My impression of last night's performances...
Innovative Force - girls gymnastic troupe were entertaining but...come one...they are a girls gymnastics/acrobatics act.
Ciana Pelekai - small girl singer with a big voice. I though her performance was mediocre and there was nothing truly outstanding about her voice. Howie loved it, but I side with Howard on this one.
Alexander Magala - Easter European break-dancer, sword swallower and general freak. I love these sorts of acts, but I wasn't a fan of this lackluster performance.
Struck Boyz - prepubescent boy dancers who were cute, for kids, but are way out of their league in this competition. Farewell.
Brad Byers - sword-swallowing dude who stuck his tongue in a fan and laid on a bed of nails while an ATV run over him; I would have buzzed as soon as he removed his shirt.
Kid the Wiz - the dancing hat kid has an act that is less impressive with every viewing. Kids may love him, but he dropped a hat and won't be moving on.
Forte - Howard and Howie loved him and the crowd cheered. Me? I really like the three tenors, but I wasn't ecstatic about this particular performance. Mel B said America would be divided about whether they like this group, but I have no doubt they are moving on the the semi-finals.
Angela Hoover - I really like her (and I feel the judges and the American public like her) but she spent too much time doing impressions of Mel B and Heidi and I agree with Howie and Howard that this wasn't her best material. Even so, she may still get voted through.
Dave Shirley - the guy dancing with with television screens. I thought it was silly...even if he would have been perfectly synced with the video. Good riddance!
Marty Brown - country singer who began out-of-tune and went down hill from there; simply of the worst performances I've ever seen on AGT.
Aquanuts - synchronized swimmers...really? Unfortunately, nobody hit the buzzer because I can't stand synchronized swimming.
Tone the Chiefrocca - singing their B-O-O-T-Y song once again. Sorry, but it's even more annoying the 2nd time around. Will people actually vote for this rubbish? We'll find out.
Offhand, not a lot of talent other than Forte last night.
Innovative Force - girls gymnastic troupe were entertaining but...come one...they are a girls gymnastics/acrobatics act.
Ciana Pelekai - small girl singer with a big voice. I though her performance was mediocre and there was nothing truly outstanding about her voice. Howie loved it, but I side with Howard on this one.
Alexander Magala - Easter European break-dancer, sword swallower and general freak. I love these sorts of acts, but I wasn't a fan of this lackluster performance.
Struck Boyz - prepubescent boy dancers who were cute, for kids, but are way out of their league in this competition. Farewell.
Brad Byers - sword-swallowing dude who stuck his tongue in a fan and laid on a bed of nails while an ATV run over him; I would have buzzed as soon as he removed his shirt.
Kid the Wiz - the dancing hat kid has an act that is less impressive with every viewing. Kids may love him, but he dropped a hat and won't be moving on.
Forte - Howard and Howie loved him and the crowd cheered. Me? I really like the three tenors, but I wasn't ecstatic about this particular performance. Mel B said America would be divided about whether they like this group, but I have no doubt they are moving on the the semi-finals.
Angela Hoover - I really like her (and I feel the judges and the American public like her) but she spent too much time doing impressions of Mel B and Heidi and I agree with Howie and Howard that this wasn't her best material. Even so, she may still get voted through.
Dave Shirley - the guy dancing with with television screens. I thought it was silly...even if he would have been perfectly synced with the video. Good riddance!
Marty Brown - country singer who began out-of-tune and went down hill from there; simply of the worst performances I've ever seen on AGT.
Aquanuts - synchronized swimmers...really? Unfortunately, nobody hit the buzzer because I can't stand synchronized swimming.
Tone the Chiefrocca - singing their B-O-O-T-Y song once again. Sorry, but it's even more annoying the 2nd time around. Will people actually vote for this rubbish? We'll find out.
Offhand, not a lot of talent other than Forte last night.