Any Value?

Please reply by conversation.
Tvropro didn't and thats probally one of the reasons he hates it so much. Or he was afraid he might of liked it better than H2H! I don't know!:D

If you read my post here and others. It tells you I'm not impressed by the HD lite picture Direct or Dish puts out. And lets not forget ka band for HD, 3 times more the rain fade problem then ku, which is bad enough. Not to mention Mpeg 4 8PSK modulation which is harder to get in the first place, rain fade has to be insane. Too many negatives with U.S. pizza. They really did there homework on how to stretch the rubberband with total disregard of the end product and reception. They don't get it... Remove picture component and it can't be recreated. Then use practically no error correction since the transponders are so overfull to cram more garbage in that space. That plays well with path loss from rain fade on k band.

The only thing they have going for it is a few basic cable channels over c band. I ask myself are 2 channels that I watch mostly on Direct worth all this? Then one the programming is going to hell this year. The Canadian versions of these channels have more of the shows I want to watch I noticed. Plus Shaw looks better and better and its 19510 with 3/4 fec Dc 2 non down rez video, same as Hits. Much better picture than Direct and holds up much better in the rain because of the error correction.
In fact, I personally don't know anybody who pays much over a $85.00/mo.

I do not know anyone with a bill less than $85./mo. other than new subscribers!
That is a lot of dough! Pizza dough that is! ;)
After the promotion runs out then they get the royal $crew job! :eek:

Most people accept pizza and its shortcomings as the only way to get TV especially when it comes to purchasing a package to get their otherwise free local OTA channels. The extra toppings like movie channels, sports packs, porn, PPV, extra receivers, DVRs all add up and people keep loading that pizza up! I cannot figure out why so many people with loaded pizza go out to watch movies at the theater every weekend! :confused:

Here at SatelliteGuys most here have the knowledge what is available and how to get it either at best quality, most quantity and/or affordable. If you do not have the knowledge then it can be found somewhere in the many category choices here. A quality or a quantity comparison should not have to end up in a all out food fight either! ;)

I am not one of the "dough boy$" and I stay out of the pizza kitchen and spend most of my time on 4DTV, FTA and OTA areas. I am amazed on how much pizza gets dropped on the 4DTV floor!!! Let's clean it up! It seems like every 4DTV thread has pizza sass! Do the pizza areas all include 4DTV??? :rolleyes:
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I do not know anyone with a bill less than $85./mo. other than new subscribers!
That is a lot of dough! Pizza dough that is! ;)
After the promotion runs out then they get the royal $crew job! :eek:

Most people accept pizza and its shortcomings as the only way to get TV especially when it comes to purchasing a package to get their otherwise free local OTA channels. The extra toppings like movie channels, sports packs, porn, PPV, extra receivers, DVRs all add up and people keep loading that pizza up! I cannot figure out why so many people with loaded pizza go out to watch movies at the theater every weekend! :confused:

Here at SatelliteGuys most here have the knowledge what is available and how to get it either at best quality, most quantity and/or affordable. If you do not have the knowledge then it can be found somewhere in the many category choices here. A quality or a quantity comparison should not have to end up in a all out food fight either! ;)

I am not one of the "dough boy$" and I stay out of the pizza kitchen and spend most of my time on 4DTV, FTA and OTA areas. I am amazed on how much pizza gets dropped on the 4DTV floor!!! Let's clean it up! It seems like every 4DTV thread has pizza sass! Do the pizza areas all include 4DTV??? :rolleyes:

Good post Dan. I hate to say it but the pizza virus is spreading to more big dish forums. It killed satforums and now its over here at satellite guys. It going take to turn for the worse here which will cause big dish people to stay away. IMO the pizza guys have caused muting of 4DTV Map Master progress over here. I was going to keep posting updates here and even make the program downloadable at satguys but that won't happen now. I have been told that satguys got complaints about it and removed my link to the new MM forum. It's sad to see that Satellite guys don't want to be included in the release. The downward trend to good big dish happenings continue. It seems they rather would allow the pizza guys to do there pizza glory work, but it is what it is. The Big Dish will always rule with no pizza control ever at the places I run. :)
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..muting of 4DTV Map Master progress over here...

If it has to do with 4DTV then it should be Allowed!!! :D

The time and effort that you and your team have and are committing to keep things going is appreciated by a lot of us 4DTV people!!!... THANK YOU!!!... :bow

:hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: Map Master!
I see on the home page that Dish is having some kind of reception problems!
I feel like posting in that Dish thread on how great the 4DTV is coming in!!!... :dev
I see on the home page that Dish is having some kind of reception problems!
I feel like posting in that Dish thread on how great the 4DTV is coming in!!!... :dev

X4 working like a charm :D Maybe 129 on Dish was under attack by the 4DTV Gods :eek:
Those pizza boy$ should be posting in the OTA area on how much they could spend a month to get their locals "free"!!!... :loco:
Why would they want it for free? They rather pay a DBS provider to retransmit an over compressed signal. Most probably don't even know what an antenna is... LOL.
I almost had two people convinced to go with H2H but the expense & time to find everything you need, the lack of programming & the biggest downfall in my opinion, is the lack of local programming, is what stopped them, not to mention the upkeep, which I realize is minimal if you just want to stay on X4. There's also the fact that everything on H2H is 4:3 format and to try to fill the modern wide screens, you end up with everything in "fat" mode or you loose the top & bottom of the picture, cutting off faces. Most peoples lives revolve around busy schedules & most don't want to mess with tracking down parts or doing the installation.
This doesn't mean those that go with the small dish are stupid. It means their interests might be something other than TV.
I actually watch my OpenBox more than I do H2H. That's because there's nothing on H2H & I just subscribed to the get-it-all pack. Watching Starze on my High Def screen is a real let down when my brother can watch the same movie on Starze in High Def. And yes. it is clearer than H2H standard 4:3.
I keep hearing things that there will be more programming coming to H2H but all I've seen are programs leaving. There's still no Denver pack, no Spike, no USA etc.
And if I want to have 5 TV's hooked up, it would cost me $270.00/mo. My brother has 5 receivers & he gets all those channels I can't, plus locals, with 5 receivers, and pays half of what it would cost me. Plus I'm not even sure if 5 receivers could even be hooked up without massive conflicts.
Even 2 receivers would cost me $108.00/ mo with H2H, more than Direct would charge for what I get. And my TV screen would be filled.
Plus, I thought this thread was about the the C-Band high def decoder.
I seriously think I'll hook mine up to see what it does on PBS. Then I'll put it back in the closet & return to my modern S-9 receiver.
I almost had two people convinced to go with H2H but the expense & time to find everything you need, the lack of programming & the biggest downfall in my opinion, is the lack of local programming, is what stopped them, not to mention the upkeep, which I realize is minimal if you just want to stay on X4. There's also the fact that everything on H2H is 4:3 format and to try to fill the modern wide screens, you end up with everything in "fat" mode or you loose the top & bottom of the picture, cutting off faces. Most peoples lives revolve around busy schedules & most don't want to mess with tracking down parts or doing the installation.
This doesn't mean those that go with the small dish are stupid. It means their interests might be something other than TV.
I actually watch my OpenBox more than I do H2H. That's because there's nothing on H2H & I just subscribed to the get-it-all pack. Watching Starze on my High Def screen is a real let down when my brother can watch the same movie on Starze in High Def. And yes. it is clearer than H2H standard 4:3.
I keep hearing things that there will be more programming coming to H2H but all I've seen are programs leaving. There's still no Denver pack, no Spike, no USA etc.
And if I want to have 5 TV's hooked up, it would cost me $270.00/mo. My brother has 5 receivers & he gets all those channels I can't, plus locals, with 5 receivers, and pays half of what it would cost me. Plus I'm not even sure if 5 receivers could even be hooked up without massive conflicts.
Even 2 receivers would cost me $108.00/ mo with H2H, more than Direct would charge for what I get. And my TV screen would be filled.
Plus, I thought this thread was about the the C-Band high def decoder.
I seriously think I'll hook mine up to see what it does on PBS. Then I'll put it back in the closet & return to my modern S-9 receiver.

If you want Direct so bad quit talking about it and order it. It's a phone call away you can be enjoying it the next day if you get an install like I did for the next day. Not all channels are in HD lite on Direct and plenty will show you side bars on some shows. Get off the forum get your Social security number ready for the credit check and make the call. It will be like candy in the beginning, then as that initial thrill wears off and you see it's pitfalls you may not be praising it that much. Just remember your stuck paying that bill for 2 years. You are married to them and divorces don't come cheap.

Occasionally Direct will call you or if you call them for anything and will try to upgrade you. Of course a lot of those upgrades start another 2 year contract and they don't disclose that unless you ask. These attempts also increases in year two. If you have spotless credit (like I do) They will offer you the world to snag you in deeper. They want you for life. I have declined there great offers and told them I want the contract to be done already. They think I'm nuts, but maybe I am I own that 12 foot monster that nothing is on any more. Funny when people see what I can get they freak out. :) I wonder what Direct will try to trick me into the day I cancel them. :eek: I have only 9 months left to be a slave then they can shove it.
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X4 working like a charm :D Maybe 129 on Dish was under attack by the 4DTV Gods :eek:

This is nothing to laugh at. There are possibilities that are not so unlikely that could
wipe out nearly all Sat. Com. That would mean NO FTA, DIRECT, DISH, 4DTV, DCII &
H2H. This may be for many years or decades because the sats would be dead. It would be entirely possible we would go back to laying cable and various terrestrial links because the satellite systems are too fragile. :cool:
your hateness for DBS is showing.....

Occasionally Direct will call you or if you call them for anything and will try to upgrade you. Of course a lot of those upgrades start another 2 year contract and they don't disclose that unless you ask.
unless its a new receiver there is no "contract" to add programming. OK there is a $5 fee if you remove programming before 30 days (no fee if you wait) but unless you upgrade equipment there is extension of contract.

These attempts also increases in year two.
huh? I have had 2 calls from Directv. One for Starz and one for SHowtime/Starz or something like that. I politelly say no and go on with my day.

And if you go through your telecom and bundle (like I did) they dont ask for the social or a cc. :)
And if you go through your telecom and bundle (like I did) they dont ask for the social or a cc. :)

My telco wanted to charge me more than going through Direct itself. AT&T will ship you off to another division that deals with Directs sales. They want there cut too. I think if UVerse is available in your area you can't even do Direct anymore through them.

The bottom line is he wants Direct so bad quit talking about it and get it. You won't die from it, if anyone would have died from it I would have died already. I'm disgusted but not dead from it. ;)
This is nothing to laugh at. There are possibilities that are not so unlikely that could
wipe out nearly all Sat. Com. That would mean NO FTA, DIRECT, DISH, 4DTV, DCII &
H2H. This may be for many years or decades because the sats would be dead. It would be entirely possible we would go back to laying cable and various terrestrial links because the satellite systems are too fragile. :cool:

Back to terrestrial microwave links like when I was a kid. They worked good in the 60's and 70's. Bring it :)
The bottom line is he wants Direct so bad quit talking about it and get it. You won't die from it, if anyone would have died from it I would have died already. I'm disgusted but not dead from it. ;)

I hope that's not aimed at me.

I haven't said one time I wanted Dish or Direct. I just can't see how this system is so much worse than C-band. Sure, it has it's downfalls, but so does C-Band. And from what I've read, there are half as many people subscribing to the big dish now than there was a year ago. As a hobby, C-Band is great for those interested in scanning the skies. I enjoy it myself sometimes.
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There has been a helluva lotta pizza stuff on the floor in this area lately, and now it's running down the walls too! :eek: Funny thing about it, is I don't see ANY C-band parts laying around in the pizza sections! :D

Sent from my DROIDX using SatelliteGuys
There has been a helluva lotta pizza stuff on the floor in this area lately, and now it's running down the walls too! :eek: Funny thing about it, is I don't see ANY C-band parts laying around in the pizza sections! :D

Sent from my DROIDX using SatelliteGuys

It's a double standard don't you know !sadroll
Good post Dan. I hate to say it but the pizza virus is spreading to more big dish forums. It killed satforums and now its over here at satellite guys. It going take to turn for the worse here which will cause big dish people to stay away. IMO the pizza guys have caused muting of 4DTV Map Master progress over here. I was going to keep posting updates here and even make the program downloadable at satguys but that won't happen now. I have been told that satguys got complaints about it and removed my link to the new MM forum. It's sad to see that Satellite guys don't want to be included in the release. The downward trend to good big dish happenings continue. It seems they rather would allow the pizza guys to do there pizza glory work, but it is what it is. The Big Dish will always rule with no pizza control ever at the places I run. :)

You do realize that DBS or "pizza" as you like to call it was not even mentioned in this thread until post 19, which was your post? I am certainly no fan of what has become of C-Band. I wish that GI/Motorola, Drake, Chaparral, and others had continued to support it. It would be great if we could get the master feeds and have a HD DVR receiver capable of getting the DCII and PowerVu channels. But it is what it is, and it is not going to happen. If someone wants cable type programming today, they have to get it from cable, if you can get cable, the telephone company, if your telecom offers it, or from DBS. If you will go to the real C-Band forum on this site, and the other FTA areas there is hardly any mention of "pizza" so you cant say that SatelliteGuys is running off FTA hobbyist. Probably the reason there is mention of it in the 4DTV area is that there is still a small contingent of subscription based channels left available through 4DTV for the time being. If you are happy with H2H that is good, I am happy for you. But you really should not carry such a chip on your shoulder about DBS. What I am saying is, you are providing incorrect information about $250 per month prices for the packages, and that DirecTV extends your commitment without telling you, etc... If someone is asking about the difference in H2H and DirecTV or Dish Network it is fine to sell "your" service, just be fair about it. I am sure that the H2H SD picture quality is better than DirecTV, but for what you get the price seems inflated. I realize that there are only a few subscribers left to carry the burden though. And I agree with you that the HD picture from most C-Band feeds I have ever seen exceeds that of what DirecTV and Dish carry, but their HD picture is perfectly watchable and look quite good, I would have to give the slight edge to DirecTV. Anyway, my point is SatelliteGuys is not all about "pizza" and they are not trying to push FTA hobbyist and C-Banders out the door in any way.
:eek:GEE Whiz, Kids, this post was about a HDD 201 decoder. Looks like what is really needed here is a staff member to close it before someone chokes someone.:eek:

:eek:Help STAFF MEMBER!:eek:

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