America's everything package went up to 126.99 are they for real ? after they cut several channels

Correct, Showtime will not be offered to New Customers if what I was told was correct. Any current employees that can verify?
Interesting you can still add it when you go to your programming. As you said appears just new customers.
Showtime's just not being given for free for 3 months to new customers like it has been with the other premiums. New customers still get the other premiums free for 3 months, just not Showtime.
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Out of curiosity where do you guys get your new promo information from? I just talk to a bunch of buddies that still work there, so I don't have the need to find elsewhere.
I don't even see Showtime listed on the regular Dish homepage under "entertainment." A sign of things to come or just another glitch?


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I could buy into offering AEP including the BB@HOME package at its current value(without BB@HOME), but that is only to encourage people to sub to it. As far as additional fees, such as hopper and joey fees, its never going to happen, atleast not until the ENTIRE industry changes.
I'm already paying $36.00 a month in DISH fees, for my 4 room setup with a super joey & 2 joeys in my bedrooms. That is 1/2 of what I am paying for my programming. It is quickly becoming a contest to see who can charge more a month, the channels themselves or DISH, for their made up ,charge it because we can, DISH FEES. IF the current sat/cable model dies out and I am predicting it will eventually, it will be because of the greed of both the channels them selves and the companies that bring them to your home like DISH & DIRECTV and Cable.
I know it's high not gonna say it isn't. But they are getting hit too from their end by the program providers. That is a lot of the big problem. I keep thinking one of these days we will start seeing the loss of some of those channels as the bean counters for them will go not worth carrying that one anymore. But so far that has been few.
If you can afford AEP, quit your bitching. I have Dish America, because that is what I can afford. Cut your package, speak with your wallet. As long as people pay, Dish will charge it.
how would you feel if someone took channels away that you like
I know it's high not gonna say it isn't. But they are getting hit too from their end by the program providers. That is a lot of the big problem. I keep thinking one of these days we will start seeing the loss of some of those channels as the bean counters for them will go not worth carrying that one anymore. But so far that has been few.

The channels that were taking off recently were most of the channels that I watch or my family watches. I understand dish has to stand up from the bs that turner is pulling however it still sucks, of course the customer in the end is the one that has to deal with the loss of the channels.

Sure, there are other channels that I am watching now, but I constantly find myself going to back to those channels looking to watch them because thats what I do. I know the channels arent there I guess I am a glutton for punishment. *nah because I am used to having said channels. I just take a break from one channel and for instant go back to the cnn channel wanting to watch it for a bit and see it replaced with msnbc. blah

Then I like to watch the jane velez mitchell show and that nancy grace show *which nancy grace is very rude imho but I like to see people stand up again nancy and if nancy doesn't like what they say she cuts them off, to me I wanna see that but o well. :)
la la
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I know it's high not gonna say it isn't. But they are getting hit too from their end by the program providers. That is a lot of the big problem. I keep thinking one of these days we will start seeing the loss of some of those channels as the bean counters for them will go not worth carrying that one anymore. But so far that has been few.
yeah but I dont want that to happen. dish and those other cable providers should be happy they still have customers. Most people can go to newsgroups *yup*, torrent files, file sharing proggies to use. Also netflix is much cheaper imho, hulu, huluplus, amazon prime.

I choose cable because I want certain channels, and my family wants certain channels and I want my channels back just because there are other channels this aep doesnt mean I miss those channels. like cartoon channel and boom put them back big time and cnn and hln and tcm. to me these are major channels that I can't see and do want back.

Wanna know something though, the longer I am without these channels it means that I am not going to want them back in the future if it takes awhile for them to return, they can return quick or not, I might get to the point and say screw it and drop dish completely for being cheap. yeah dish is being cheap they make billions of dollars a year. pay turner what they want let the customer come first for a change hmm
that is just my opinion and it should count to dish yep that all folks for now hehe.
I don't agree with the assessment of why the fees is correct, just popular to say. The fees are there not just because they can, but because otherwise programming packages or something else would be higher, fees are part of the total business plan. They could drop some fees and charge more for packages. They could have a separate lease fee. We have seen in news accounts that DISH does not make much per subscriber after costs, I believe they made the least or one of the least.

Addressing the poster about adding BB to AEP, adding BB to the Everything package is a reasonable thought, it does seem like it belongs there to me. Can Dish simply afford to do that and keep the price the same? Since they had to raise the package price because the premiums went up in price, I'm guessing not. In reality perhaps DISH should drop the AEP package. Judging from some more recent programming placement changes it could be DISH is getting ready to make changes to their packages.
If you think Dish is not aware that every increase in pricing loses them customers you are fooling yourself.
And when people say they want the number or cost of fees dropped, that effect would be to those who most need or want to save money. The DISH business plan clearly gives those who don't want more than one or two receivers, can do without the latest technology, and does not want or need the top 250 the lowest prices. If they drop a joey fee for instance, someone is going to pay that, and that someone could be the people with the welcome package, smart package, or top 120 etc.. and one Vip receiver. That income is going to be made up somewhere. Fees allow DISH to charge more to those who want more. If it were true companies have all this profit and are charging so much more than they have to, you and I would start a business. There are times that can happen and a business can charge more than the market would normally bear, at this juncture for the carriers of pay tv this isn't one of those times.

As for the channel disputes, to the poster directly above, thank god you are not running DISH. Ya, lets just pay whatever the content provider wants. Since you feel DISH should simply pay what is being asked, why don't you feel the same about DISH, pay whatever they want? Direct TV and even Cable have had many disputes and channels dropped than ever before. It was almost unheard of for cable to drop channels in a dispute before.
I don't agree with the assessment of why the fees is correct, just popular to say. The fees are there not just because they can, but because otherwise programming packages or something else would be higher, fees are part of the total business plan. They could drop some fees and charge more for packages. They could have a separate lease fee. We have seen in news accounts that DISH does not make much per subscriber after costs, I believe they made the least or one of the least.

Addressing the poster about adding BB to AEP, adding BB to the Everything package is a reasonable thought, it does seem like it belongs there to me. Can Dish simply afford to do that and keep the price the same? Since they had to raise the package price because the premiums went up in price, I'm guessing not. In reality perhaps DISH should drop the AEP package. Judging from some more recent programming placement changes it could be DISH is getting ready to make changes to their packages.
If you think Dish is not aware that every increase in pricing loses them customers you are fooling yourself.
And when people say they want the number or cost of fees dropped, that effect would be to those who most need or want to save money. The DISH business plan clearly gives those who don't want more than one or two receivers, can do without the latest technology, and does not want or need the top 250 the lowest prices. If they drop a joey fee for instance, someone is going to pay that, and that someone could be the people with the welcome package, smart package, or top 120 etc.. and one Vip receiver. That income is going to be made up somewhere. Fees allow DISH to charge more to those who want more. If it were true companies have all this profit and are charging so much more than they have to, you and I would start a business. There are times that can happen and a business can charge more than the market would normally bear, at this juncture for the carriers of pay tv this isn't one of those times.

As for the channel disputes, to the poster directly above, thank god you are not running DISH. Ya, lets just pay whatever the content provider wants. Since you feel DISH should simply pay what is being asked, why don't you feel the same about DISH, pay whatever they want?
Customers can drop to a lower package. For example the welcome pack is 20 dollar *19.99* give or take it has tbs, and comedy central, that package has over 40 good channels vs the 32.99 package.

If you can add block buster online, and encore package for 6 bucks, and maybe hbo or showtime that would be a good package for someone who is on a tight budget and add that 11 dollars sports package, that would be one hell of a good package, no its actually an awesome package. Hmm with la carte programming dunno if they would let someone do that via dish unless they opt for a higher package.In my opinion the 32.99 package dish has sucks, just my opinion.

I rather set up the package up above that I was talking about firstly then have that 32.99 package true that.

It all depends on what package they can get in order to add different on add ons, like with a qualifying package. Dish has some good packages, and when they took some of these channels off *well turner did* I think it makes people wanna go to a cheaper package sometimes or cancel.

I am keeping cable for two reason my family wants it, and because I do watch certain channels, and all those channels recently being gone has switch my viewing habits, I dont like it, I just catch up with different channels, and thats the key point maybe dish is trying to make, so what if some channels are gone there are others just as good. *well duh maybe.

I have to lol laugh out loud I went to that website standyoursometime one or something like that and they were sending me to paid websites to watch scooby doo like itunes or amazon prime. wtf I am saying to myself I am alreadying paying for these channels, so you know what I am saying why have cable if I can go to netflix,subscribe to them, amazon prime, and use youtube to find stuff that is playing on cable. *we know youtube has stuff they shouldnt* so doe filesharing networks, newsgroups, etc.
The bottom line its cheaper to stream however not everyone wants to stream.

Dish wants to have their cake and eat it too. *like again catch up with different channels, and thats the key point maybe dish is trying to make, so what if some channels are gone there are others just as good. *well duh maybe.*
So dish is saying take it or leave it. hmm I might just leave it. but cant lol my family still wants it no matter what. lol :O) all good
I think when your must have channels have low or no ratings, this kind of dispute is going to happen more and more to you. Turner's problem is not one of these channels is in the top 2o. (Actually not in the top 25 but couldn't find that link)

TBS and TNT when they come up for negotiations are the polar opposite. They are among the most watched.
When you make up packages that you would like, that in no way means DISH can do that financially, or legally.
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