Well, GEE!
I listed pros and cons for moving from the iPhone XS Max to the iPhone 15 Pro Max. I decided it was a very near thing but not quite (that's my story and I'm sticking to it).
THEN we learned MiL, who lives in (damn near runs) a facility is getting a "new fangled" thing. All residents are getting a modified version of the Amazon Echo. It will be for INTERNAL use (only?). They can see facility events, menus, etc. BUT - it requires an app. She doesn't like apps. Too bad. Also, it requires a version of iOS that is not available on her iPhone 6Plus.
So she needs an upgrade. Again, I will pass down mine to her, as soon as mine is moved onto a 15 Pro Plus, and has a new battery installed.
Oh well. When I bought the XS Max, I figured on four years. Now it's five.