Are you planning to upgrade to the iPhone 15

My installation steps so far:
  1. Made sure all updates were installed on the old phone
  2. Ran iCloud backup
  3. Unpaired and reset the Apple Watch (as recommended by TheForce )
  4. Turned on the new phone and selected the option to activate without the old phone (due to the known bug)
  5. Followed the prompts to activate the cellular service and to connect to Wi-Fi.
  6. Installed the iOS Update when prompted. Rebooted in the process of installation.
  7. Started all over, but this time selected the option to transfer the settings from the old phone.
  8. I chose to do direct transfer from the old phone rather than the iCloud route.
This is where I am right now. About 1 hour to go...
Step 6 said I was already updated. My handling mistake was trying to pick up the phones with charging cords attached and trying to take the picture of the pattern and for some reason it froze during the physical aligning of the camera and the phone pattern. I figured I needed to reboot and start over but then I couldn't do the phone to phone install a second time and it took me right to entering my wifi PW and the icloud backup, so I just decided to let it continue. From the start over again it took about 45 minutes. Then about an hour more to update all the apps. I checked my new Ultra2 and that's when I discovered it was FUBAR. Did quite a bit of searching on line but couldn't find anything so I just held the side button next to the crown in for an extended time, more than 30 seconds and the dinging and flashing display stopped and up popped the switch to reset it.
So, the way I read it, there are two ways to transfer the Watch from one phone to another: the Easy way and the Hard way. The Easy way requires you to keep the Watch unlocked, on your wrist and close to the phone. If the Easy way fails, then you do the Hard way: unpair it manually from the old phone, that will reset it. And then pair it to the new phone.
I think I ended up doing it the even hardest of all way.
If I have to hold a 15 to the B pillar, that would be a killer for me. A major downgrade from my XS Max.
On your Y, can you use your iphone only to unlock the car and drive it without any Key FOB or card near by? My wife has a Mini 12 iphone but her test isn't valid as she also carries both the card and a Key Fob in her purse. The card has to be on the B Pillar but Like my Model S, with her KeyFob in her purse she can unlock as she walks up to the car and drive and is able to drive. I'm guessing ( could be wrong) that her Key FOB and not the iphone is allowing her to unlock and drive away.
When I want to drive the Y My old 11 Pro Max would only unlock when held near the B Pillar but I always had to have my own KeyFob to unlock from a distance and be allowed to drive without using the card. I keep my Model Y card in my office and never carry it.
In the morning I will do some more testing of the Y and iphone 15 as well as her Mini 12 iphone with no card or KeyFob near by.
Initially I couldn't do this, it didn't work. And then I read the message. It said specifically to keep the watch on my wrist. I was keeping in on the desk. For the life of me I don't know why it would care if I was wearing the darn thing but... OK I said. I put it on, rebooted both, and tried again.
I kept it on my wrist as instructed. Only took it off when the 15PM was done and working and I went to check an app on the watch and it went crazy. This was before I wiped the iphone 11 to ready for return.
I am going to hold on to the old phone, for a couple of days, will not wipe it out until I go through every important app and make sure it is working on the new phone and all Bluetooth devices are properly paired. Looks like many of the apps require re-entering passwords now. A lot of work! That's a good reason for me not to upgrade too often!
I am going to hold on to the old phone, for a couple of days, will not wipe it out until I go through every important app and make sure it is working on the new phone and all Bluetooth devices are properly paired. Looks like many of the apps require re-entering passwords now. A lot of work! That's a good reason for me not to upgrade too often!
How did the Apple watch go? And how did you handle the phone company with having two iphones on the same number?
If I have to hold a 15 to the B pillar, that would be a killer for me. A major downgrade from my XS Max.
Did some testing this morning on the Model Y.

No Key FOB near by and no card. Just my iPhone with Tesla mobile App in the background. I even had it set to the Model S although that shouldn't matter for you until your Cybertruck arrives. What I did do is delete my old profile and select the new one that showed up and reset my mirrors and seat as it was on my old profile.

Results: I was able to walk up to the car and when near by, about 6 feet away it would unlock just fine and allow me to put the car in drive and drive away with only the iphone. At 10ft away it would not unlock.
What's still strange is BT on iphone says it is connected when I'm in the house 20ft away but leaving the iphone and walking up to the car would not unlock it. So even seeing the iphone BT connected unless the iphone is close it stayed locked up.

I still need to see how the new iphone and Apple watch tracks the location and security cameras etc when the Model Y is away. My wife is leaving about 11AM so I will test that at that time.
I am going to hold on to the old phone, for a couple of days, will not wipe it out until I go through every important app and make sure it is working on the new phone and all Bluetooth devices are properly paired. Looks like many of the apps require re-entering passwords now. A lot of work! That's a good reason for me not to upgrade too often!
If you backup to the cloud with encryption enabled on the backup if you restore your phone from the cloud (which I know you didn't do) when it restores it also restores the passwords as well. Thats one big benefit of doing a restore to the cloud. I have lots of password and it saved me a load of time. :)
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Good point Scott. I use encryption and all my PW were transferred except: Only had to enter the icloud PW and my Verizon PW for updating the account phone transfer. Also had to enter PW for Watch for Tesla App on the Ultra2 to get that one to work.
How did the Apple watch go?
The pairing was pretty straightforward and it restored all my Watch settings from iCloud backup pretty quickly.

And how did you handle the phone company with having two iphones on the same number?
That was the first thing that happened even before I was able to install the iOS update on the new phone and begin the transfer. It immediately activated the new eSIM on the new phone and caused the deactivation of the cellular service on the old phone. So for the next hour or two I had no cell service on either phone.
By the way, in case someone is not aware, there is no physical SIM anymore. eSIM only!
Yes. Same for SWMBO's mini 13.
Same here now that I updated the BT and profile in the Y. The S still requires the Key FOB but I can unlock the S with the phone as well as all the other app controls.

Everything is working fine now and I noticed I now can view all 4 sentry cameras at the same time. Never had that so I don't know when that update came through this week.
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Apple decided the fix couldn't wait.
I saw the notice and release notes. it is 17.0.3 which I set to update tonight. It also says bug fixes which based on mt temperature data is more important than the Thermal FUD.

So far I am getting excellent battery life. I finally dropped to 20% from 100% on Monday morning. I put it on my new mag safe charger and raised the SoC to 68% in 30 minutes. The temperature was 102.3°. Tesla app running in the foreground tracking my wife's driving on the map. I also now have it in a case which is going to add more insulation.

After the update I'll do a similar test of the to see if there is any difference.

I really don't see what all the excitement is about getting hot.

If 17.0.3 doesn't fix the Wells Fargo CC bug I'll head over to the Apple store tomorrow and report it. I now keep getting messages that I need to complete verification but WF says " I'm good so it must be on Apple's end."
I really like the always-on Lock Screen with widgets! Something I didn't have on my previous iPhone 12. I can now see time, weather, stock ticker, even the state of charge of my car - all while the phone is off and locked. Nice! :)
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I really like the always-on Lock Screen with widgets! Something I didn't have on my previous iPhone 12. I can now see time, weather, stock ticker, even the state of charge of my car - all while the phone is off and locked. Nice! :)

Been using those widgets since the 14. Mine are all weather related. I do wish they would give us another row or two of screen real estate to work with.
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17.0.3 is the update I got during the initial installation.
I really like the always-on Lock Screen with widgets! Something I didn't have on my previous iPhone 12. I can now see time, weather, stock ticker, even the state of charge of my car - all while the phone is off and locked. Nice! :)
I shut it off as it is a waste of battery. Don't need it with Apple Watch. Set all those things up and more just by looking at your watch with apps set in complications display.

I still carry my iphone and 99% of the time get it out of my belt holster only to use the camera.
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