A Note From Scott on New HD

No, but it was nice of him to clear up the confusion. He's been right so many times in the past, but wrong several times recently. It was a good idea to explain "Hey, here's my sources, and they are jerking me around."

No I don't think they are jerking me around. I think something happened. The question I have is what happened that changed things within an hour.
Scott, you gotta play for the home team.

Pay off your cars/house and ride into the sunset. These people will get along just fine.

You tell it like it is. You are honest and dependable. I wish our politicans were like you. Hey, that's an idea. :eureka SCOTT FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!:):):):)
Keep up the good work. Without you we would never know what was going on in.:up
No worries Scott. This is a great site that I check several times daily. As you can tell I do not post much but I do learn a great deal from SatelliteGuys.US. I will continue to support this site whether or not this news happens this week, this month, next month etc. Companies the size of Dish move like glaciers and often one division does not know what the other division is doing.

This site is a great resource without peer!
And they've now discovered who that leak is (or they've narrowed it down to some number). Sure sounds like they provided one or more employees with the 1st memo to see what would happen...
But, why would they do that and also go out of their way to invite SatGuys to a Meet & Greet at Team Summit?? It doesn't make any sense.
You know, its not uncommon for companies the size of E* to release alternate versions of memos intended for difference audiences. I mean, I know next to nothing about how the job actually gets done in the satellite TV business, but is it possible that what may be common knowledge to someone in Programming, maybe be only on a 'need to know' basis with engineering?

Either way, Dish does need to do something. Granted our years with bright, new HD way before the competitors has spoiled us, but this dry spell is taxing the patience of many people here. The 'victim of your own success' scenario only goes so far without an effort to continuing success. If these channels are uplinked and broadcasting already, just turn them on already...:D
You know, its not uncommon for companies the size of E* to release alternate versions of memos intended for difference audiences. I mean, I know next to nothing about how the job actually gets done in the satellite TV business, but is it possible that what may be common knowledge to someone in Programming, maybe be only on a 'need to know' basis with engineering?

Either way, Dish does need to do something. Granted our years with bright, new HD way before the competitors has spoiled us, but this dry spell is taxing the patience of many people here. The 'victim of your own success' scenario only goes so far without an effort to continuing success. If these channels are uplinked and broadcasting already, just turn them on already...:D

As someone who works in Engineering for a major media company, I can tell you Marketing rarely tells us what is going to happen until right before we need to do it. They consider such details to be insignificant.

But, why would they do that and also go out of their way to invite SatGuys to a Meet & Greet at Team Summit?? It doesn't make any sense.
The first memo went out to a lot of folks. The second one probably only went out to engineering as it was more detailed then the other one.

(Thats just my guess of course)
Ok so got a reply from a trusted contact and am told that they still could appear this week.. but if not definately by next week.

What a great non answer.

I am wondering if there is a technicall problem or something? I guess we will find out together tomorrow.
What keeps Direct Tv moving so fast then? How are they able to stike such quick deals and then add so many HD that fast? But yet keep the pricing competitive?
Is it possible for most of the HD channels that D* is adding that they are locking in a good deal with the stations by keeping it and EXCLUSIVE for so many months to keep them away from E*?
No according to my contacts at NBC Universal the deal is done. I am going to try contacting them today as well and see if I can get some more information to pass along.
I don't understand why a network would want to do an exclusive deal with Direct, or Dish. Yes I understand that they cabn then charge the exclusive company more, but it seems to me they could make far more by getting thier network on as many providers as possible. They get so much per subscriber, so it seems they loss more money by doing an exclusive. But then I am not a billionaire like those guys so I must be wrong.
I'd have my network on as many providers as possible, same with PPV stuff like NFL and MLB. I dont like putting all the eggs in one basket because you are stuck with someone.
There is nothing wrong with making money.

You have every right to make a few bucks off this site. There is nothing evil in that. Nothing is forever. As time passes, technology changes, and this site will morph to survive or wither. Your life priorities may change also, and maybe one day you will sell. Best done when it has value, not when it peters out.

That said, I'd hate to see the site sold, at least not for the next few years. It's run rather well and many of us are quite happy to spend our time, and a very few of our bucks, here.
I'd have my network on as many providers as possible, same with PPV stuff like NFL and MLB. I dont like putting all the eggs in one basket because you are stuck with someone.

The NFL and MLB stuff is different. Thats like being a crack dealer. You don't really need to get the product out there, people will go anywhere and put up with anything to get the product. Swindling an exclusive deal works to a huge advantage to a provider for something like that.
But if D* had the exclusive for let say for talk USA and SCI FI HD it would be worth it to them to pay more for them for like 6 months or so they would get more customers by them deflecting from E to D just for that reason alone.

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