Now Apple says the $29 deal is effective immediately. That is pure damage-control now !!
Now the question is, will their geniuses refuse to replace batteries on phones that they claim aren't affected ? I know that 3rd-party benchmarks don't mean anything to Apple, but CPU Dasher X says my CPU runs at 1129 mhz when it's at 100% charge (and lower but I didn't keep track). As the battery level goes down, the CPU drops to 839 mhz, and now, at 30% charge, it's only running at 600 mhz. This CPU's default clock speed is 1400 mhz.... Before any of this controversy came out, I could FEEL that it was running slow. I had to wait on the phone while doing different things and these weren't super-CPU-intensive tasks. One I run into frequently is when I open the phone app and recents, I tap the name I want to call back and while my finger is moving to the spot on the screen, it refreshes/updates the screen, adding more recent calls, and I end up calling someone else. Another example is it takes 10 seconds to select an image, share it to Messages, then wait until it allows me to start typing a recipient's name. Our daughter's iPod touch 6th-gen does this same thing in 3-4 seconds !!