D* HD channels line up can be counted on 1 hand. While others wait and hope, I will enjoy my HD channels right now.
Only if you have more than 5 fingers on your hand. D* currently has more than 5 HD channels, not counting the DNS or local HD.
D* HD channels line up can be counted on 1 hand. While others wait and hope, I will enjoy my HD channels right now.
mrsdrgn;980637 D* HD channels line up can be counted on 1 hand. [/QUOTE said:You must have lost some fingers in a war or something.
Well said!
But seriously, I would wait and see what Directv is going to do before I run out and buy any Directv equipment and consider subscribing.
And then the question is what HD channels is DISH Network going to add to match what Directv is offering, if for some reason they happen to have more HD channels than Dish on September 15th.
But its been what, 3 years Directv has been talking about adding 100 HD channels, where as Dish just continues to add them!
Not trying to say that Dish is better, but I wish they would just add these HD channels so we get this over with and cut all the hype!
Great planning. Order some spotbeam only satellites for space based internet, and wait for that plan to fall apart. What can we do with those satellites? Oh, oh, how about HD locals!...
And DirecTV HAS been adding HD channels much faster than DISH - but they have been HD locals - which FAR AND AWAY are the most desired channels for most of us. They have a huge edge there, and beginning again next month will only increase that lead further.
Great planning. Order some spotbeam only satellites for space based internet, and wait for that plan to fall apart. What can we do with those satellites? Oh, oh, how about HD locals!
And that's my point. Good management reacts to changing market conditions.That was GM/Hughes. Its a funny post though. Got a good chuckle.
But I have to hand it to Directv for figuring a way how to make already purchased satellites into capable albeit underutilized HD spotbeam ones. They could have used them for international stuff. I am quite enjoying my HD locals and NESN HD. Good investment for me and oh, several million folks. Thats 90% of my summer watching.
The thread is titled :Are you ready for Directv's new hd Channels in September?
So my questjon is very simple and should probably be answered before voting.
What are the new HD channels coming in September?
Because i have been screwed by a lot of providors in the past and would never sign up again until I know for sure what I will get.
What if D* only adds like 5 channels in September and then you have to wait till March for another 10.
Look around, the list is in here somewhere ... once it's found, maybe it can be "Stickied" seeing it's mentioned often .
When was last time you got a straight answer from D*? Keep your hopes up!
I know E* is not perfect but for now they have the most HD and at least they are adding more HD programing. FOR SURE!. No ifs and when. E* only speaks out when they act. D* has been throwing out lies after lies. D* HD channels line up can be counted on 1 hand. While others wait and hope, I will enjoy my HD channels right now.
Is this the thread you're talking about?
It is stickied on the main D* page here.
D* could easily do as E* has .... Don't say a word about ANYTHING that is happening, then no one would know anything, but when they threw the switch to add HD it would be there ... Just NO ONE would know about it.
I have a feeling after this is done, D* will be more tight lipped about things.
BTW, care to list the pages of D* lies you are talking about ???
Yes, but I thought that there was one that had the channels according to which month they were expecting it to go live.
Sept vs end of the year vs 1st q of next year.
This one will work fine.
I voted,
are we allowed to make comments on the subject this time?![]()
I think it would have been a ton of fun if we knew that Boeing was building D10/D11/D12 and didn't say a word about what they would be used for. We'd all have giant headache's trying to figure out what they were going to be used for.
Their HD rollout plan was in fact masterful. They have been migrating subs and new customers to the 5lnb, MPEG4 platform for 2 years now, they have a substantial number of subs READY TO GO - and its in ADVANCE of the launch of service.