A Question for Video Stabilizer Users


Original poster
Jan 30, 2006
Little Rock, Arkansas
This is my first 'real' post here. If the following question is off topic or just plain restricted... please delete this post. I'm not on the level of smarts like most who post here. That's why I figure this is the best place to ask this question.

Video Stabilizer Users:

I want to transfer some programs and movies to DVD for viewing elsewhere in my home. Some of the programs feature the CGMS flags that prevent copying. My setup includes the Sony DVD Recorder RDR-GX315 and a Hughes DirecTV-Tivo. I am still using an old CRT style monitor, it is a Sony 32", with the S-Video input. I'm not viewing HD TV.

After searching the Internet for a device that will help make ‘fair use’ copies, I found the following units:
The Star Development Video Magic/DVD Video Stabilizer ($59.95)​
The ClearPix Media Digital Video Stabilizer ($29.99)​
Logic Design (Zorrilla) Video Filter ($139.00)​
All seem to Disable the CGMS signals, which is what I am looking to do. ClearPix tech support reports their unit will only work between VCR and DVD. If I ask, that may be the same response I would get from Star Development. Is that their way of covering their butts, or is that really true?

If you have used one or more of these units, what has been the result? Do you recommend any one over the other? Moreover, (if you know) why the difference in price?

Finally, I am not looking for something that features video enhancements... just something that will allow me to make a simple copy for home use.

has voom been confirmed on fios?

Upgrade in Tampabay Area for Video on Demand