Anik F1R Signal Strength Readings


Prehistoric Satellite Guru
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Jun 4, 2004
Montfort, Wisconsin
Anik F1R is now in orbit, in use by Star Choice at the 107.3 West Ku-band oribital position. Please post your location, size of antenna (60E, 75E,
90 cm round offset or whatever), and the EBNO or C/N readings on the following channels: Note that C/N readings can be obtained on Star Choice 300 or 400 series receivers by pressing Options 6-0-5-right-right, or by reading the "EBNO" reading listed on 500 series HD receivers.

My results in southern Wisconsin, using a 1.8 meter offset dish and
standard Ku-band LNBF. (changes from previous F1 readings in brackets).

Channel 299 +11.8 dB (F1 was +12.8 signal dropped 1.0 dB)
Channel 300 +11.5 (F1 was +11.8 signal dropped 0.3 dB)
Channel 316 +11.4 (F1 was +11.9 signal dropped 0.5 dB)
Channel 326 +11.1 (F1 was +11.4 signal dropped 0.3 dB)
Channel 361 +12.1 (F1 was +12.0 signal improved 0.1 dB)
Channel 400 +11.5 (F1 was +12.1 signal dropped 0.6 dB)
Channel 465 +10.9 (F1 was +10.6 signal improved 0.3 dB)
Channel 534 +11.8 (F1 was +11.6 signal improved 0.2 dB)
Channel 542 +10.9 (F1 was +12.0 signal dropped 1.1 dB)
Channel 544 +12.0 (F1 was +12.2 signal dropped 0.2 dB)

Based upon preliminary results, I would expect slight drop in signal levels in central Canada and northern U.S., but significant improvements in outlying areas. Please post your findings.

Here are some readings from the Tampa Bay area with the std 75E elliptical dish. Readings are compared to those taken on 8/18 just after the system was installed (I don't have old readings on the same channels that Mike posted):

Channel 299 +8.5 (F1 was +7.8 signal increased 0.7 dB)
Channel 300 +7.9 (F1 was +6.1 signal increased 1.8 dB)
Channel 308 +8.4 (F1 was +7.6 signal increased 0.8 dB)
Channel 511 +8.0 (F1 was +6.2 signal increased 1.8 dB)
Channel 561 +6.8 (F1 was +5.1 signal increased 1.7 dB)

The weakest signals have improved quite significantly down here.
Preliminary reports show a surprise to the south. While signals may be stronger on Anik F1R in Florida and Texas, those in southern and central Mexico are in for a bad surprise. Signal is weaker than before, and if it works at all, will take a substantially larger antenna south of Guadalajara.
Anybody with some detailed signal readings, even those with a 4DTV with access to Ch 299 on 107.3 West/Ku and Ch 298 on 111.1 West/Ku, are encouraged to send comparisons on ANY type of antenna. Inquiring minds want to know!
I am just north of Ann Arbor, MI with a 60E dish:

Channel 299 +10.2 dB (F1 was +10.0 signal improved 0.2 dB)
Channel 300 + 8.8 (no prev value)
Channel 316 +10.0 (no prev value)
Channel 326 + 9.9 (F1 was + 9.9 signal remained the same 0.0 dB)
Channel 361 + 9.9 (F1 was + 9.6 signal improved 0.3 dB)
Channel 400 + 9.1 (no prev value)
Channel 465 + 9.8 (F1 was + 9.3 signal improved 0.5 dB)
Channel 534 + 9.6 (F1 was + 10.0 signal dropped 0.4 dB)
Channel 542 +11.4 (F1 was +11.7 signal dropped 0.3 dB)
Channel 544 + 9.1 (F1 was + 9.7 signal dropped 0.6 dB)
Thanks, 'Berg. Not much we can do about the weather!
I know there are a lot of you with systems in the Sun Belt
(California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Florida).
With the recent dropoff in signals past mid-Mexico, it would be highly useful information for RVers going through these transition areas.
Could we make this a sticky, and just ask for C/N or EbNO readings on the channels that are already required to be verified when you set up with SC?
(All on F1R at 107.3 WesT)

I didnt go through the whole list, but here in Minneapolis, MN the numbers went down

TSN use to be at at 9.7
299 was at 9.3

I dont like this :(
Fractions of a dB aren't a big deal...I had a mix of ups and downs between various transponders---mostly downs. Nothing like central Mexico, which averages 3 dB lower (that's half as much power) than previous levels on F1.
In any case, it's all useful information, and I again encourage SC system owners to report their levels on above channels so that we can put together a total picture.
forgot to mention its a 315 with a 75e dish

I'll check the rest and see what they come up with

But Mike....10.0 sounds sooooooooooo much better than 9.7 :D
Its been raining here for the last week... so my numbers would be bad..

And once it stops raining, then its time to take down the dishes for my move. :(
75E dish, Quad LNBF (Lower dish in avatar)
Located approx. 65 miles east of Toronto ON, on the North shore of Lake Ontario. I do not have any previous readings.

299 11.1
300 9.4
316 10.8
326 10.9
361 11.2
400 9.4
465 10.5
534 9.5
542 10.7
544 9.3

I didn't spend too much time peaking it properly, so I might be able to improve these readings.
Here are readings w/ a 75E from Tampa Bay on the channels Mike requested (updating my earlier post)

299 +8.5
326 +8.2
361 +9.3
465 +8.9
534 +8.0
542 +7.8
544 +5.5
San Diego, 75E, DSR 505, no previous readings, cloudy but no rain.

299 6.7
326 6.5
361 not subbed
465 6.5
534 not subbed
542 not subbed
544 not subbed
564 6.0
New dish mount (just moved in, so I dont have prior readings) 06385 zip code, 60E dish, as read on my DSR500.. they look pretty ballanced.

298 10.1 (F2, dont know the TP)
299 10.9 (F1R 11867)
326 10.4 (F1R 12081)
361 10.2 (F1R 12142)
465 10.2 (F1R 12020)
542 10.3 (F1R 11837)
534 10.2 (F1R 12002)
544 9.8 (F1R 12098)

I will check EbNo on my HD channels when I get home.
I think the best comprehensive list of channels to check for F1R signal is one for each TP.. they would be 201, 507, 329, 505, 416, 521, 654, 621, 396, 353, 502, 515, 610, 500, 347, 348, 372, 511, 465, 601, 354, 572, 326, 508, 380, 339, 361, 340, 522, and 389. (30 Transponders)

These are all the first pids for each transponder of F1R.. I will check them all tonight.

For F2, the first PID channels are 805, 290, 274, 751, 750, 282, 285, 286, 710, 730, 760, 782, 288, 227, and 283. (15 Transponders)

You do not have to be a subscriber for these channels to get the signal levels. just close the "Subscription Required" window, and enter the Options menu. It will still give you a Signal Level/EbNo data regardless of authorization state.
F1R Transponders

201  10.9
507  11.1
329  10.7
505  10.1
416  11.0
521  10.2
654  10.6
621  10.9
396  10.7
353  10.2
502  11.0
515  10.8
610  11.6
500  10.9
347  11.1
348   9.9
372  10.0
511  10.5
465  10.6
601  10.2
354   9.2
572   9.1
326  10.6
508   9.7
380  10.6
339  10.1
361   9.8
340  10.0
522  11.5
389   9.7

F2 Transponders

805  10.5
290  10.9
274  10.6
751  11.3
750  10.0
282  11.0
285  10.5
286  11.5
710  11.0
730  10.0
760  11.3
782  10.8
288  10.5
227  10.8
287  10.8
I used 287 instead of 283 for the last F2 TP, because my channelmap (for Ontario) does not allow me to select Movie Central..

All of these readings were done between 12:15a and 12:45a (took me a while to do them all...) on a clear night.

What I find amusing is.. the channels I tried first, were the ones requested by my broker, I assumed some were on F1 and some on F2, but it turns out they were all on F1..

Before I moved, I had very widely ranged EbNo values, with a low in the 6.5 area, and a high in the 10.5 area.. all on the same bird.

If anything, I believe that the per-transponder power has leveled out some on F1R..

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