Amendment #4 To Form 10: Rainbow Media Enterprises (all related articles posted here)

If you're a potential investor, you should care about whether or not V*is gonna make it and all the financial crap.
Now if you're a customer, simply relax an enjoy it (while it last). You have nothing to lose, especially if you're renting the equipment.
In my case, I'll stay with V* until either the Rainbow-1 signal shuts down or another provider offers me a better HD package (very unlikely).
I agree except the lack of a DVR continues to be a problem. When I signed up at the end of may, the DVR was projected for summer and new bandwidth for more channels was projected for October.

I personally don't care how many subscribers there are. I do care that I'm now forced to watch shows like Lost in SD because there is no DVR and the show conflicts with NBA. Since D* doesn't have TNT-HD, I'm sticking with both for now. I did order NBA League pass from D*, though, so I'm locked into them through may.

There is a limit to how long I'll pay for Voom as a supplemental service - they need to start showing moves towards becoming a complete service - add bandwitdth, get the sports channels all up, add things like NBA League pass, get the DVR out, etc.
alandail said:
There is a limit to how long I'll pay for Voom as a supplemental service - they need to start showing moves towards becoming a complete service - add bandwitdth, get the sports channels all up, add things like NBA League pass, get the DVR out, etc.
Amen! My wife and I can afford to pay for more than 50 Va Va Voom subscriptions each month, but we elect to invest our money in our retirement and future savings. We love HD (actually, I do!), but there is only so much we are willing to pay to watch TV! Right now we are paying for both VOOM and Cable.

The simple fact of the matter is crappy Cable and their 14 HD channels---bundled with greatly discounted broadband Internet---is much less expensive than VOOM. Basically, we would be paying paying roughly $60 more for VOOm and it's 21 Exclusives than we would for Cable minus the VOOM Exclusives to support three rooms. As much as I like VOOM the bottom line is my wife and I both work, I spend too much time commuting to/from work, the wife would be just as happy watching a 19" TV, we're busy with 3 late teen daughters and one very unexpected 2 year old, and most of our TV time is spend watching free over-the-air network TV. I have two OTA antennas and pull in programming from 4 DMAs. I hate Cable TV and they and their very inexpensive HD DVR (I really love the HD DVR!) are out the door when the promo price ends the end of January.

As I've said at least a dozen times, if VOOM isn't ready to offer an reasonably priced Whole Home Networking DVR (9.95 DVR rental or 399.95 purchase price) - free thin clients with 1 year lease or $99 thin client purchase - $5 mirror fee - rollback pricing to 39.99/79.99/14.99...then my VOOM service will be terminated along with Cable...just call 'em Sarah Conner! :yes

Sorry VOOM, as much as I like the HD....and as much as I like the concept...there is only so much I am willing to spend on watching TV and your service has failed to deliver the DVR, added channels, bigger dish, MPEG-4, etc. Repeat, there is only so much I am going to spend on TV! It's just that simple!!! Although I have 2 HDTVs and money in my pocket, I plan to keep my money to retire early and not throw it into outer space. Hmmm. VOOM, when are you going to understand this? Really! When are you going to understand that it's only a matter of time (3-5 years tops!) before all TV is HDTV. It's at this point where HDTV will take off then the price of America's Top 60 is $29.95 and America's Top 100 is only $39.95.

Yikes! I want Va Va VOOM. I want Va Va VOOM now! I want Va Va VOOM and with HD DVR, Whole Home Networking, all the premium channels, additional SD channels (Lifetime, HGTV, Food), additional HD channels (Wealth-TV, INHD, INHD2, HDNET, HDNET Movies), all for under $100 with all applicable taxes and without additional rental and mirror frees. It's just that simple!!!! Give me HD, give me lot's of HD, give me lot's of affordable HD!!!

Perhaps I was wrong about wanting Microsoft to purchase VOOM...maybe I should be hoping for Wal-Mart to purchase VOOM: bring us lots of HD...and then roll-back the prices. I'm sorry, but cheap HD can only be provided by a provider with the size and stability to afford both the equipment and operate under lower profit margins.

Affordable, reliable, complete and technologically advanced HD. That's what we demand. VOOM, either 5h1t or get off the pot!
Me TOO!!

Walter L. said:
If you're a potential investor, you should care about whether or not V*is gonna make it and all the financial crap.
Now if you're a customer, simply relax an enjoy it (while it last). You have nothing to lose, especially if you're renting the equipment.
In my case, I'll stay with V* until either the Rainbow-1 signal shuts down or another provider offers me a better HD package (very unlikely).

I agree. I don't understand the people that threaten to drop VOOM because they don't have a DVR - does Dish have an HD DVR? (cancelled) does Cablevision? (promised, but not in my area) does DirectTV? (yes, for $1000 plus monthly Tivo). VOOM has more HD channels than all the other providers combined. The others have promised more, but they're not here yet.

I subscribe to VOOM to watch HD TV. Someday the HD PVR will be great, but in the meantime, I'm watching a LOT of great TV.

My 2 cents!
GEBrown said:
I agree. I don't understand the people that threaten to drop VOOM because they don't have a DVR - does Dish have an HD DVR? (cancelled-no not cancelled,just lowered price to $549.00,new one-922?-might be out second quarter-05) does Cablevision? (promised, but not in my area-this affects you,but not others,a few cable companies have them,Comcast here does) does DirectTV? (yes, for $1000 plus monthly Tivo-it's been said at AVS that it has been lowered to $650.00,and not fair to compaired to Voom's DVR(vaporware) at far as the monthly charges go,none of us know if Voom will(or not) charge monthly fees,if you have top buy,lease,or beg for one). VOOM has more HD channels than all the other providers combined. The others have promised more, but they're not here yet.

I subscribe to VOOM to watch HD TV. Someday the HD PVR will be great, but in the meantime, I'm watching a LOT of great TV.

My 2 cents!

I hope Voom get its DVR going,I rather give them another try, then buy E*'s 921 or go back to Comcast(yech).

Voom New Channels

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