Are there any satisfied DISH customers

I have been with Dish for over 8 years and have had no real complaints. I was thinking of switching to Direct a few months back but only because my wife wanted the MLB package. Dish got it this season and she has been as happy as a clam. All of my recievers work well no glitches or malfunctions, but I am not really a high tech junkie and as long as my picture is clear I am happy. Mike
I'm very happy with Dish and those people that I've recommended it to are still very happy with it. Being a DBS forum geek, and can run down a list of 'i wants", but as far as being a TV service, it works great.

Very Satisfied Dish Customer - Cyclone 4yrs
My two cents on Dish...

I've had Dish Network for many years now and am very happy with their service overall. I've learned with age and wisdom over time that there are no definitatively "perfect" multichannel providers out there, but for me personally, Dish suits all my needs at a very reasonable monthly cost far better then Comcast Cable can. Speaking as someone who once had Primestar and used to sell DirecTV service everyday, watching Dish grow to where they are today from its infancy stages its pretty downright impressive.

Original poster of this thread would be wise to make a mental note that the signal-to-noise ratio regarding complaints with Dish in general tend to be heavily concentrated from the same select few members over and over again as well as the odd Ex-Dish stragglers still lurking and posting to switch to the "darkside" after dumping Dish for another provider. I'll never fully understand why some folks don't just move on happily with things after they make their switch, but to each their own I guess. I know I never once spent a day wasting time in my ex-cable providers forums waiting to pounce into threads contributing nothing but more negativity when people were reporting general unhappiness for sake of nothing better to do, but hey thats me. You know what they say about "Sarcasm": Angers ugly cousin indeed. Unfortunately there's plenty of that everywhere, but don't let a few bad apples with questionable intentions or long held vendettas sour your perspective on things by any means.

Personally, I really like that the CEO takes time out of his schedule every other month to give a state of the nation address to his customers no matter what information is divulged or held onto until later dates. I've had bosses who were too busy to spare five minutes of their time to address ongoing changes, future plans, and updates which fellow employees had legitimate concerns with over the years so seeing a CEO do this live six times a year is a real breath of fresh air to me. He doesn't have to do it and yet he does it every year. Hats off to him for making the efforts and routinely demonstrating he really does have his customers best interests at heart.

I do think Charlie made an honest mistake using an industry common buzzword like "compelling" in openly discussing universal subscriber interests which for all intents and purposes has turned into this years four-letter Dish Network dirty word on all the sites and forums I frequent daily, but I don't necessarily agree that all the backlash is warranted fwiw. He tends to take a lot of flak simply by virtue-of-the-fact that he's made himself completely available to his own customers with honest and candid highly quotable remarks you don't typically hear when doing business with other companies. When I worked indirectly for DirecTV they were extremely tight releasing information of all types. Getting things confirmed and clarified was often an extraordinarily tedious process on the best of days.

Check out a good Dish Network setup with your own eyes at your local Sears if you have one nearby. The ones near me always have Discovery HD running all day long on their best HD sets and you can mess around and see SD picture quality and programming offerings just the same there. In my experiences, the sound and video overall is hard to distinguish between Dish and DirecTV. Dish receivers tend to have a few nagging annoyances that linger on for periods sometimes, but you can find the same things with Motorola Voom receivers, Tivos, UltimateTV's, Replay TV's etc... Customer service can sometimes be very trying with Dish, but I find the same inherent problems with Verizon and the majority of the other companies I do monthly business with.
I have had E for over 7 yrs and have been very happy. I even had D for about 15 months and was able to compare the pq and like one of the earlier posters said, the quality is overall the same (one channel might look a little better on one service but it will be reversed on another channel).

I like the fact that E does not buckle to every demand from the programmers for increased rates. Some people complain this should mean lower rates for the subscribers when compared to D but actually what it means is that D subscribers benefit because D cannot afford to price themselves over E. You can rest assured that if E were not around D would be still $5-10/month higher and the equipment would still be $500 for a one receiver basic system.
I've had Dish for 4 years with no problems

used a 3000, 4000, 5000, 301, and now a 508...other than a hiccup here and there (which a reboot takes care of), no issues ever.

Love the PVR.....never had a Tivo, so I cant compare....but when you're so use to using VCR's, the 508 works much easier :)
happy here!

Well I am in the happy camp. Been a customer for about 4 months now. I am on their no commitment DHA and got a DVR 522. I have had no major issues at all since signing up (did have to get my dish re-aligned once). I have also had four people sign up under me so I get $20 off my bill each month right now :)
When I first moved to Arizona 7 years ago, I hated Cox Cable. So I switched to Dish.
I got their 7200 DVR which at the time, I had no clue what it was.
I now know that I had 'tivo' before tivo was cool!
I could pause live tv, record digitally and skip commercials with a press of a button.
It was awesome.
Because of that, I am a faithful Dish sub and as long as they throw us existing customers some deals now and then (just got a 721), will continue to support them.
Been with Dish since 1998. Done all my own installs, they have a great tech line, very helpful. I have three dishes, 61.5,110 119 , going into a home network with four receivers. Very happy with Dish, expecially since they added Sirius radio, it rocks!
I've got a 921, a 510, and 2 7200 Dishplayers so we are a 100% PVR household.Other than the 921's hiccups everything is running smoothly (The Dishplayers occasionally burp, but they are on light duty in the kids rooms anyway.....)

I got E* in May 2000 because of their lease plan that had no major upfront costs. I like being able to get TV5 as my wife and I both speak some French. I also have wiavers for NBC and FOX in LA and Denver to go along with my NY locals. Superstations, HBO Comedy, and Showtime Beyond keep me in the fold as well. I covet the NFL Sunday Ticket, but the Distant FOX stations give me more games to choose from on Sunday and I plan to run an antenna up soon so I can get OTA HD from New York City and maybe even Philly.

I wish that E* made more stable receivers, but I have a high patience threshold with these things so it isn't crippling. Tivo's guide scrolling is WAY too slow for this borderline ADD guy, so I'm sticking with E*. It didn't hurt that they overhauled my switches for free when they added my 510 recently. Since I had a 921 and the other two PVRs, adding the 510 wasn't possible as my SW64 was out of ports. No prob as they added a 2nd SW64 and all of the required splitters with a great installer who built me a work of art (He mounted everything on a piece of plywood, labeled everything, redid all of the cables to make them neater, and then fastened it to the wall in my basement). So I basically got $750 worth of stuff (the 510, a SW64, cabling, 3 splitters, and installation) for ZIP as I only had to commit to another 2 years (which I'm almost halfway there as I did this in November 2003).

Another "satisfied" customer, although there is always room for improvement....
Have had Dish since '98, and have always been happy with the service and channel lineup. I bought a 5000 and a 1000 unit originally, then bought a 6000 a couple years ago when I got HD, and now a 921. I'm about to swap out all 3 legacy units for a leased 811 and 510 + 2 purchased 311s along with some lnb and switch upgrades. There have been a few ups and downs but you will have that with any service. Like Hall said earlier, you don't usually hear from the people who are happy. We'd just have a bunch of posts saying "Hey, I'm happy with E* today, everything works fine". :P
Going on six years and like most posts overall very happy. They have had some terrible marketing programs, and I would not buy any newly released DVR from them untill some of the bugs are worked out. But I think I am getting a decent deal for the top 150 with locals, superstations,and HBO/MAX. I like movies so the theme movie pack being part of the top 150 works good for me. I have two 508's - the older one never has had even a hickup - the newer one decided for awhile a few months ago to do a switch check on it's own and then try to download the program guide. This happened about four or so times over a few days. It somehow straightened itself out and has worked great since. I also have a non dvr that has worked for all the 6 years with no problems. I use auto pay and to date no problems.
Very satisfied. 8 yrs with Dish in Nov. We have owned a 2000, 7100, 7200, 501, 510 & 721. Had some issues with them, but they have resolved them fairly quickly every time. If you send an e-mail to CEO at any other company, will it get through to anyone? It does at Dish. That is surprising for a company their size.

As for more complaints, you can't look at total subscribers and stop and make inferences, you have to see how many of that subscriber base is on line? Historically speaking, Dish subscribers are much more likely to hang out at the satellite sites. So you will see more + and -'s.
Are there any satisfied Dish customers?

I am a satisfied Dish customer. I've loved Dish since 1997 right after I returned to the US after serving in the USAF in Panama and watching Dish's commercials on Cable Onda. I've gone from Dish 300 with a 4000 to DishPro with 301, 508, and 721. I've had a few problems with the 4000 but Dish always came through with new or refurbed equipment. I really love my 721, although it appears most posters dispise. I've experienced no troubles with it that haven't been fixed with upgrades from Dish or advice listed in this forum. My experience with customer service at Dish has always been a joy. The call monitors and techs solved whatever I've called for and all were courteous and professional. So, yep I'm a satisfied Dish customer.
Hey, I've had my complaints (look at my title!), but all in all I'm very satisfied with E*. And even though IMHO the 522 is still in beta :rolleyes: , nonetheless it has incredible features for the price (just the $5/mo DVR fee). I'd much rather keep beta-testing the 522 than do without it.

The one caveat I'd have: If you're a Tivo lover or want NFL Sunday Ticket, then by all means go with D*. D*'s current deal for new subscribers (buy Sunday Ticket, get regular programming during football season for free) is incredible, and most DirecTivo users who switch to E* DVRs are disappointed. (Though perhaps not after E* finally gets NBR; the 522 is early on the list for that feature.)
WTguy said:
You can rest assured that if E were not around D would be still $5-10/month higher and the equipment would still be $500 for a one receiver basic system.

AND you can also rest assured the reverse WOULD be true if D were NOT around - it's called "competition" - it has a funny way of doing these things... ;) ;) ;)

darkcharm73 said:
I am currently a Directv subscriber and I am feed up with there lousy service. I am changing to the DISH, but a majority of the comments posted are negative. For my Directv dropped to ball and I will NEVER use them again.

Not that it probably matters at this point, but for the sake of argument, could you please tell us exactly about D*'s "lousy service" & how they "dropped the ball"??? :confused: :confused: :confused:

I assumed that you wanted feedback from both sides, so I will (reluctantly) interject my .02 worth. I used to sell lots of E*, but I got SO sick & tired of dealing with their buggy equipment I just stopped & went with D*. The thing that I will NEVER, EVER understand, is how people on these very boards, find it acceptable that their E* DVR "looses" recorded shows. (through software updates, reboots, etc - it doesn't really matter HOW) It seems to be accepted as totally normal for this to happen, when these same people also know it does NOT happen on Tivos. (OK, I'm sure it probably has a time or two, but NOT in the quantity that E*'s do - again, all you have to do is read these boards for yourself & draw your own conclusions...) And the crowning blow is, YOU are paying $5 a month, PER RECEIVER, for a glorified VCR. (assuming we are talking about the 522/510 units, of course, which are the ONLY ones available on DHA) If E* gets their so called "name based recording" added, it would soften the blow, but to still have it PER RECEIVER is absolutely ridiculous!

As far as standard receivers, E*'s are OK, but I find that many people could NOT handle a "dual-tuner" receiver like a 322, & it's easier to just stick with something like a 311. Again, you still have the situation of dealing with E* seemingly having to constantly update the software in ALL of their receivers, which sometimes do cause "abnormalities" to surface. Sure, a reboot or pulling the plug will usually cure it, but WHY should it have to be like this in the first place.

I will tell you, that I also have switched several of my customers over to D*, mostly for D-Tivo's, & almost EVERY one has told me they are SO glad they DON'T have to keep "pulling the card" every few days on their receivers. They can't believe that there IS a satellite service that you can just turn on the TV & watch it, & that you don't have to WORK to make it "work".
I have to say that I am overall happy with the Dish, especially after I have invested in two 921s, two 811s and one 721 so far. There is no perfect solutions and services out there, nor "one-size" fits all product. Most posts here with more problems are largely related how extensivly we tried every possible functions on Dish's products. To me, nothing so far that I can not live with.
RBBrittain said:
Hey, I've had my complaints (look at my title!), but all in all I'm very satisfied with E*. And even though IMHO the 522 is still in beta :rolleyes: , nonetheless it has incredible features for the price (just the $5/mo DVR fee). I'd much rather keep beta-testing the 522 than do without it.

The one caveat I'd have: If you're a Tivo lover or want NFL Sunday Ticket, then by all means go with D*. D*'s current deal for new subscribers (buy Sunday Ticket, get regular programming during football season for free) is incredible, and most DirecTivo users who switch to E* DVRs are disappointed. (Though perhaps not after E* finally gets NBR; the 522 is early on the list for that feature.)

I just got the DishNetwork less than a month ago (3 weeks about) so I guess you can call me a new customer. So far I have to say that I've been pleased with DishNetwork, but I do have the 522 and I'm coming from using a Tivo so I do have complaints. I don't feel like being a beta tester, but that's exactly what I am.

I was NOT aware of that NFL Ticket deal (posted above) and it may seriously get me to switch from dish to direct if I can get a free direcTivo, but it's going to depend on the programming costs.

Things I'm happy with are the cost per month. I'm not in a contract so that is good. I use the basic basic package with locals and I'm happy with the channels I receive, although I really wish it included the FX channel.

I'm also happy with the 522 receiver, or at least happy about what it COULD be in the future. Coming from Tivo, there are just a few things that I really can't deal with. I could understand the 522 lacking some "features" when compared to the Tivo, that would be fine. The problem I have with the 522 is that they can't even get the simple function of PLAYING BACK A RECORDING to work properly. The most basic, simple function is BUGGY, and by buggy I mean the recordings start to skip and the audio cracks, etc. This, to me, is just unacceptable. With my Tivo, I can't even recall having this problem EVEN ONCE (had it 1.5 years), but this 522 has these playback problems all the time. I've already been through 2 (3?) software updates in the past 3 weeks, but I don't even know what's getting fixed.

Quite frankly, this 522 DVR is what held the most appeal for me as someone moving to satellite. It's got 100 hours of recording time, one receiver works on two tvs AND both TV's can record (very cool), etc. It's got a lot going for it, but RIGHT NOW it's not even playing shows back properly.

I really hope things get ironed out with this receiver, but the fact that the NFL Ticket is DirectTV only, and that there may be a huge incentive to get it and possibly a free DirectTivo at the moment, and that I may still be under my 30 day guarantee with Dish means that I may be looking into switching over as early as this weekend.

The sad thing is, if the 522 even played back shows without skipping I probably wouldn't think twice about leaving dish, I wouldn't leave. WIth that said, if the DVR device isn't important to you, then dish is highly recommended. For me, it was the basis of my purchase.
I have had E* for over 4 years now. I originally got a Dish 500 with two receivers, a 2700 and a 3700. Now I still have the 3700, and have added an 811 feeding into a 50" HDTV (sold the 2700 on Ebay). While it took the 811 a little over 8 months (and softare versions from 261 to 269) before it was operating on all cylinders (well, good enough for me, anyway), overall I am still happy. Before E*, I had analog ATT/Comcast cable in Sacramento. For me, E* was "more, better, cheaper" -- more channels, better (digital) reception, and cheaper than analog cable (much cheaper than digital cable). I agree with those who say there is no perfect solution, but overall, I have been happy with Dish. -- Albert
dishrich said:
The thing that I will NEVER, EVER understand, is how people on these very boards, find it acceptable that their E* DVR "looses" recorded shows. (through software updates, reboots, etc - it doesn't really matter HOW) It seems to be accepted as totally normal for this to happen, when these same people also know it does NOT happen on Tivos.

I wouldn't find that acceptable either, but my 721 has never lost a recorded show. I think I had one instance in almost 2 years where a timer didn't fire when it was supposed to.

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