Dang it yourbeliefs now I want to go back and play some of those nintendo games and relive the good ol days lol!
Dang it yourbeliefs now I want to go back and play some of those nintendo games and relive the good ol days lol!
I think many of us are blinded a little by nostalgia. Yes, Nintendo brought us some iconic games like Mario, Zelda, Castlevania, etc etc, but the fact is that out of the approximately 708 NES games that were released, honestly there were more bad than good, but that's the deal with basically all these old systems. For every Legend of Zelda and Super Mario 3, there were 3 Milon's Secret Castle, WWF Wrestlemania, Ghostbusters, and Silver Surfer.Those by far were the best. If I had the money and space I would get a collection like the Angry Video Game Nerd has. I miss the NES days.