Direct move for more HD - i doubt it
Ruppert don't care, don't give a rats a%$, he will continue to do what he always has done - blame whoever is in charge at the time for low stock prices and poor numbers of new subscribers & get rid of them but won't change diddly. New birds won't mean anything either. Sad part is that he could have the best to give to us but just don't care. He made a comment a few years back that HD isn't the thing of the future but 3D will be. I've sat waiting for the D* bus for 2 years from him but there just isn't one beaming to my location or any other location. My HD dish for D* is still up on the roof waiting for something that will never come. I think I have a better chance of hitting Mega-Millions than getting a great HD package from Rupperts D*.
Ruppert don't care, don't give a rats a%$, he will continue to do what he always has done - blame whoever is in charge at the time for low stock prices and poor numbers of new subscribers & get rid of them but won't change diddly. New birds won't mean anything either. Sad part is that he could have the best to give to us but just don't care. He made a comment a few years back that HD isn't the thing of the future but 3D will be. I've sat waiting for the D* bus for 2 years from him but there just isn't one beaming to my location or any other location. My HD dish for D* is still up on the roof waiting for something that will never come. I think I have a better chance of hitting Mega-Millions than getting a great HD package from Rupperts D*.