And a way we go!! L2.04

I work some in embedded systems, so here's some of my guesses:

Watchdogs = most likely # of times watchdog timer (in hardware) has fired. Usually a watchdog timer is used to restart the system automatically when the software hasn't "checked in" like it's supposed to on a regular basis (and that regular basis may be on the order of a few seconds). But I know mine hasn't rebooted ~5000 times since I've only had it about 2.5 months. So what this watchdog is doing, I don't know. My calculations average out my watchdog value to 70 times a day. I can believe the software missing some kind of time-sensitive mark that many times a day for at least something, though.

Boot Recoveries = possibly # of times a filesystem repair has been needed (and executed). I've got zero here and I've seen a 1 posted here so this sort of supports this explanation. As we know in some cases when a repair is executed it may not succeed, thus some people report losing their recordings.

AC Power Losses = Self explanatory. See self for details.

Queue Filled = Almost anything could be put into queues. Interesting, 255 is the value of a maxed out unsigned 8-bit counter, or -1 signed 8-bit.

Queue ID = Not sure but like the one above, 65536 is a maxed out unsigned 16-bit value, or -1 signed 16-bit. Being an ID, I'd say most likely it's -1 to signify "disabled" and goes along with the Queue Filled count for some future "feature".

DST = Not sure (couldn't be "daylight savings time", could it?). Showing in hex could likely mean an address or related value, or some bit-encoded "flags". My value has only one bit set, but is a quite different value from the 0x0003 (two bits set) posted here, which supports the bit-encoded flags.

Authorized Services = Not sure.

Suc(c)essful Downloads = Not sure what's being counted. I've got 19 but there haven't been that many releases in 2.5 months... Could be program guide downloads, but I figured that downloaded more frequently.

Previous Software = Self explanatory.

Lost Locks = (2 values) Possibly relates to the lock onto transponder signal.

Modulator Resets = Sounds like # of times some modulator(s), maybe the ones for TV1 RF out and TV2 RF out, have needed reset.

Last Connect = Mostly self explanatory, most likely the last time the receiver dialed into Dish to settle PPV purchases and other secret privacy invasions.

Again, these are guesses. Keep in mind, however, if any of these values seem a little low over your 522's lifetime to support a possible explanation, it could be that some of the values have only started being accounted with this software version.
So, let's all start posting our values, and see what we see:

01) 0
02) 0
03) 0
04) 255
05) 65535
06) 0x0003
07) 514
08) 9
09) L203
10) 4:4
11) 0
12) 08-02-04
missing recordings

The wife went to playback program she had recorded for the boy. Went she went to the DVR menu, everything has been erased. Seems like it happened just since the last update. Think it's possible? I don't think there is anything the two year old could have done to erase the entire harddrive. And she said it had a message similar to "repairing harddrive" Any thoughts?
mongo61350 said:
The wife went to playback program she had recorded for the boy. Went she went to the DVR menu, everything has been erased. Seems like it happened just since the last update. Think it's possible? I don't think there is anything the two year old could have done to erase the entire harddrive. And she said it had a message similar to "repairing harddrive" Any thoughts?

Yeah, I hate when that happens. No need to blame your kid; it's Dish's (and the 522 development team's) fault. There isn't anything you can do to stop it either. Sometimes it just feels like deleting everything. Oh well. :rolleyes: Oh, and I almost forgot to tell you, all of your timers have been deleted too. So you'll have to try to remember what they were and reenter all of them. @party

P.S. This is the message your wife probably saw:

Click thumbnail to enlarge.


  • IMG_0809.JPG
    37.6 KB · Views: 200
Odd, I have the L204 softwase and only have 6 items instead of 12.

dennis osborn said:
01) Watchdogs: 5386
02) Boot recoveries: 1
03) AC Power loss: 0
04) Queue filled: 255
05) Queue ID: 65535
06) DST: 0x0003
07) Authorized services: 496
08) Successful downloads: 25
09) Previous software: 203
10) Lost locks: 2:2
11) Modulator resets: 0
12) Last connect: 07/29/04
what could possibly be useful with this?...they need to get the interactive software written for the 522.....
OK. I tried to move over there with the "left" button and It wouldn't let me, so I thought that was it. Didn't try the page up or down buttons, Duh.:)
If you look closely, the 'up' triangle and 'down' triangles are either "lit" up or grayed out, depending where you are in the list.
Yea, I just tried it and saw the others using "page down". I was trying to use the left button to go over to the arrows. It dowsn't work like that.
missed recordings

Thanks for the reply and explanation. Just e-mailed echostar for their explanation. Interested what they say.
syphix said:
So, let's all start posting our values, and see what we see:

01) 4
02) 0
03) 0
04) 255
05) 65535
06) 0x0000
07) 572
08) 15
09) L203
10) See below.
11) 0
12) 08-16-04

I'm not sure what it means, but my reading for #10 ("Lost Locks") has changed several times since I got the latest "update." Yesterday, after I realized I got the "update," it was at 17:16. About an hour later I had a guide button reboot (STILL GETTIN' 'EM!!!) and right afterwards it had changed to 19:18 (I thought there might be a connection). Last night it went down to 18:17. Early this morning it read 6:6. Now it's at 5:5. Go figure.

Recording problem with Tivo

Signal Strength Meter