Apple Airport Extreme network question

I did all that was suggested. I also forced the router onto a different ip address. I did fix the channels to be the same on both units.

My results are similar. I am now getting reliable connections without dropouts. I have a 15 MB connection, but am only seeing 10 over the wifi. Still, it is a great improvement over what I was dealing with.

Thanks for getting me off my butt, and for the hints, Mike.

I am glad it worked. 10 on a 15mb connection is good. I have a 100mb connection, and wireless usually gets 30-45; depending where I am in the house. but wired flies, of course.

It was definitely 15 minutes (maybe 30) well spent for me this morning. Although it was frustrating knowing I had a solution, but not remembering what it was! :D Now I have taken my "hint" and stored it in my DevonThink Personal Database, to be easily retrieved the next time my memory fails me.
I vaguely remember this thread. Glad to see you figured out restoring your WAN to full speed.

I always used the Automatic channel selection on my AirPorts. It seems most people in my neighborhood just use the provided wireless router that AT&T or Comcast provides, so I don't see any other 5 GHz services, just 2.4 ones.

A few things are different now since this thread originally appeared. I bought the new Apple 802.11ac AirPort Time Capsule and relocated it in a more-central location in the basement so it covers the entire house. Because of the new location I could shut off the second AirPort Express that had been providing WiFi in the Family Room (it still provides AirTunes for the Home Theater receiver.) Even though I don't have any 802.11ac clients (yet) my MacBook Air has been reporting 300 Mbps which makes the Time Capsule backups go pretty fast.
I vaguely remember this thread. Glad to see you figured out restoring your WAN to full speed.

I always used the Automatic channel selection on my AirPorts. It seems most people in my neighborhood just use the provided wireless router that AT&T or Comcast provides, so I don't see any other 5 GHz services, just 2.4 ones.

A few things are different now since this thread originally appeared. I bought the new Apple 802.11ac AirPort Time Capsule and relocated it in a more-central location in the basement so it covers the entire house. Because of the new location I could shut off the second AirPort Express that had been providing WiFi in the Family Room (it still provides AirTunes for the Home Theater receiver.) Even though I don't have any 802.11ac clients (yet) my MacBook Air has been reporting 300 Mbps which makes the Time Capsule backups go pretty fast.

I was having problems with Auto 2 years ago, and today there is JUST one other 5Ghz network I am picking up, but it was on the same channel. BUT a ton of stuff in 2.4Ghz, and many many using the same channels. I think there were 18 networks showing up in AirRadar.

My Airports are still 4th and 5th gen, so no ac network for me, and no ac clients either. I am in no rush to upgrade my equipment. Spent enough on it as it is. Those routers are NOT cheap. :)

I just do time machine via thunderbolt, but not every day.
I am in no rush to upgrade my equipment. Spent enough on it as it is. Those routers are NOT cheap. :)
But Don is counting on us to boost up Apple's stock price!

I usually get my Apple gear from the Refurbished Store, but the new technology and the failure of the hard drive I had been using for my Time Capsule backups prompted me to pick one up at the Apple store in the mall. The AirPort utility allowed me to clone my existing AirPort Extreme settings and transfer them to the new Time Capsule. Very painless, typical Apple experience.