HDNet is a Loooong way off the ice for sure, that always bothered me. I like the games on ESPN-HD better, but I do not get ABC so I'll be SD'ing the game tonight, which is worse than HDNet as you might imagine.
With Gary Betteman running off at the mouth I doubt there will be a season next year. Some are forcasting the the death of the NHL as a "major" sport if there is a lockout. That will last until Detroit & Toronto meet for the cup then the ratings will be through the roof. I am an AVS fan just for the record. I'll watch one way or the other but the NHL needs to loosen the blackout rules, I could care less who "owns" the game, if it is in HD I want to see it in HD, not on a local channel. Have not missed a Bronco game in 20 years due to blackout, though there are many I wish I had!!!!
Blackouts STINK!!!! Share the feed you LOSERS!