OTHER Aligning a T-90 Toroidal Dish

Captain Midnight

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 16, 2019
Greers Ferry, Arkansas
I'm curious if anyone here has experience with a wave frontier t-90. I bought one used but in good condition. Original owner was in over his head and never had more than 2 LNBs set up. He was careful to move it gently but I am now wondering if I need to check the main reflector for warping after I read one of the original threads here about the t-90. One poster said he was advised to remove a rear support brace that may distort the main reflector. Another member showed his modification with spacers on the bolts so the supports cannot distort the shape. Can I string test it to check for warping?


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I bought two of these antennas when they first came out, as a way of reducing my per-unit shipping cost.
Not my greatest investment. Had one mounted on a small piece of plywood, and a moderate wind blew it over..less than a 3 foot drop. Totally warped the reflector beyond repair. I have used the then-redundant subreflector as a rain shield over a dozen Ku and DBS LNBFs mounted on a 180 cm offset Prodelin dish.
Would not expect miracles if yours clampshelled in a similar manner, as they were not designed with much side and back support. Good luck!
Yep those were a pain in the butt. They never seemed to be right. The metal is too thin to do what they want. Nothing but a nightmare. But with some patience if it is not too bad, maybe you can "nudge" it into working.
Captain Midnight T90 was my first satellite dish ever and I liked it a lot. Yes, you need patient to tune it. I would say, do not correct it, just install it as it is and try to catch as many satellites as possible. As far as I know, you do not have so many Ku-band satellites available in USA.
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Thanks. Funny thing is from reading the prior threads on the T-90, I have already basically read each of your responses already LOL. This one hasn't been clamshelled but I was curious about the guy who emailed the company and the engineer recommended the support be removed altogether.
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Captain Midnight T90 was my first satellite dish ever and I liked it a lot. Yes, you need patient to tune it. I would say, do not correct it, just install it as it is and try to catch as many satellites as possible. As far as I know, you do not have so many Ku-band satellites available in USA.
I have a 4 dish farm already for 87, 97, 99, and 103. I'm attempting to get 89, 101, 105, 113, 117, 123, 129 with the T90. I may move an LNB to the T90 for 97 to free up a standalone dish too. This should give me most of everything for Ku.
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First double reflector toroidal dish was presented in March 2003, and that was T55. T90 came a while later. They also had plans to make T120 but never make it. Anyway, T55 and T90 were most popular in Europe. Even now people are eager to have this nice piece of equipment. Some time ago I was asked by friend of mine to make this fully adjustable LNB-rail for his antenna IMG_20230203_215946.jpg. Of course not 30 LNBs will be installed, but physically it could be possible. And the second picture (more than 10 y.o.) of my antenna with the block of switches at it's back. P1190918a.jpg
First double reflector toroidal dish was presented in March 2003, and that was T55. T90 came a while later. They also had plans to make T120 but never make it. Anyway, T55 and T90 were most popular in Europe. Even now people are eager to have this nice piece of equipment. Some time ago I was asked by friend of mine to make this fully adjustable LNB-rail for his antenna View attachment 164214. Of course not 30 LNBs will be installed, but physically it could be possible. And the second picture (more than 10 y.o.) of my antenna with the block of switches at it's back. View attachment 164215
Very nice. That is one thing I have to work on. My LNB rail may be sitting a little off of the proper angle on one end. I noticed when setting up a few LNBs, my 105w LNB near the center locked a really strong 14.6dB C/n signal for VAKN. But I had a really weak signal on 123w until I twisted the LNB rail toward the small reflector. When I do that and hold it, the meter lights up like a Christmas tree. It's something I'll have to trial and error.
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The issue with the T90 model in North America is that the gain is equivalent to a 76cm dish. Many years ago, I experimented with a T90 and wasn't satisfied with the performance. It was fine for stronger transponders, but not adequate for weaker transponders.

No doubt that the T90 is fine in Europe as the KU transponders are fat and high powered intended for direct to home reception. Unlike in North America, where most KU transponder link budgets (other than 97w) are typically targeting commercial downlink reception with large aperture reflectors.

Go into a T90 project with realistic expectations.
Maybe 76cm by the time you get 18-20 degrees off center. However, 14.6dB on VAKN sure is better than that. I'm not saying this is perfect but I have no easy way to motorize my 1.2m Channel Master dish. My STAB motor is out of commission and they closed down. If I ever find a 1.8m, I will take the time to custom fit it to a spare polar mount and move it via actuator.
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Well, I got it aligned with good results. I have it tuned for 89w, 101w, 105w, 113w, 117w, 123w, and 129w. I tried 87w for fun before moving the LNB to 89, and I was still able to lock Newsource at 11.7dB, and I still had a viewable signal on LPB. But I have dedicated dishes for 87, 97, 99, and 103w. I plan to put 97w on this toroid, but I ran out of LNB holders. It depends on 89w. They used to carry a few news feeds there, but I am not familiar with how it is utilized now.


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