Two cents, sure. But I think we're up to $20 worth of your two cents.
I want OTA too, although I actually watch little OTA (at home). I also have a DTVPAL DVR and a Sony DHG500. But it's easier to record to the Dish DVR. So I'll wait, and watch, and maybe upgrade later this year. Or not.
I won't consider upgrading until full 2 Hopper integration is here, and OTA. But I'm not posting endlessly about the lack of these features at intro. I understand the value of getting a product out the door that meets most needs. To post the same complaints over and over, especially after the reasons why have been presented makes one look like they are just interested in complaining.
Well my two cents don't cost you anything to read . Besides I was answering to another poster who asked why ota was so important. If you don't like my posts then I suggest you hit IGNORE. I 'm kind of getting tired of the DISH pom-pom waivers attacking anyone who distracts from the fact that DISH does make mistakes . Releasing a cutting edge receiver like the Hopper without ota support is a mistake. So was the Entire 922 experience I went through. If ya'll want to over look the negatives of the Hopper and only see good , then more power to you. I learned from the 922 that the grass isn't always greener on the other side.