As the Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act (SHVIA) didn't take effect until Fall 1999, the only option on Alphastar for the broadcast networks was the PT24 lineup (KPIX 5 San Francisco (CBS-W)/KNBC 4 Los Angeles (NBC-W)/KOMO 4 Seattle/WRAL 5 Raleigh (CBS-E)/WNBC 4 New York City (NBC-E)/WJLA 7 Washington D.C. (ABC-E)/FOX Net etc...) or to buy a TV Antenna (Outdoor Rooftop and Rabbit Ears) for the local channels and have coaxial cable attached to the receiver (RG6/U is popular with TV antennas but RG11/U is for low loss). RF Modular AV could also work as well.