America's Got Talent: Season 8

My impression of last night's performances...

Innovative Force - girls gymnastic troupe were entertaining but...come one...they are a girls gymnastics/acrobatics act.

Ciana Pelekai - small girl singer with a big voice. I though her performance was mediocre and there was nothing truly outstanding about her voice. Howie loved it, but I side with Howard on this one.

Alexander Magala - Easter European break-dancer, sword swallower and general freak. I love these sorts of acts, but I wasn't a fan of this lackluster performance.

Struck Boyz - prepubescent boy dancers who were cute, for kids, but are way out of their league in this competition. Farewell.

Brad Byers - sword-swallowing dude who stuck his tongue in a fan and laid on a bed of nails while an ATV run over him; I would have buzzed as soon as he removed his shirt.

Kid the Wiz - the dancing hat kid has an act that is less impressive with every viewing. Kids may love him, but he dropped a hat and won't be moving on.

Forte - Howard and Howie loved him and the crowd cheered. Me? I really like the three tenors, but I wasn't ecstatic about this particular performance. Mel B said America would be divided about whether they like this group, but I have no doubt they are moving on the the semi-finals.

Angela Hoover - I really like her (and I feel the judges and the American public like her) but she spent too much time doing impressions of Mel B and Heidi and I agree with Howie and Howard that this wasn't her best material. Even so, she may still get voted through.

Dave Shirley - the guy dancing with with television screens. I thought it was silly...even if he would have been perfectly synced with the video. Good riddance!

Marty Brown - country singer who began out-of-tune and went down hill from there; simply of the worst performances I've ever seen on AGT.

Aquanuts - synchronized swimmers...really? Unfortunately, nobody hit the buzzer because I can't stand synchronized swimming.

Tone the Chiefrocca - singing their B-O-O-T-Y song once again. Sorry, but it's even more annoying the 2nd time around. Will people actually vote for this rubbish? We'll find out.

Offhand, not a lot of talent other than Forte last night.
In my opinion, the only act whose performance was worthy of moving on was Forte. I think Angela Hoover is very talented, but her material sucked like night. Get it...Hoover...sucked...I should be writing her jokes. :D

In summary, Innovative Force, Marty Brown, Forte and Angela Hoover earned or were given a slot. On a positive note, thank goodness we won't have to listen to that Booty song again....well, at least not until they bring back ATG All-Stars.
This week has to be the worst week in the history of AGT. Many of the first week acts that didn't make it did better than any of this weeks acts.

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Next Weeks Acts

Chicago Boyz
Deanna Dellacioppa
Mitsi Dancing School
Brandon & Savannah
Aerosphere Aerial Baloon Show
Jim Meskimen
Kenichi Ebina
Kelsey and Bailey
American Military Spouces Choir
Illusionist Leon Etienne and Romy Low
David "The Cobra Kid" Weathers
Jonathan Allen
I cannot believe that voters put Marty through. I really liked his initial performance, but his last performance was the worst thing I have ever heard. I could not watch. I fast forwarded all the way through the judges shocked expressions. Where's Piers.

AGT: 6-7 August 2013

Tuesday, 6 August 2013 (9:00 PM ET) - "Twelve Acts Perform"
Wednesday, 7 August 2013 (8:00 PM ET) - "Performance Recap"
Wednesday, 7 August 2013 (9:00 PM ET) - "Results show...four acts move on the semifinals"

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Am I totally jaded or does AGT suck bigtime this year? I can't think of one act that has made me look up from my laptop for more than 20 seconds. Some singers are okay, but I do many local municipal concerts with vocalists that could teach these people a thing or two. The magicians suck, the variety acts are stale and uninspired. Nothing stands out as excellent or even close to anything I would pay for to watch in a live stage show. The judges SUCK worse. They are falling all over themselves congratulating the acts when I am sitting here at home going.... Meh...
Here's my take on the performers and their performances:

  • AeroSphere Aerial Balloon Show - strip-away the light show (which was excellent by the way thanks to the folks at Radio City) and I'm asleep.
  • Chicago Boyz - high energy and mildly entertaining, but I cannot figure why the judges are going ga-ga over this act. Meh!
  • Mitsi Dancing School - I love this oriental dance act...I would give 'em the million dollars if the act came with an oriental massage and digging those talons in my back :)
  • Kelsey and Bailey - girl and dog dance and do tricks...not that good and not that cute IMO.
  • Brandon & Savannah - brother and sister pop the kids, but their act was a little weak tonight IMO.
  • Leon Etienne and Romy Low - Illusionists who performed a good trick, but the act was confusing and I too was bored.
  • Deanna DellaCioppa - I didn't like her singing performance nor choice of song tonight...and she's too much singer for my visual taste. I'm not sure what the judges were listening to.
  • David "The Cobra Kid" Weathers - I was more entertained than I thought I would be...but this act has gone as far as it can go.
  • Johathan Allen - gay opera singing young adult. Unfortunately, the 3 Tenors are thousand times better.
  • Kenishi Ebina - dancing Japanese video-game mime guy. Okay, I'm not sure what to call him but the act was very entertaining in a WTF way.
  • Jim Meskimen - comedian impressionist who just happens to be the son of actress Marion Ross. I thought he was better in previous performances.
  • American Military Spouses Choir - very nice, but I'm not sure they were good enough to move forward.
Am I totally jaded or does AGT suck bigtime this year? I can't think of one act that has made me look up from my laptop for more than 20 seconds. Some singers are okay, but I do many local municipal concerts with vocalists that could teach these people a thing or two. The magicians suck, the variety acts are stale and uninspired. Nothing stands out as excellent or even close to anything I would pay for to watch in a live stage show. The judges SUCK worse. They are falling all over themselves congratulating the acts when I am sitting here at home going.... Meh...

It sucks hind teat this season!!!
It sucks hind teat this season!!!

I must say that Howard is doing his best to promote the show...just hope he doesn't believe the hype about this season's performers being the most talented in AGT history.

To date, my jaw dropped open a dozen times so far this season...once during Special Head's first appearance, and eleven time when I feel asleep during the show and drooled all over a sofa cushion. ;)

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I thought last night's show was very good. I think it is going to be a tough choice. The only act I really hated was Kelsey and Baily. I totally disagree with you on Deanna. I thought the song was a great chocie, and I love (like Howard said) she toned it down. I wasn't the hugest fan of the Military Spouses Choir (their previous performance, huge fan of them) until last night. I too had tears in my eyes. I like Savannah's voice. I can see her succeeding.

I've finally decided I have better things to do than waste the 12 minutes it takes to sample the 2 hour showing, so I've killed the timer.

I've had enough of the judges and MC, and none of the acts so far shown me enough to think I would ever pay to watch them live.

For those that are enjoying it, I wish you well. I'll move along...
AGT: 13-14 August 2013

Tuesday, 13 August 2013 (9:00 PM ET) - "Twelve Acts Perform"
Wednesday, 14 August 2013 (8:00 PM ET) - "Performance Recap"
Wednesday, 14 August 2013 (9:00 PM ET) - "Results show...four acts move on the semifinals"

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