Are you still having problems with your VOOM box (OTA Problems)?

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This is how it looks


Let us know if you get everything worked out.
Guess I have time to write while my box reboots again. It seems to hang up on one of the OTA channels about 80 percent of the time I try to tune it. I guess I'll call about a new box. I better not have to be home for half a day to get it installed. Also, sometimes when I reboot I get all the channels, sometimes I don't, and the one that likes to go missing is the one that the box likes to hang up on.

So I can get 720p through composite, but cannot through DVI. On some HD channels, the 720 looked a lot worse than the 1080 which I find odd. Also the picture seems better (brighter, crisper) through the composites than the DVI when viewing the same resolution. Odd. Force feeding 1080 seems the way to go. I do wish that I could have more stretching options for the picture, such as the algorithms that my TV offers.

Also Ive noticed that a couple nitpicky things about VOOM. There is some "Channel Slide" when I use the remote for las channel return. For example, if Im reading on the couch and trying to listen to music and switching between Rave and Fuse, sometimes the back button will have channel slide and I will end up on History Channel instead of Fuse, and Fuse wont slide back. This also happens to the preview window when going to the program guide. Ill be on one channel and when it pulls up the mini window with the program guide, it will channel slide and bring up a different channel than the one I was watching.

The remote seems a bit touchy too. It registers two hits when you press it once a lot.
Well, my receiver connected to my Samsung DLP is dead. I have done everything I could possibly do to it but it did not resurrected. It locks up and it gives you the red satellite signal like it's not getting any signal. All the wires are connected correctly. See here for my previous problem with this receiver.

I put a service call to VOOM. I am set to get a new receiver on February 7th. Dead... :no :river

At least I have the other one... :!:
Sean Mota said:

I believe that is the problem and VOOM said that it is on their system and they need to correct this and you will be able to get this resolved. I'll keep at it until you guys get it right.
I got Fox today. Many thanks for your push to make the ball rolling. It is now shown as channel 26-1, instead of 26-2, in the PG. The authorization status is now SWO, instead of N/A!
What lessen do we learn here?
A customer keeps trying -- doing factory reset, calling VOOM, emailing Wilt, getting local installer on site -- but all failed. The CSRs had no clue but not let him talk to technical support. His email had no reply. The installer told him that all Houston area had the same problem, he need to be patient... The saga drags on (for me, it has been seven weeks).
Only when you gathered complains and told VOOM that makes them listen. Eventually, they can resolve this simple problem very quick.
If individual customer cannot reaches the right person, if the installer knows that is a common problem but does not pass it to the right person, VOOM will certainly lose its customers.,
tytxy said:
I got Fox today. Many thanks for your push to make the ball rolling. It is now shown as channel 26-1, instead of 26-2, in the PG. The authorization status is now SWO, instead of N/A!
What lessen do we learn here?
A customer keeps trying -- doing factory reset, calling VOOM, emailing Wilt, getting local installer on site -- but all failed. The CSRs had no clue but not let him talk to technical support. His email had no reply. The installer told him that all Houston area had the same problem, he need to be patient... The saga drags on (for me, it has been seven weeks).
Only when you gathered complains and told VOOM that makes them listen. Eventually, they can resolve this simple problem very quick.
If individual customer cannot reaches the right person, if the installer knows that is a common problem but does not pass it to the right person, VOOM will certainly lose its customers.,

Thanks for letting me know. I completly agree with you. I hope that dredd1 can see it too. He was also having problems with it.
Sean Mota said:
Thanks for letting me know. I completly agree with you. I hope that dredd1 can see it too. He was also having problems with it.

Yeah, I can see it now. They changed it to 26-1 and now it works. Thanks for your help Sean.
Anyone From Tucson

I live near Tucson Arizona and I'm not picking all the locals on my Voom box or my 811.

Is anyone else having problems?

I missed that. Thanks.

So these should be popping up in the program guide this week?

johnpete said:
I missed that. Thanks.

So these should be popping up in the program guide this week?


I Do not have confirmation if it's going to be this week. But it looks like they are working on it. VOOM normally lets me know when something has been done. So Keep checking this thread or your email. I will do both to communicate their reply. I will merge this thread with that one.
Got my OTA tuner and I have all my Locals. Thanks for the help Sean and Tim.
Had to do a couple of front panel resets this morning. When I first found it the sat icon was red (orangish red). I had to reset to get it to come on at all, then after messing with resolution a bit, it locked up again.

At first I thought that maybe this was the long awaited upgrade, but it looks like I am still running 5.0.8(?).

Is this the beginning of the end of this box?


I will monitor the behavior of this box. This is how one of mine started and after two weeks it is dead. If you the problem becomes worse as time goes by, put a service call to get it replaced. This has been my experience.
New update to Voom installation of another antenna, installer called this morn was scheduled for 2 to 6, said antenna was not in reschedule for Friday, Lori from Voom called not happy about this, said she was calling installer will update when you called back, still hoping to see the super bowl but snow is coming Still Waiting
Sean Mota said:
Here's more information:

apone, Voom has requested Tribune to check their local data within your zipcode. Here is the formal request.

Viewer is in zipcode 26105, which the zip table indicates should be Parkersburg DMA. (Viewer also notes that he input "26101" into listings site - 26101 is also Parkersbugh, but I don't why he is dealing with two zips...)

Anyway - Chanlink includes no OTAs for Parkersburg. If you go to and navigate to the Zap2it listings, you will see the following for 26101: 3.1 - WSAZ 20.1 - WOUB 29.1 - WLPX Chanlink has all these in Charleston-Huntington DMA, not Parkersburg. Also interesting - if you punch in "26105", you will get 18.1(WHIZ) in place of 3.1. Seems to be something strange going on with the Zap2it data? Let me know what you find.

Apone at this time VOOM will be waiting from a response from Tribune. At least this will start some process. I will keep you in my radar to follow up what's happening.



I was wondering if you heard or seen any replies from Voom receiving any response from Tribune concerning OTA channels in my area? I haven't noticed anything as of yet.

Any one else have no signal? I think its snow, but it worked fine all day and now tonight its dead after it stopped snowing. Locals are also not working. So if the SAT part goes dead does the OTA go dead? The receiver works as far as changing channels it just says no signal.
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