A new dish moves in!
Coming home from work last Sunday, I finally decided to stop off at a house in a tract and ask if they were still using their dish. I’ve been looking at this dish now for about six months and it always seemed to be sitting there, facing the same direction, and never moving.
The homeowner opened the door as I was walking up the sidewalk, and before I could say anything, this very friendly man asked if there was something he could do for me.
I asked if he was still using the dish in the back, and he said no he wasn’t. Hadn’t been used in several years.
I asked if he’d like it gone and he asked what I was asking to haul it away. I couldn’t help laughing; just a tiny snort, and I told him I would just take it and the pole if I could get it out, but not that day. I told him I would be back.
He walked me through the house to the back yard and we stood there talking and chatting.
I asked if Tuesday or Wednesday this week would be OK with him, Phottoette and I would come over if it wasn’t raining, and he said “Sure, come on over. If anyone asks what you’re doing, just have then call me “ and he gave me his work number, home number and email address.
NICE guy.
Phottoette and I went over there today. It only took about half and hour to take the eight screws/bolts out of the dish frame holding it to the back ring. We carried it across the yard and put it in the back of the pickup, then went and took the ring, support and actuator off, and laid that on the ground behind the truck.
Then we started digging. THAT took nearly three hours, break a little QuikCreat, pull out the rocks, break a little QuikCreet, pull out the rocks. And it went down about four feet this way.
BUT I saved the pole.
In order, here are the pictures we took with my Centro Camera.
Next week I’ll have the hole dug in back of the house, cement the pole in, let it cure for about a week (it’s been getting down into the 30’s here) then in a week and a half or so, I’ll have that new baby up and running.
Everything looks beautiful on this dish, passed the string test, the actuator looks clear, no rust I have seen so far but I still have to open it.
The dangling wires in the pictures were just like that when I first saw this beauty.
I DID remember to ask if he still had the receiver, and he said no, and I offered to help him put it back on line, but he just wasn’t interested, so … today, this dish moved about 2.8 miles from it’s old home to it’s new one.
The last picture is possibly the only funny one. I drove home as less than 20 miles per hour, and still managed to slide the dish around a little, but all is good now, we made it home ... finally