Annoyed with wating for new HD

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Nothing I'm about to say is meant to be mean spirited in any way. ...

And since a lot of people are complaining about basically the same thing, I'd have to assume that complaining is not effective in this regard.
Are you really "stuck" in a contract? Isn't there a buyout? (There usually is)
If you REALLY don't like it.... move now. Don't wait. Heck if you're spending $135 a month for TV you can certainly afford the buyout.
As long as you keep paying for something you're complaining about, what you're really saying is, "I don't like this, but it's ok and I can wait as long as it takes so here's my money." You're not being listened to. At least not completely. What they hear on the other end is, "'s my money."

I live in a rural community now. FIOS is not coming any time soon. I don't think we're even on their radar. I absolutely refuse to talk to Time Warner for cable from past experience many years ago and the service was unreliable at best. So I'm on satellite with DSL. The phone company techs know me by name. In a GOOd way.... in fact I have one guy's cell phone number in case I have problems. They call in the repair ticket FOR me. Perhaps a perk of being served by a small phone company. VERY happy with the phone service. My satellite service is just OK. There are things that I wish they'd do differently. Sometimes when I've complained, they've given me money off on my bill. Sometimes for several months running. Sometimes I have to live with an aspect of their service I really don't like, but it is what it is. I can either effect a change or I can't. So until I HAVE a better choice..... "here's my money" and I move on to things I have more control over.

Call me whatever you want to call me, but in 2001 I died in a car accident. Came back only to spend an entire summer in a wheel chair being hauled around by my 5'-2" wife. Some things are just not as important or inflammatory as they used to be. Got kids? Got a wife? Got a dog?

Go give them a hug when you're ticked off about your satellite service. Which means more to you? What's really important? This whole long story was not meant to be a slam against anyone. And I certainly hope it didn't make you mad at ME! But if it did.... got kids? Got a wife? Got a dog?

+1000 even though I also have made posts regarding more HD its not like the world is going to end if nothing gets added, there are more important things in life than 1080i or 720p,and no I dont have a wife, kids or dog but I understand where you are coming from. If you dont like what you get switch
Nothing I'm about to say is meant to be mean spirited in any way. ...

And since a lot of people are complaining about basically the same thing, I'd have to assume that complaining is not effective in this regard.
Are you really "stuck" in a contract? Isn't there a buyout? (There usually is)
I know you're not being mean spirited. Don't take my rebuttal in that way either. I was just explaining why people are mad. We're paying a lot of money for their service.

As for the buyout - of course I could afford it, but why should I have to pay even a single dollar to get our of what I perceive as inferior service. I think I have about 5 months left on my contract and rather than pay $100 for the buyout, I'll give them that time to get their HD on par with FiOS. In the meantime, I'll continue to complain in this thread (afterall that's what this thread is for) as well as complain directly to DTV.

I think what annoys me most is what I see as false advertising on their part by tricking new customers into thinking they have the most HD, when clearly they do not.
Thank you for understanding that I was not intending to be mean to anyone and I appreciate your rebuttal. I absolutely agree with your right to complain if you so desire. I have already proven myself to be a somewhat opinionated old SOB in this thread and I really don't think I have anything more constructive to add. :)

I don't really disagree with anyone's right to complain. And for all my long-winded stories, I think I was just saying that I find it amusing what finds its way to the top of peoples' priority list. :) Not judging it... just making a personal observation. I do sincerely apologize if I contributed to anyone's anger.

Remember though.... if you always do what you always done.... you'll always get what you always got.
The difference here is that when you were a kid, you weren't paying $135 per month for your programming like we are. Also, DirecTV is very misleading in their advertising of the MOST HD since they are counting all the local markets. If you count the national HD, which is the REAL count, FiOS blows them away. I became a DirecTV subscriber specifically for their HD content. If their national offering doesn't catch up to FiOS by the time my contract is up, I'll stop complaning and simply switch. Right now, I'm stuck in a contract with them, so I'll continue to complain.

I agree with you on so many levels with this. Dead on!
Nothing I'm about to say is meant to be mean spirited in any way. ...

And since a lot of people are complaining about basically the same thing, I'd have to assume that complaining is not effective in this regard.
Are you really "stuck" in a contract? Isn't there a buyout? (There usually is)
If you REALLY don't like it.... move now. Don't wait. Heck if you're spending $135 a month for TV you can certainly afford the buyout.
As long as you keep paying for something you're complaining about, what you're really saying is, "I don't like this, but it's ok and I can wait as long as it takes so here's my money." You're not being listened to. At least not completely. What they hear on the other end is, "'s my money."

I live in a rural community now. FIOS is not coming any time soon. I don't think we're even on their radar. I absolutely refuse to talk to Time Warner for cable from past experience many years ago and the service was unreliable at best. So I'm on satellite with DSL. The phone company techs know me by name. In a GOOd way.... in fact I have one guy's cell phone number in case I have problems. They call in the repair ticket FOR me. Perhaps a perk of being served by a small phone company. VERY happy with the phone service. My satellite service is just OK. There are things that I wish they'd do differently. Sometimes when I've complained, they've given me money off on my bill. Sometimes for several months running. Sometimes I have to live with an aspect of their service I really don't like, but it is what it is. I can either effect a change or I can't. So until I HAVE a better choice..... "here's my money" and I move on to things I have more control over.

Call me whatever you want to call me, but in 2001 I died in a car accident. Came back only to spend an entire summer in a wheel chair being hauled around by my 5'-2" wife. Some things are just not as important or inflammatory as they used to be. Got kids? Got a wife? Got a dog?

Go give them a hug when you're ticked off about your satellite service. Which means more to you? What's really important? This whole long story was not meant to be a slam against anyone. And I certainly hope it didn't make you mad at ME! But if it did.... got kids? Got a wife? Got a dog?

I don't mind spending money for TV, as I have said before. But I want certain channels and will complain until I get them. I signed up for DirecTV in the spring and thought they were going to keep adding HD nationals, like they did so well at last year. Yes, I can buy out my contract, but it is like $480 to do so right now. It goes down each month, but that is a lot to pay, considering I paid $300 up front for the service and pay $150 or so a month. I don't think I am asking for too much. I just read another story on about, "Is DirecTV falling behind with popular cable channels in HD?" They talk about Fox News HD, AMC HD, Travel Channel HD. Also, keep in mind, in June of 2007, DirecTV did a press release saying that the HBO/MAX channels in HD, 13 of them anyway, were coming in fall of 2007. They still have not arrived.

Your story may put things into perspective. In your own personal life, that is right up there with 9/11 to us as a nation. But at some point you start looking beyond the basics (family, health, etc) and start complaining about the extras. We are Americans and have every right to get mad when we feel taken by DirecTV.
I would say that FNC is on about 75% of the time at our house. Since we have to pay for the signal, AND the fact that the station is available in HD, we have a legitimate complaint. I just joined this forum today because it is a DirecTV forum, not a "find a hobby" forum. Sorry, but making an issue of something is often the only way you can get things done.

With this election around the corner, I too have Fox News on a lot. For me, it is on ALL day while I work when I am home working and on until 10PM when my wife and I sit down for a few hours and watch our DVR'd shows or movies. I am losing sleep over this economic crisis and more so, the election. During an off year, I mix it up between Fox Business and Fox News, as I will after the election until the next crisis, but right now I am watching Fox News all the time. I want it in HD. That is not a lot to ask. I cannot believe that DirecTV of all providers hasn't given us Fox News in HD.
I would, also, like to receive the HD channels that are available. D* needs to get them up asap. Get those contracts signed. Get the wiring done. Get the testing done. Like someone else said, we are paying for HD so we should get all the HD we can.

I'm afraid that D* has turned the burner down because E* isn't doing much right now and there is no rush.

Now please explain to me why FNC in HD is really wanted by some of us? I've watch other news channels that were HD (only for a few minutes) and what I saw was a smaller window with a lot of text news partially surrounding the picture. Am I missing something? I really want to know.

Flip back and forth between the picture quality of channels 359 (Fox Biz HD) and 360 (Fox News SD) and you can see for yourself. Fox Business looks sexy as can be in HD. Many of us watch Fox News ALL DAY LONG and want the HD channel. What is so hard to understand about wanting something in HD that you watch ALL DAY LONG?

Also, if you are one to watch the debates, switch back and forth between 202 (CNN HD) on DirecTV and 360 (Fox News SD). Same debate, very different image qualities. I find myself watching the debates in HD on CNN and then quickly switching back to Fox News SD for commentary. Sure would be nice to just leave it on my favorite station, in HD.
I expect by Christmas to have HD on Travel, Outdoor, AMC, a variety of HBO/Max additions & my Chiller as a Halloween surprise. I can't think of any reason for #1Fox News not to be in HD right now. Given the popularity of the channel (red states seem to treat it like a local channel) it makes no sense.

I've written them about it & that is all we can do. The real interesting thing are the contracts being negotiated for these additions to be placed on the 'useless/overpriced' HD Extra pack (just got the 3 month free trial of this pathetic thing again). Just like the sports networks fighting over which tier to be included on; I suspect the same is going on with the nationals. They absolutely have to add something to that Extra HD pack for people to seriously consider adding it in mass.
Flip back and forth between the picture quality of channels 359 (Fox Biz HD) and 360 (Fox News SD) and you can see for yourself. Fox Business looks sexy as can be in HD. Many of us watch Fox News ALL DAY LONG and want the HD channel. What is so hard to understand about wanting something in HD that you watch ALL DAY LONG?

Also, if you are one to watch the debates, switch back and forth between 202 (CNN HD) on DirecTV and 360 (Fox News SD). Same debate, very different image qualities. I find myself watching the debates in HD on CNN and then quickly switching back to Fox News SD for commentary. Sure would be nice to just leave it on my favorite station, in HD.

I agree. Side or bottome scrolls aside, the image quality isnt even comparable between the examples you gave. I actually like the extra info that they put in when they dont have the HD feed to show us. Much like ESPN News HD.
Recent email to directvcustomercare and response

Recent email to and response (names and employee # changed to protect the not so innocent)

Customer (Skottey) - 10/10/2008 11:10 AM
We are still waiting for you to add Fox News Channel in HD on channel 360.
This is ridiculous, with all the economic problems in the news and the election coming up, that you have not added this channel yet. Add Fox News HD now! Also, we are STILL waiting for the HBO/MAX channels you announced in a press release in June of 2007 that were to go HD in fall of 2007. You announced 13, yet we only have 4 of them to date. Come on. Get on the ball and start adding more HD. We'd also like Travel Channel HD and AMC HD.
Response (Stephanie A. - 10016XXXX) - 10/10/2008 07:45 PM
Dear Mr. Skottey,

Thanks for taking the time to write us.

While we don't have plans to add the channels you've mentions in HD at this time, we're working to bring you even more HD channels in the near future. However, I have forwarded your request to DIRECTV management. Stay tuned to to keep up with the latest HD news. In addition, whenever we add channels to our lineup, we release a statement to the press, so keep an eye on the news to find out about the newest channels or visit our web site at

Thanks again for writing.


Stephanie A.
Employee ID# 10016XXXX
DIRECTV Customer Service
"whenever we add channels to our lineup, we release a statement to the press"
Like the press release from June 2007 that said we'd be getting all those HBO/MAX channels in fall of 2007?
I wouldn't put stock in that answer. What you got there is a standard form response that they will give right up until a channel debuts.

I guarantee you that if you would've emailed them about Planet Green HD the day before they announced carriage back in July, you would've got the same response.

Emailing them about upcoming channels is useless because they will give away nothing until they announce it.

That's said I'm just as annoyed as you about the lack of new channels.
I wouldn't put stock in that answer. What you got there is a standard form response that they will give right up until a channel debuts.

I guarantee you that if you would've emailed them about Planet Green HD the day before they announced carriage back in July, you would've got the same response.

Emailing them about upcoming channels is useless because they will give away nothing until they announce it.

That's said I'm just as annoyed as you about the lack of new channels.

Last year, I was a Dish subscriber and I about creamed my pants leading up to the ANNOUNCED fall launch of HD channels on DirecTV. I was so jealous. They were so good about announcing it. Now they are just as bad as my local cable company (BHN) about announcing new stuff.

For the life of me I cannot figure out why they are not adding Fox News Channel in HD prior to the election. It should have been added before the conventions.

I really love the setup of DirecTV and the HD-DVR. I am seriously happy with that. And I was happy with the channel selection going in. I thought they would be adding more channels that are highly desireable, like Fox News, AMC, and Travel Channel in HD. Instead, we get Planet Green in HD. What were they thinking? Maybe they are holding out for another sweep of channels. Maybe they are waiting until their next promotion towards the end of football season. I cannot believe it is mid-October already. Maybe they will launch a bunch of new HD nationals all at once and the HBO/MAX HD channels. That would make many of us happy.

I checked out the pricing of FIOS in my area. The HD Extreme pack is currently $57 and the HBO/Max/Starz/Showtime/TMC/Encore/IFC/Sundance bundle is $30. That is only $87 plus equipment and taxes. The multiroom HD DVR is $20. Not sure if I would get that or two HD DVRs, but either way, I would get more with FIOS and pay less. I'd still have to keep DirecTV around until my buyout drops far below the $480 it is right now.

Come on FIOS! The wife isn't even into this stuff and she has made independent comments about FIOS coming to our neighborhood soon. She mentioned that they have over 100 HD channels, so the ad campaign is working. And the difference between FIOS and DirecTV is that FIOS isn't including 30 PPV channels in their HD nationals count.

But seriously, if DirecTV would just add the promised HBO/MAX channels and the few nationals I want such as Fox News HD, Travel Channel HD, AMC HD,etc.. I would be happy with them again and probably stick around for at least the full contract. I honestly feel like they roped me in. I feel like a fish!
Why did those of you who are not satisfied with less than 200+ HD Channels bother to get an HDTV, HD receiver etc then? Why don't you all go back to SD,?? I am tired of seeing all the threads on this and other boards on this subject. GEEZ, GET A LIFE!!
Why did those of you who are not satisfied with less than 200+ HD Channels bother to get an HDTV, HD receiver etc then? Why don't you all go back to SD,?? I am tired of seeing all the threads on this and other boards on this subject. GEEZ, GET A LIFE!!

I'll get a life when you get a screen name that I can pronounce out loud.
Go away if you don't like our complaining.
Why did those of you who are not satisfied with less than 200+ HD Channels bother to get an HDTV, HD receiver etc then? Why don't you all go back to SD,?? I am tired of seeing all the threads on this and other boards on this subject. GEEZ, GET A LIFE!!

You knew what the thread was about before you came in here. Its in the title. If you dont like it or it annoys you to read it, dont click on the thread. Its that simple.

I have often wondered, whats worse, the person who complains, or the person who complains about others complaining?
If FIOS ever came to our area - i'd be counting down the hours to get out of my Directv and cable internet Contract.


You had to sign a contract with a cable company? Wow. That is one of the nice things about Bright House Networks. No contracts. No *is their motto.
You had to sign a contract with a cable company? Wow. That is one of the nice things about Bright House Networks. No contracts. No *is their motto.

Broken motto? LOL - ALL companies get creative with ad wording, phrases, slogans, asterisks and fine print.


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Broken motto? LOL - ALL companies get creative with ad wording, phrases, slogans, asterisks and fine print.

Yes, I know that. I was just stating that that is their motto and they DO NOT make you sign a contract like FIOS or satellite, and this other guys cable provider.
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