Are you getting a signal from 321, 593 & 594 (post here)?

My guess: if you see "coming friday" you'll get it. If you see call to upgrade, you're hosed.

i'm in L.A. (NBC O&O) and see friday for 321 and 594, th knsd (san diego) station. makes sense.
barth2k said:
My guess: if you see "coming friday" you'll get it. If you see call to upgrade, you're hosed.

i'm in L.A. (NBC O&O) and see friday for 321 and 594, th knsd (san diego) station. makes sense.
I guess I'm hosed because I see the call to upgrade message on all three. Looks like the local NBC affiliate won't be feeding the HD broadcast either.

Suburb of Cleveland, OH
techweb said:
I guess I'm hosed because I see the call to upgrade message on all three. Looks like the local NBC affiliate won't be feeding the HD broadcast either.

Suburb of Cleveland, OH

don't listen to me though. call voom so the csr will get a shot at giving you bad info, too :)
Ok, so now we have reached the point where there it IS Friday (they said today would be the day), and the PG lists soaps on 321, does anybody see the actual program?

I have pretty much given up on being able to watch the Olympics, but if nobody has gotten any video yet on those channels I suppose there is still a little hope.

dankgus said:
Ok, so now we have reached the point where there it IS Friday (they said today would be the day), and the PG lists soaps on 321, does anybody see the actual program?

I have pretty much given up on being able to watch the Olympics, but if nobody has gotten any video yet on those channels I suppose there is still a little hope.

You should have a message that states coverage begins at 8PM EST tonight. If you don't, you may not live in one of the "approved" markets to receive the channel.
I wonder , if a lot of us will not be getting to watch it in HD, will the ratings be low for NBC? I know if I cant watch it in HD , I will not watch it and yes I do get NBC OTA but its in & out all the time no mater if I turn my antenna and I have a booster for it as well I just think they send the signal at a very low strength. By the way I am north of Atlanta about 1/2
Does VOOM or NBC have a copy of this approved list posted someplace. The list you guys posted has my town included (Des Moines Iowa), but I just called VOOM and they say I am not.
Well I called VOOM to complain again and the CSR gave me this web address to look up if I was on the list or not

I guess I should have went with DishNetwork. They apparently are providing access to the NBC channels in my area and I could have gotten an HD DVR by now too.
went to that page and this is what I got:

Not Eligible for High Definition Olympic Service

Not Eligible for Standard Definition Olympic Service
Call sign Is NBC OO?

No olympics for me, and I can't get any other OTA's either
For me it says I can it lists the two local NBC afiliates, one I don't get OTA anyway, the one in Miami I do get and it is O&O and it says that I can get the HD broadcast but not the SD, does that mean that one of the 500 channels will come active for me to watch the SD Olympics?
Well, this bites. Despite the earlier posts, these channels are apparently available only in owned and operated areas. So the rest of us can't watch the Olympics except in six-hour, twenty-four-hour-old blocks. Is there anything to be done about this?
no hd olympics

We don't have CLear Channel or anybody like that to blame, we have an old piece of legislation called the Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act.

How did it Improve our lives? It made it illegal for us to watch signals our local networks didn't want us to watch. It set in stone the local network monopoly. Whether you can SEE the network station or not, you can't get another station of the same network unless they say you can.

It was actually the Local Station Profit and Power Improvement Act, but you know how Congress is about naming things. "We're from the government and we're here to help!"
Yeah, but what sucks is that Dish Customers can watch the HD feed in several non-O&O markets.... for example, my own, Denver, which is listed as denied for Voom. I really wish they would've made clear (and that almost unreadable e-mail doesn't count) that it would be limited in that way before... arrrgh.
I just emailed and complained too...

My local affiliate was supposed to be up digitally today but didn't make it for whatever reason. :(
Santa Monica California KNBC

I live in Santa MOnica , California, and the local NBC station is owned by NBC, so we are allowed to get coverage of NBC. I am getting the High Def feed as of this moment it is showing replays of the Olympics in Salt Lake City, the Opening Ceremony starts in one hour We are also getting the San Diego NBC standard definition feed on 594. 593 is for the east coast time zone, you get one or the other if you are eligible. Cool thanks vcom. Is sucks for people in non eligible areas, but you can still get it OTA via antennae on local NBC....
I get the San Diego NBC and whatever is on 321, as well as my local nba off OTA, I go to the voom website also, type in my account and sh*t, and it say's i'm eligable for everything. In in Hermosa Beach California 90254
What the HEll VOom?????

I live in a listed city Madison WI and should be able to get the Olympic feeds, and was told that by a Voom rep TWICE!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: and I see nothing. I call Voom and tey tell me I can not get it. This is Bullshi* I can put up with pixel's....problems....etc But damn it don't tell me I can get something ...then not get it. Direct TV I am much closer to switching :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Anyone else having the same problem?

Sony Commercial

Olympics Will be the Death of me and VOOM

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