Glad to hear you subscribe to the 5 TENETS of HD...

Touchy subjects will be discussed because that's what people want to discuss! If the responses indicate that you are not communicating your intent, get back in there and correct it. It's the OP's thread so the OP needs to get the discussion on track and keep it there. Insulting the responders is not going to help get what you want. The hard part is the OP keeping the conversation neutral and constantly directed in a non-confrontational manner, regardless of the responses.
Now about Voom channel content:
There are at least 1,000 channels of SD content world wide that broadcast similar content 24 hours a day and billions of people watch it in SD format, not caring that there might be an HD version somewhere or that HD as a technology even exists. So is the content compelling enough to watch in SD versus HD? Yes. For me? Very few channels anywhere are compelling enough for me to watch it in SD, especially in 5 minute segments.