a snow qeustion

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I am sure they have; and coated with numerous other spray concoctions including WD-40, PAM, silicone; a cover would be a better option and a one-time application.
I have taken several down for people that religiously would use pam several times a year and all I can say about the dish is YUCK!!!! That is some nasty sticky stuff.
I have taken several down for people that religiously would use pam several times a year and all I can say about the dish is YUCK!!!! That is some nasty sticky stuff.

Yep, it still amazes me how many people will do cheap, cheaper and cheapest 3 or 4 times instead of just doing things right the first time. They should understand that this method cost more in the long run every time. And sadly they bitch about it the entire time they are trying to cheap out. IT is sickening how the lazy quick ways have filtered into everything this day and age.

Now if these things were closer to $ 50, I would consider one.

Also something to consider ... most of them work on a temp. controlled switch, so when it gets cold it turns on, I want one that works when I plug it in, not by temp, I believe it was under 30*, however I would not need it when it gets cold, I would need it when the wet snow would come, why run it when there is no weather but it's cold ?
Well I agree totally, but I think these work just as well with zero electronics to deal with ( i have never lived in snow laden areas, but a few friends swear by these). Although I do not buy into their rain-fade claims. WedgieCovers.com
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Bought an h25 reciever and need to know what dish to use?

Setting up a new receiver

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