Adventures in dish hunting and what we find

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Nice Dish!

You can give it a try with the VS Ultra. I have heard that the ViewSats don't work well with motors.

You will need to get a GBox V3000 to hook behind the receiver to run the actuator.
I'm glad you posted those pictures too. I have one that came with my Unimesh dish and the motor went a few years back. At the time I wasn't willing to fork out $200 for a replacement motor. So, I got an actuator, probably spent about $70 for it. A couple of years ago I decided I wanted my Horizon to Horizon back, so I bought a replacement motor from Skyvision for that outragious $200. Then I couldn't find all the parts to put it back together. Those pictures give me a better idea of what all is missing. Maybe I can construct something that would work from what I see in the pictures. I'm sure that my missing parts are around here somewhere, as I never throw anything away? I keep hoping I will come across them. I have always had better luck finding something, when I wasn't looking for it....
So Thanks for posting those pictures!

If you want more or better pictures of a specific part, location let me know.

Noticed IceBerg posted the AJAK Geo-Synch manual I'd sent in over in the FTA Manuals area. The Geo-Synch is the little brother to the 180 and other than gear size and thus weight limits they are the same including they use the same motor.

The only reason I did that one was once I'd harvested it and got it home on the bench, the motor wouldn't turn the mount. Disconnecting the chain allowed the motor to turn but still couldn't turn the gear without using a 6 foot bar. Unfortunately, I don't have pictures of disassemble because it would show where the grease on the gear shaft had sealed it in sleeve. Don't know if you noticed, but there is a scissor jack behind the mount. It was used along with plenty of de-greaser and penetrating oil to press the gear out of the sleeve.

With a little maintenance, you should never have to become this intimate with yours.
Suggested maintenance:
  • If yours is one of the older mounts that didn't have a grease zerk on the top of the gear sleeve, you should add one. This will allow you to pump new grease in between the sleeve, Teflon sleeve, and gear shaft preventing the grease from setting up like glue over time. AJAK, while still in business, offered a retrofit kit for these older mounts consisting of a drill bit and press in grease zerk. This can be done without disassembly, just get a grease zerk, suggest a 45 or 90 degree as it will provide easier access when you grease it, drill a hole the proper size for the zerk through the top of the sleeve, stop when you see white plastic coming out of the hole at about 1/8 inch depth, insert the zerk and fill with grease.
  • Gear Lubrication – Twice a year (spring and fall) grease the gear and gear shaft. In 1995 a lot of people were reporting their mounts were "freezing" and wouldn't move. Paraclipse, this is back when they still made satellite dishes in addition to fly traps, in conjunction with AJAK identified the problem was due to the type of grease that was used at the factory. There recommendation was to replace the original grease with "lubriplate" or other synthetic grease such as Mobil 1 that hold up under harsh environmental conditions.
  • Chain Lubrication – Twice a year use a little chain lube.
Suggested modification:
On a ten foot or larger dish, would recommend adding a counter balance. This is a simple device, but will help reduce sway resulting from wind and gear lash and also reduce the load on the motor when moving the dish from a horizon up to center. For mine, I utilized a bar and weights from the old weight set taking up one corner of the basement. Not only did I improve dish performance, but I gained space in the basement to put more stuff.

Suggested Purchase:
Get a spare reed switch assembly. I've had to buy 2 and fortunately I keep a fully functional AJAK on the bench for emergencies. Swapped the bad one with the one on the bench unit and put the new one on the bench unit when it came in the mail. Check with the site sponsors they may have one or be able to get you one, but the only place I found it was at SkyVision for $20 each plus shipping. This really bothers me, even though it's not like the $200 for the motor voomer got., I hate the thought of having to pay $20+ when all I needed is a $.05 reed switch and about a $.05 of silicone sealant.
Thanks Budme for the detailed explanation.

I will definitely have to add the grease zerk to mine, but I have maintained it since cleaning it and putting it in service last spring.
Thanks Budme, that's some very good detailed info. The motor I got from Skyvision came with the Reed Switch Kit included with it. So either I saved $20 for the Reed Switch Kit, or maybe they should be selling the motor for $180?
voomvoom, Keep track of that spare reed switch you have cause if one goes out it will be at time when you get ready to move the dish over to pickup that live backhaul of the superbowl direct from the stadium and if you have to go track down were you put it, you'll get it installed and dish moved just in time to hear the announcers talking about the equipment malfunction at half time and they don't show instant replays of that...

glad you and linuxman found my posts informative, later.
I needed a draw-bar and ball for my new hitch on the van, and found one on Craig's list for Ten Bucks and drove about 25 miles from here to pick it up to a little town about 10 blocks by 10 blocks, and I swear, it was the most target rich environment for dishes I have ever been in.

It was raining, and I had no thought for Dish Hunting, so I didn't even take my camera.

I saw two Primestar 84Es ready for the taking. a ten or twelve foot Unimesh with the big ring on the back and button-hook, a smaller, maybe 8 footer that looked like a Pinnacle with the same kind of ribs on the back, but was painted black (maybe perfed Channel Master), a monster fiberglass, a 10-12 foot sectional metal dish like the Scientific Atlanta pictured somewhere above, and at least another half dozen dishes of various shapes and sizes.

I need to get back over there when the weather warms up a little. :)
Suggested modification:
On a ten foot or larger dish, would recommend adding a counter balance. This is a simple device, but will help reduce sway resulting from wind and gear lash and also reduce the load on the motor when moving the dish from a horizon up to center. For mine, I utilized a bar and weights from the old weight set taking up one corner of the basement. Not only did I improve dish performance, but I gained space in the basement to put more stuff.

Could you be more specific as to how you determined the correct weight and where exactly you hung it? You guys are gonna cry but I scrapped two spun aluminum Paraclipse dishes so that I could track my solar panels. Both have Ajax mounts and I think I could benefit from counter weights.

$200 for a motor? I know where theres another one of these dishes. I better pick it up to get a spare!



What can you see using a dish without a subscription

My second post so be gentle. I know this is probaly the wrong section but it's kinda related, Hey anyway I'm old and retired.

I'm retired and have some time on my hands, and I see all this interest in Dish Antennas. Is there anything that could be seen using them without having to subscribe to a monthly service?

In Austin a had a 12' winegard, baught it used never hooked it up never found out how I could use it, left it there. Now I am ini Tucson and getting interested again.

I clicked "instant email notification, I hope that it was notification for this thread only and not the entire forum. Guess I will find out soon.
I'm sure one of the mods can break this off and give it its own thread :)
to answer your question there has be a resurgance in c-banding over the last few years mostly as a hobby but some looking to supplement the few channels they get without having to get a subscription service. I have Direct in the main room but here in the computer room i have OTA antenna and c&ku band via a big dish. some channels can be found on The List also Lyngsat has a list
some are DVB which requires a DVB receiver , some are NTSC which is the old analog receiver and some are digicipher requires a 4dtv ( also some of the 4dtv requires a subscription)

and Welcome to the group
I'm sure one of the mods can break this off and give it its own thread :)
to answer your question there has be a resurgance in c-banding over the last few years mostly as a hobby but some looking to supplement the few channels they get without having to get a subscription service. I have Direct in the main room but here in the computer room i have OTA antenna and c&ku band via a big dish. some channels can be found on The List also Lyngsat has a list
some are DVB which requires a DVB receiver , some are NTSC which is the old analog receiver and some are digicipher requires a 4dtv ( also some of the 4dtv requires a subscription)

and Welcome to the group


I looked at a couple of the links and there are a lot of things going on. Now I just have to look up a bunch on 3 letter words and find out what you are talking about. LOL (I know that one)
Possibly visit someone in the Tucson AZ and see first hand.

Thanks for the effort,:)
yes if you can find a c-bander locally it will give you a great view of whats up there
OTA = over the air = regular antenna
DVB = Digital Video Broadcast = one of the standards for broadcasting digital
NTSC = older analog standard for video broadcast
4DTV = is a analog + digital receiver able to receive analog & digicipher broadcast formats
Well my secret go out. I went back for a couple of the Birdviews that I posted way back in this thread, but the guy started collecting and reselling them to his friends and family after talking to me. I will have to keep my big mouth shut next time. All ten of the solids I saw 6 months ago in that neighborhood were gone. When I got to his place he showed me his new setup and told me he was helping his friends get setup now.

I did stumble across this place that apparently sold and installed most of the cband and birdviews in the area many many years ago and is going to be on the look out for me. There were several dishes still in use there. So I guess using the dish as a billboard is forgivable.

And last of all a moment of silence please for these fallen soldiers that didn't survive the recent ice storm. They were in the scrap pile when I went to a company to document their damages and set up a claim.


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I have some itching could that be the start of a Satellite Infection?

Newbie here!

Is there a thread for beginners where we could learn about what was required to get into this hobby, besides the itch that is?

Dish: Does size matter?
Feedhorn: Does feedhorn and receiver come together/have to be matched?
Direction/Aiming: Is this a function of the receiver?

Newbie here!

Is there a thread for beginners where we could learn about what was required to get into this hobby, besides the itch that is?
You can find good info throughout the "Free To Air (FTA) Discussion" section of this Forum, but there is no thread specific for beginners. You should also read the "FTA/MPEG2 FAQ's" in the FTA section of the Forum.

Dish: Does size matter?
30" or more for ku-band recommended
6' or more for C-Band recommended, I would suggest 8' or more
Feedhorn: Does feedhorn and receiver come together/have to be matched?
You can get the equipment individually, or you can get a kit with most everything (if not everything) you need to get started. You might try one of the Sponsers at the Top of the Page for a kit:
Direction/Aiming: Is this a function of the receiver?

Depends on the receiver you get, but yes for moving the dish from sat to sat with a motor, and yes for using the Signal Meters in the receiver for finding the strongest Signal to Peak a dish when you are trying to find a sat or Aiming a dish for optimum Signal.
Good Luck!


Welcome to Satellite Guys....
This is the thread that George asked for so everyone can post about what they found, and pictures if they have them. Others can help identify them if there are no markings on them.

I had to make a house call this morning out in the country, so I thought I would wander the back roads for a while and do a little dish hunting. This is what I found in about 3 hours.

The first dish is a Janiel 9.5 footer mesh that has a gear driven mount. The frame work was fiberglass, or plastic, and didn't seem too stable except for the mount which was steel. The most interesting part about this dish again is the truly H-H gear driven mount. The owner said I could have it, so it's a maybe if for nothing else than the mount. As you can see there is a panel missing, and several hail dents.


Hello linuxman,
I found your thread when I shortly after joining this site. I was looking at buying a big dish. You stated that: "so I thought I would wander the back roads for a while and do a little dish hunting.", so I thought I would do the same.

Actually the first one I came up with was from some friends of mine. She gave me a call and we were talking and I brought out that I was looking for a big dish. She say's well I have one, and it's yours if you take it down. It says on it behind the dish on the arm "Uniden UST-705" and in front of the arm "RADAR" which had faded real bad. It has one of the sections of mesh coming loose. The arm is rusted badly and I might have to replace that. Not sure if I have to replace the part of the mesh skin coming off with new?? I tried looking up "Uniden UST-705" on the search engines and came up with nothing. Is the dish a Uniden or is it just the arm? Took several shots of it with my camera, maybe you can tell me more about it by looking at the photos?

After that the satellite dishes would just seem to pop up to me! There were two in my neighborhood. One being owned my lovers of their big dish, the other was at a home and there landlord is suppose to call me. Then I found another dish that looked like it was in pretty good shape. The appearance looked a lot like the Janiel 9.5 footer mesh that you have on this thread. I asked him if he wanted to get rid of it and he asked me how much I was willing to pay for it. He didn't have any of the receivers for it. Offered him $50.00 for it and told him I would take it down.

Last was a real find. I found a Satellite Shop that was out of business. He had about 6 dishes' there. I got a hold of him and he told me that he would have to think of it for a few days if he was willing to let go of them.

So now I know for sure that the Uniden UST-705 is mine and the possibilities that I may be (and hoping) able to pick up one of the dish's from that shop. I will have to back to the shop and take some pictures of the various dishes there. Is the Uniden a good dish? Like I said earlier I tried to find info of it on the Web and came up with nothing.



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Nice find!

The Uniden is the name of the actuator, and it might have actually been made by another company with the Uniden name put on it.

As far as the dish is concerned, I haven't ever seen one quite like it. Can't make out the name on the feed-horn cover, but again that might not be an indication of who actually made the dish.

The mesh can be flattened back out and attached, so no problem there. Looks like a good find. :)
Nice find!

The Uniden is the name of the actuator, and it might have actually been made by another company with the Uniden name put on it.

As far as the dish is concerned, I haven't ever seen one quite like it. Can't make out the name on the feed-horn cover, but again that might not be an indication of who actually made the dish.

The mesh can be flattened back out and attached, so no problem there. Looks like a good find. :)
Thanks I think it's a good find too. The other dishes at the out of business staellite store has some nice dishes too, plus they seem to be in really good shape. Hoping that may come through too.

On the dish with the Uniden actuator, on the feed-horn cover it says "Radar". Looking at the name Radar has faded a lot over the years, plus it is upside down when reading it! :rolleyes:

Will have to go back and take photo's of all those dishes I found!

Thanks for your thread. If I didn't see it I may have never paided much attention to what was out there!!! THANK YOU! :D
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further BSC-621 testing?

New KU Band LNB available for testing

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