GaryPen said:
Actually, after all this time (what has it been 8, 9 months or longer?) the 811 should be near-perfect. The only "defects" should be extremely minor. However, the 811 is still plagued with 3 or 4 huge honkin' defects.
BTW, evry other peice of consumer electronic equipment I own (camcorders, tv's, audio, vcr's, dvd's, etc) do work perfectly, except for old ones that wear out or break (very rare). They all came out of the box working as they should. I wonder for how many recent Dish models that claim can be made?
WOW... you are one lucky person. I have made numerious Consumer product purchase, I have found some sort of problem. Lack in functionality. I have a Nikon CP5700. It has frozen. I had a Sony PC-100 with digital picture PQ that I find unacceptable. I had a PC-1 Digital camera that had a number of flaws. Replaced by Sony with a PC-4 that still has a number of flaws. I had a Pioneer Elite receiver that has a known DSP defect that went bad on me. I have seen Toshiba DVDs reliability show throw on two DVD players I purchased. I have Audio equipment that does not include what I would consider the minimum standard of discreet codes. Bugs in my mind.

I have a Pronto 3000 that out of the box was unreliable and flacky. Yes I have had some great experiences, but also some not so good ones and I do a lot of research before making an electronic purchase. To have ever other Consumer electronic device purchase work perfect out of the box, you must be lucky. I should get you to research and purchase my equipement.
You must be very lucky that Dish is the only Comsumer Electronic product that did not work as designed Out of the Box perfectly. I am sure you have purchased PCs. They tend to be the flakest out of the box depending on what you have installed and how you use them. Have they worked for you perfectly every time? You have not had a feature of any consumer product you purchased not work as you felt it should except Dish's?? I find that hard to believe given this is an area near and dear to you. My Yamaha DVD players Speaker set up does not work properly (Known Issue). This amazes me given that I know there is no such thing as perfect software and almost everthing these days run on software. I will stand by my statment: There is no such thing as a perfect consumer product that works perfectly out of the box. Maybe under your use cases but I am sure someone else somewhere is screaming about an issue with the products you have in your rack.
Yes Dish is doing a bad job with there DVT cycle and let way to many bugs that are easy to catch out to the field. From my experience, they tend to let out software before it is cooked enough and then fix things after the fact so they can release a receiver earlier in the life cycle. This gets the product faster to market but can cause customer pain. I do also know that over time their products do tend to stabalize and can be trouble free. My 6000 had reached this point (only one annoying bug) and my 4900s had reached that maturaty. The 508 and 721, I would say are close.
This is an obvious release plan that Dish feels is the right way to release their product given they release model. Release early and fix the issues vs. Longer DVT cycle to produce more quality software and release later.
I am not sure Dish has ever released a product with a perfect Out of box experience. Even if they did, one person would say it is perfect while another would not like how you created a timer and said it was flawed. That is the problem with Human interfaces. Very subjective. IMHO, the 811 was released before it time, but at this point has shown in my use case a much higher level of stability then 8 months ago. I am happy with it now and in my configuration it works. Yes it has bugs, but in my case none are catastrophic to the point I cannot use the 811.
From what I have read, D* seems to do things a bit different in terms of software release. Maybe you should jump when your contract is up. From what I see, you would be happier with their model of release. I am sure you are considering it.