Android transfer app available!

It's working ok on my Nexus 5 running 4.4.2.

I REALLY WISH they given us the option to choose the storage location. People with uSD cards are going to be annoyed. USB-OTG storage should be supported too. Security shouldn't be an issue since the files seem to be encrypted on the phone.
I re-installed Dish Anywhere on Saturday on the Nexus 7 and through yesterday I was getting the license error. I just checked today at work and my tv show was playable. Will download another show tonight to see what happens.
Mine is now working as well, no action taken. Just started working today. I wish I had transferred more to it before I left the state yesterday.

I agree that the SD/Internal storage option is a HUGE missing feature that should be standard on any app these days. I only have about 9gb free on the tablet, but have a 64gb SD card ready to use for stuff like this.

Has anyone tried setting up VPNs to allow you to transfer to your device while remote?
I re-installed Dish Anywhere on Saturday on the Nexus 7 and through yesterday I was getting the license error. I just checked today at work and my tv show was playable. Will download another show tonight to see what happens.

While at work I initiated another transfer and got the message that you had to be on the home network to do this. Once I got home and took the dogs out and checked the tablet the show had already finished downloading. The new download has the license error, I'm thinking it only checks for the license once during the night.
No joy for me.

I have tried both my Nexus 5 and Nexus 7. The file downloads to the device OK but in each case I get the license not found error. I'll standby for any updates. Happy holidays to the group! Alan Rovner Vancouver, Wash.
Dish Anywhere app pulled back

I'm now getting the below:

"Due to some users experiencing issues with Transfers in version 3.3.11, we are reverting the DISH anywhere app to the previous version without Transfers. We are working hard to correct this issue and will release an update with Transfers that meets our specifications, and your expectations. If you are using version 3.1.11 and have successfully transferred recordings, you may choose to not update the app as all other features are working correctly"

Like many others my Samsung Galaxy S4 would transfer the file but then the license not downloaded error would show up and I could not watch the downloaded program in my transfers section.
I guess we can't yell at them for lying on this one. They gave it to us.. for a day.. and then took it back away.
Got a Dish Anywhere update today -- finally can view the Shipping Wars episode that wouldn't play due to a missing/not downloaded license issue.
Took a couple of tries & had to uninstall, reinstall, etc, but it seems to be working now - transferred a Def Leppard concert from AXS no problem & this time it DOES playback. Works great on Nook HD+, only negative is can't specify where to transfer - need to be able to use the sd storage or I'm going to have to reorganize & delete some apps.
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I agree with the need for file download location options,
My phone has less than a GB of available PRIMARY storage, but 7+ GB of SECONDARY storage and 30 GB of SdCard storage,
The Dish app shows only less than a GB available, presumably only able to use PRIMARY storage?
I cant get a single full movie into that.
Please give options for storage locations.

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