April fools: Voom Shutdown Ordered


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Supporting Founder
Sep 1, 2004
Cold Boston Area
Cablevision orders shutdown?

AFD: Cablevision board orders VOOM closed, despite 'family feud' and purchase
April 1, 2005: 6:66 AM EST

Cablevision Systems Corp. (CVC) Chairman Charles Dolan, announced today that VOOM, his pet project HD service, will shut down immediately. "It was a tough fight, but I just cannot see a way to keep it open", he announced, at an overnight press conference, "But I plan to run it for myself only, using the Rainbow-2 technology", alluding to the Installers, Inc movement of his home dish to the 72 degree slot. "I can continue to VOOM, heck, everyone can come over for a party".

It was also announced that Mr. Dolan would add 372 more high def (HD) channels to his new service, dubbed 'Personal VOOM' or P-VOOM.

Analysts are speculating that the P-VOOM will survive and prosper with 1 subscriber.

APRINET - The place to be for April New Releases.
I heard a rumor that James Dolan asked his father's permission to subscribe to P-VOOM and his father told him that he isn't allowed to.

In another article,

Richard Ramsfield said, "it was a long battle for Chuck. Now all the investors and the VOOM doomsayers can go and give it a rest. I assume that it will take him about a $1 Billion for this new enterprise but I will bet that it will make it unlike the so call VOOM under Cablevision. Let me say that the only reason for my negativity was because I had a lot of money invested on Cablevision and did not want that to go to waste." He further noted, "Now, I am looking forward to sign up with VOOM. I have become a member of satguys and have an installation date for this coming Monday. Hopefully, the install won't be like some that go to satguys and don't care about their jobs. Hopefully I get TYORK. She seems to know what is going on."
Alto101 said:
I heard a rumor that James Dolan asked his father's permission to subscribe to P-VOOM and his father told him that he isn't allowed to.


Actually, dad's response was, "Sure you can have P-VOOM, but you can only watch the channels that have your losing teams playing on them."
Alto101 said:
I heard a rumor that James Dolan asked his father's permission to subscribe to P-VOOM and his father told him that he isn't allowed to.


Chuck said..."well son, you can watch my P-Voom, but it will cost you
$400 million to subscribe..."
Microsoft is going to buy voom and continue the DBS service....
I had a scare this morning. I turned on my VOOm and not one channel came in. All channels said "No satellite signal." Sky's are blue and sunny here. I reall paniced. I called VOOM and reported it. I guess I was in such a panic I forget even to try to do a re-boot which worked. Shewwww. That was close.
Actually, I did hear that the DivineHD channel is doing so well that they are about to launch a second gay channel called "Fruit-of-the-Voom". :rainbow :rainbow :rainbow :rainbow

(This is the April Fools joke thread, isn't it?)
1080iBeVuMin said:
Actually, I did hear that the DivineHD channel is doing so well that they are about to launch a second gay channel called "Fruit-of-the-Voom". :rainbow :rainbow :rainbow :rainbow

(This is the April Fools joke thread, isn't it?)
That's odd, I actually heard it was a Lesbian Only channel called "Fruit-of-the-Womb" :haha
1080iBeVuMin said:
Actually, I did hear that the DivineHD channel is doing so well that they are about to launch a second gay channel called "Fruit-of-the-Voom". :rainbow :rainbow :rainbow :rainbow

(This is the April Fools joke thread, isn't it?)

Now thats funny!......Git er' done!
Alto101 said:
I heard a rumor that James Dolan asked his father's permission to subscribe to P-VOOM and his father told him that he isn't allowed to.


HA HA HA - Exactly.
Then James was ordered to his room for a time out.

In all reality my Voom was on this morning and hopefully will remain on!
If we make it through this I am upgrading to VA VA!

April fools: {WinVoom}?

April fools: Dolan Shot

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