz) murderer, it's pretty safe to say they're going about it in drastically different ways...and we've got your exclusive first look at the episode to prove it!Ra's' daughter Nyssa (Katrina Law) returns to Starling City to deliver an ominous message to Oliver: he's taking too long in his search for Sara's killer. Both Nyssa (Sara's ex) and her father want Oliver to deliver results, and they've got a pretty terrifying way to motivate Oliver...threaten the people of his city.We're kind of surprised this shared tragedy hasn't brought Nyssa and Oliver closer together, since they share so much in common—they're both vigilantes, they both wear elaborate costumes and they both loved the same woman—but it looks like blood is thicker than water for the daughter and heir to the demon.Watch the intense sneak peek at Nyssa and Oliver's confrontation above now!

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