A Note From Scott on New HD

Since I am renting and there is a large stand of trees to the ssw, I don't have a dog in this fight right now.

I really do think that DISH is messing with you. Don't know if it is because
A: They are just being playful
B: They are annoyed and trying to discredit you
C: They are sending out contradictory info because they are trying to find a source of their leaks.

I also know this forum is currently a powder keg, but I guess I would advise to continue to hold stuff closer to you
My goal again is to give you the most accurate news, information and rumors and I want to give them to you before anyone else. I thank you for your trust and thank you for being a SatelliteGuys member!

When you're dealing with breaking news and rumors, you're bound to deal with some red herrings too. It wouldn't surprise me if some folks at Dish occasionally leak misinformation. Keep up the good work, I'm getting my 20 bucks worth.

In any case, I'm sure more channels are coming soon, to be precise; Thursday the 32nd of Soon, 2009:p.
it sucks that your info isn't always right Scott, bot I don't expect you to be God and get everything right ALL the time. Its not your fault you can't get reliable info from people or that things change without you knowing.

Its a shame that Dish can't keep its own promises though
Thanks for the thorough updates. As always, greatly appreciated. If you need more ad revenue, go add, add, add. Your and others information is quite valuable
I trust Scott. It's Dish I don't trust. I do believe they send out false info sometimes. Maybe they are trying to find the info leak.. Or trying to plug the customer leak.

There is no reason you will look like an idiot. You are just passing on information you are receiving and passing it on to us. To me it sounds like E* is once again a little clueless on what their plan is. Or, maybe one memo for external use (be leaked to the public) and the other one is the real memo for what is going on.

Keep up the great work Scott!

No Chiller is not an HD channel, there is an HD version planned but it has not launched yet and probably will not until later this year.
I trust Scott. It's Dish I don't trust. I do believe they send out false info sometimes. Maybe they are trying to find the info leak.. Or trying to plug the customer leak.

I think this is true too and i think they are trying to find the person that first leaked this information.
Scott, Dish may or may not light up SciFi and USA in HD this week, but it's clear that they intend to turn them on sometime, probably "soon". The channels having real content is a step forward, because it shows that Dish has the live feed and can light it up at will. If there are other hurdles to clear, it will still happen, given time.

With a company the size of Dish Network, no one person has all the answers. If your sources conflict with each other, that means the company is conflicted. Not any fault of yours.

I support this site, and I appreciate all the time, concern and cash that you invest in it. Keep up the good work, and keep the information flowing.
Further, like it has been said over and over; it takes more than flipping a switch to light a channel.

To speculate (which is all one can do at this point): After starting the testing yesterday, they could have realized the signals were not right yet... technology doesn't always agree with marketing. Between 4 and 5 the decision could have been made to err on the side of caution. Better to take the extra week and be sure the signal is strong, than to light it this week and have SERIOUS macroblocking on sci-fi HD friday night(leading to d* looks so much better rants).

It could be absolutely nothing political and everything technological (or since it's a satellite - astrological?)
Scott, I have never considered running a small business is running a gold mine as I have done so myself, it is hard work and often not appreciated. I have no doubt some one may offer big payout for your site, but I also know from reading your posts that your passion in this hobby (if I may say so) of yours is clear and unmistakable. So I was not surprised when you said you turned any offer down. Because you know as soon as someone paid big money to buy something they will undoubtedly try to use it for their own benefit, and the site will go down hill fast because of the self interest.

On the issue of the accuracy of your rumors. First off they are rumors, so if anyone demand accuracy or even fantasizing one, it is their own fault. But I would still try to verify the rumors before posting them as much as possible for your own headache sake.

I don't know what is going on with DISH these days, it is possible they thought the deals were done deals, and was eager to make the news out, only to realize by their legal department that it was against their policy to say so in any written form. This is not uncommon.

I'd say it is not impossible that DISH may light up a few HD's, my only concern is people don't have hopes too high as all the new HD's will come very soon, as I speculated in the other thread why it may be difficult for Charlie to add more new HD's as soon as possible.

I could be proven wrong tomorrow, I could also win lottery too. But I think in the long run one is better off as far as one's sanity goes if one tries to use logic, rather wishful thinking. Not that I will never dream, logic is boring and brutal, dreams are fun.

So keep up the good work Scott and hope your feeling better.
I think this is true too and i think they are trying to find the person that first leaked this information.
And they've now discovered who that leak is (or they've narrowed it down to some number). Sure sounds like they provided one or more employees with the 1st memo to see what would happen...
Scott you do great work for people like me who are curious but don't have the time to dig into stuff. Its very appreciated! Hoping for more HD this week, but the sun will still come up without HD, it will just be stretched to fit my screen
Scott, it's actually troubling to me that you feel like you have to justify yourself. After all, you own and run this site and work so hard to provide a free service, but then you feel like you have to justify what you do. It's like people who get free food, then complain about the quality. It's ridiculous.

You never have to justify anything to me. I know you're doing the best job you can, and it's a GREAT JOB you're doing. You won't look like an idiot; it's Dish that continues to make themselves look like idiots.

As for the idea of Dish messing with you, I think that's ridiculous, too. Why would they go out of their way to invite you to team summit, and PAY FOR the event? They know they have a lot of customers on this board; I doubt they'd want to alienate all of us by dorking around with you.

Anyway, that's just my two cents. No need to justify, apologize, or anything. Keep up the great work, Scott -- it's greatly appreciated. Thanks for everything you and the rest of the staff do.
Scott never has to justify anything in my book. :up

No, but it was nice of him to clear up the confusion. He's been right so many times in the past, but wrong several times recently. It was a good idea to explain "Hey, here's my sources, and they are jerking me around."
Scott this a great site that no other site can even come close to with inside information, not to mention the many helpful users who are on this site.

As for Dish, somehow the complex task of launching a new channel resembles something the likes of launching a mission to Mars. Sometimes a decent marketing department can help to mask even a very poorly run organization.

Apparently Dish does not have a very good marketing department.

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