Are you still having problems with your VOOM box (OTA Problems)?

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It looks like it started working again and then went dead. This after a reboot.Oh, oh!
Does it give you only the red satellite signal (in front of the receiver)? Did it turn green after reboot?
New local antenna installed

Hi installer arrived friday and installed new winegard square shooter I had high hopes because of reviews from CES Las Vegas show, while I guess my location is not meant to have local hdtv, no signal no matter which way we pointed it, although I think a chance of moving it to top of roof may help, roof I think is blocking signal not sure, was hoping for super bowl, don't think I will keep Voom after free period because of this, I did notice yesterday that after reboot, channels are changing faster and now news, things are looking up, but don't understand why they can't get locals hdtv the same way the other two satellite get them may be switching to E Any one who had Square Shooter installed please post if it is working for you? :no

if that is an inside antenna, you probably have to leave very close to the transmitter in order to get a signal. I will try an outside antenna. How far are you from your transmitter? go to and get a distance. Depending on the distance you might have to choose an antenna. If I were you, I will get something in the 70 miles range. If you cannot get it with that, then it will not be possible. I can think of the channel master or winegard or radio shack (all outside antennas).
another update from me

Installer showed up yesterday, they actually seemed to have a clue!!! Anyway they changed out my dish for a Voom dish, changed my reciever for a newer model (Chuck at installs now admitting that a whole batch of STB's were bad and its just lucky that mine never went dead cause it was in that batch, anyway like I say the new installers instructions were to remove the old install completely, then start over) then got started trying to get OTA working, they fought with it and did everything and the best they could do was to get an extremely broken pic and broken sound on 2 channels, so they called Chuck back, he authorized not just 60 bucks but "whatever it takes" to get thosae channels to come in (towers only 10-15 miles away, but likely behind a small hill) So new installer was instructed to order me a better OTA antenna, and get it put up and working, and Voom/Installs would pay for it, so they said they'd be back early next week, no superbowl for me, but I do have hope the whole situation is going to be done professionally which is what I wanted all along
Sean Mota said:

if that is an inside antenna, you probably have to leave very close to the transmitter in order to get a signal. I will try an outside antenna. How far are you from your transmitter? go to and get a distance. Depending on the distance you might have to choose an antenna. If I were you, I will get something in the 70 miles range. If you cannot get it with that, then it will not be possible. I can think of the channel master or winegard or radio shack (all outside antennas).
The Square Shooter is an outside square dish looking antenna with a 60 mile range, i'm 30 to 45 miles from antenna I'm not sure if mounting it on top of roof would help but installer wouldn't go for that just wondering if anyone was having an luck with it, antennaweb said i need a purple range big antenna because of mountain thanks for reply may change to dish just ot get local hdtv unless voom can change setup similar to dish to get locals

Someone else with a similar situation as yours tried this antenna and was not successful either. I do not think this antenna is very good for long range. It looks nice but it does not seem to do a good job. If I were you, I would change to the more traditional ones like channel master or radio shack and put it up in the roof/chimney. Take a look at this thread:
Hey Sean, great service you are providing here. Both for Voom users and Voom itself. I'd like to chime in:

Installation mid Dec. in 48331 Zip code: Wen't fairly well, though once I began to use the system, problems became evident.

Locals: receiving all local digital and HD channels, however was loosing signals.......Solved by plugging in the amplification of the original antena (installer error discoverd after second service call returned to install a substandard, upgrade antena).

Stretch to 16:9 Unable to stretch local and premium SD programing on HD/Digital one to date has told me whether this is an error or normal, despite several failed commitments by both the installed and Voom to follow up.

Off center local channels: on rare occassions with locals, approx. 1/2 the picture tunes one has been able to answer this one for me. It is rare and is temp. fixed by tuning out of the channel and tuning back in.

Sound match with visual: sometimes sound does not perfectly match visual. I haven't determined a real pattern to this occurrance....... no Voom answers on this.

Freezing: began freezing 2 weeks into service......Voom asked me to reboot by holding power button 5 seconds. This did not work. I was then asked to schedule another service call. I refused, citing the installer would not do anything we couldn't do over the phone and therefor my time was not worth another failed service call. I was told they would check into altenative and follow up within a day. Follow up never occurred, but the freezing went away a few days later. So far no freezing over the last 4 days or so.

Service calls: Voom Technical support are very nice, though untrained and unable to properly trouble shoot. Scheduling a service call seems to be a catch all and default answer with Voom. I'm guessing most problems can be solved remotely with proper trouble shooting. Defaulting to service calls is expensive to Voom and to the consumers time and pocket via work loss.

Satisfaction: Waiting for promised future HD content (HBO, ESPN) and SD news stations (must have FOX as one of them). Will not accept paying $750 to spend countless hours beta testing if only new customers can sign on for $399 and in some cases $250 and additional boxes for $199. I will wait for Voom's answer to their very needed beta testers (that is what we are) before I assume we are being used and abused.

Voom/Wilt, treat ALL your customers right (especially early adaptors) and I think you are on your way to being competitive. Treat them wrong and you will fail (we arem after all your biggest word of mouth asset or vice), especially in the midst of strong competition. I hope Voom succeeds.
bestspartan said:
Stretch to 16:9 Unable to stretch local and premium SD programing on HD/Digital one to date has told me whether this is an error or normal, despite several failed commitments by both the installed and Voom to follow up.

I do not think it is possible to stretch the picture with the VOOM receiver to completly fill the screen unless your TV does it for you. I have given an answer to this to someone on this thread

bestspartan said:
Off center local channels: on rare occassions with locals, approx. 1/2 the picture tunes one has been able to answer this one for me. It is rare and is temp. fixed by tuning out of the channel and tuning back in.

I have not seen this one myself. Can you take a picture of it and post?

bestspartan said:
Sound match with visual: sometimes sound does not perfectly match visual. I haven't determined a real pattern to this occurrance....... no Voom answers on this.

Does it happen in every channel or just in one or is it particular to a specific movie? I do not want to doubt what you are seeing but rather want to rule out the possibility that it's a problem with a particular broadcast. If you can give us an example, like an event/movie that will repeat, I will sit down and watch it and report whether I am seeing/hearing the same behavior. This way we can rule out that your box may not be functioning correctly.

bestspartan said:
Freezing: began freezing 2 weeks into service......Voom asked me to reboot by holding power button 5 seconds. This did not work. I was then asked to schedule another service call. I refused, citing the installer would not do anything we couldn't do over the phone and therefor my time was not worth another failed service call. I was told they would check into altenative and follow up within a day. Follow up never occurred, but the freezing went away a few days later. So far no freezing over the last 4 days or so.

Be careful with this one. As Wilt mentioned, some of these early boxes may detoriate with time. I had one that it is a complete waste and will be replaced this weekend (hopefully, the installer will show up!) :p

bestspartan said:
Service calls: Voom Technical support are very nice, though untrained and unable to properly trouble shoot. Scheduling a service call seems to be a catch all and default answer with Voom. I'm guessing most problems can be solved remotely with proper trouble shooting. Defaulting to service calls is expensive to Voom and to the consumers time and pocket via work loss.

I agree 100%. There are some that know but not all and right now the only way to get it done is to schedule a service call. Long and waste of time but I guess we need to do it! I have scheduled mine for Saturday since I cannot be taking days off to get this done!

bestspartan said:
Satisfaction: Waiting for promised future HD content (HBO, ESPN) and SD news stations (must have FOX as one of them). Will not accept paying $750 to spend countless hours beta testing if only new customers can sign on for $399 and in some cases $250 and additional boxes for $199. I will wait for Voom's answer to their very needed beta testers (that is what we are) before I assume we are being used and abused.

Me too... Just waiting as you see I am counting the dates and definetly expect to get something in return.

bestspartan said:
Voom/Wilt, treat ALL your customers right (especially early adaptors) and I think you are on your way to being competitive. Treat them wrong and you will fail (we arem after all your biggest word of mouth asset or vice), especially in the midst of strong competition. I hope Voom succeeds.

I agree completly. I hope VOOM succeeds. I like their programming and I believe it will improve especially if they add the other HD channels.
Sound match with visual: sometimes sound does not perfectly match visual. I haven't determined a real pattern to this occurrance....... no Voom answers on this.

Does it happen in every channel or just in one or is it particular to a specific movie? I do not want to doubt what you are seeing but rather want to rule out the possibility that it's a problem with a particular broadcast. If you can give us an example, like an event/movie that will repeat, I will sit down and watch it and report whether I am seeing/hearing the same behavior. This way we can rule out that your box may not be functioning correctly.

Not sure yet how to pull quotes out of posts, forgive me for cutting and pasting. Regarding the sound match issue...... I am am noticing now as I flip through the Voom HD channels, when I get to Rave video mix the sould was way off, however after a few minutes it seemed to correct itself. I have been able to replicate this observation each time I tune out and tune back in, this last time I have waited 15 minutes and the sound has not corrected itself. This would seem to me to be box specific?

Freezing: began freezing 2 weeks into service......Voom asked me to reboot by holding power button 5 seconds. This did not work. I was then asked to schedule another service call. I refused, citing the installer would not do anything we couldn't do over the phone and therefor my time was not worth another failed service call. I was told they would check into altenative and follow up within a day. Follow up never occurred, but the freezing went away a few days later. So far no freezing over the last 4 days or so.

Be careful with this one. As Wilt mentioned, some of these early boxes may detoriate with time.

My box froze today for the first time in 4 days. I think I jinxed it with my previous post.

Stretch to 16:9 Unable to stretch local and premium SD programing on HD/Digital one to date has told me whether this is an error or normal, despite several failed commitments by both the installed and Voom to follow up.

I do not think it is possible to stretch the picture with the VOOM receiver to completly fill the screen unless your TV does it for you. I have given an answer to this to someone on this thread

regarding the stretch issue......I read your thread, I also have a Sony GW (III) with Voom on component video 5 input. My issue is not slight pillars, but full pillars as if no stretch is occuring at all (only on HD channels showing SD material). I am able to stretch the same channel when drawing from my cable on video 3 and ant. inputs. (by the way, I kept premium cable since I can not completely replace it with Voom. Therefore the argument, I have seen occasionally from other posts, that early adapters have had free programing is unworthy since I am not saving anything while still being forced to supplement with my premium cable service).

Once other question: have you heard if a timer will be installed on the programming guide? I just bought the Panny DVD and HDD recorder, but can not correspond timed channel changing with Voom.
I know full mode in the GWII will stretch. Did you try ZOOM and WIDE ZOOM on video 5 input. I am able to stretch the SD picture with any of these three modes when I am using Video 5 or Video 6. Video 7 is not able to stretch anything since these mode will not work on this input. I hope I did not miss the point you were making.
Sean Mota said:
I know full mode in the GWII will stretch. Did you try ZOOM and WIDE ZOOM on video 5 input. I am able to stretch the SD picture with any of these three modes when I am using Video 5 or Video 6. Video 7 is not able to stretch anything since these mode will not work on this input. I hope I did not miss the point you were making.

You haven't missed anything. Sounds like you can stretch and I can't. I'm aware of all the stretch modes for the GWIII, unfortunately none of them react to a SD signal within a digital/hd capable channel (ie...all locals via voom HD tuner and channels like starshd showing a non HD movie). I am able to stretch the same channels when receiving through my cable box. Can you confirm you are able to stretch SD locals via the Voom digital tuner? Anyway, I starting to feel like I have a bad box (especially considering the other problems I am having).

I know this probably belongs in the programing thread, but while I am writing this, I just noticed 3 commercials on the Voom monsters channel for movies to be released in theaters this summer. Is Voom accepting commercials on their movie channels?
Yes, I can stretch SD channels if I use input 5 or 6 (component only). But this is a feature of the TV more than the VOOM box. Go to input 5 or 6 in your GWII (whether connected to the VOOM box or not) and change the mode with your remote. Does it change from normal to full to Zoom to Wide Zoom?

Oh, the trailers...Yes they have been showing these from the beginning. Some of them in HD some of them are just upconverts.
Sean Mota said:
Yes, I can stretch SD channels if I use input 5 or 6 (component only). But this is a feature of the TV more than the VOOM box. Go to input 5 or 6 in your GWII (whether connected to the VOOM box or not) and change the mode with your remote. Does it change from normal to full to Zoom to Wide Zoom?

Oh, the trailers...Yes they have been showing these from the beginning. Some of them in HD some of them are just upconverts.

I've done all the stretch modes via remote. The screen inicates each mode as I switch to them, but the picture does not stretch/react to any of them. Yes, I am in Video 5. I just need to reiterate, I can stretch normal SD channels this way, it is only when there is an SD program running on an HD channel that it does not react. I hope I'm explaining this well enough :(
bestspartan said:
it is only when there is an SD program running on an HD channel that it does not react.

Ok. I have not tried that! I will connect my component to Video 6 and try it.
Jaydee, Apone any news on your situations. Anyone else with OTA, installation or box problems that you have not been able to resolved up to this point?

The PBS channels were added to the PG for Tucson (85746) but not KGUN (abc) or KVOA (nbc). Is there some status on their inclusion?

Sean Mota said:
Jaydee, Apone any news on your situations. Anyone else with OTA, installation or box problems that you have not been able to resolved up to this point?

Nothing about OTA in my area code. I'm going to have someone to check and make sure my antenna is in the right position. I should at least be able to pick up my location station WTAP-DT 49. They will be transmitting in HDTV before long.

Sean, New installer called me today in fact. He said he is still waiting to receive the better OTA antenna that Installs authorized him to purchase. Two weeks to get a antenna? Seems kinda dubious to me, but thats where I stand, Installs ok'd a better OTA antenna, but installer doesn't have it yet, so still no movement on my issue
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