Ala Carte? No Thanks!

TNGTony said:
No slippery slope. It's called an oligopoly. This is one of the few things our government is supposed to protect the consumer from. It restricts free trade.
But "free trade" does not mean the consumer gets exactly what they want.
TNGTony said:
Does this change the fact that these are monopolistic practices? Nope!
Monopolistic practices? Once again, there is a class-action lawsuit that is about to be dismissed, regarding monopolistic practices and collusion in the pay-TV industry. Until someone is able to prove it in a court of law, and it doesn't appear that will happen, it is not monopolistic. You may believe they are monopolistic, but they aren't until someone proves it in court.
TNGTony said:
I will repeat my statement, I am aghast and amazed that people on this board are AGAINST ALLOWING choice!
I'm not against allowing choice. But I am asking anyone who believes this should be a choice what exactly you'd get out of it. And a "lower price" is a very debatable proposition.

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A Cup of Positive Juice
