dangue- Many of the new features that iphone6+ offers have been been available on pro cameras for years, even many semi pro cameras and DSLR's. I even have dual image and optical image stabilization on my DSLR lens. What the difference is, having these features available in a phone camera that is always with you and the fact it is small so you can get it into small places. Like GoPro. What the iphone and Gopro cameras still lack are the really good glass in the lens. Glass that lacks the chromatic distortion and artifacts. Broadcast quality lenses do not have star fields. If they shoot a cross starfield, it is because the photographer added it because he wanted to. BUT, as far as composition, and story, a really good amateur or professional film maker can do very nice work with these new phone cameras.
On a different note the market is off today, so if you ever had thoughts of buying some Apple stock, today would be the day to start or add to a position. It fell off about 3% which is a nice entry point for future growth. The only negatives for the company right now as far as the stock is concerned is this bendgate and the iOS error recall. These will be forgotten history in 1-2 weeks. If you are looking for a 15 or 20 minute trade, be careful but if you plan to hold for at least a year, you could by all math, see a 30% ROI in that time frame, higher if you trade on market swings. I have sold off enough Apple to keep it below 20% of my portfolio but it remains my largest single holding.