Obviously my original post should be taken lightly as a tongue and cheek statement regarding some of the annoyances I deal with as a technician. Perhaps I was a bit too inflammatory. I really enjoy my job and I am very polite with my customers.
To you hourly guys: I'm sure it is the same way on your side. When I pull up to a job I can tell by the character of the work if it was done by an hourly guy or a sub. I have seen many times houses with usable existing wiring that were re-wired at the behest of the tech. Your attitude on your particular jobs changes dramatically when you are supplying all your gas, wire, fittings, diplexers, etc. I've seen hourly guys wire up 3 mirriored rooms off of 722s and 322s. I've seen hourly guys work on an install where a customer was defecting from Directv, all the existing wiring was less than 2 years old and rg6, and they ran new wires. Also, you guys can more easily work with a partner, us subs can't for the most part. And as you guys are aware, there are instances where having a partner is critical.
I would be really interested to hear the hourly guy's general opinions/complaints about the work that subs do. I look forward to reading it.
Im an hourly DISH tech and guess what? Im not touching anything not Dish related. Period. I have other DISH jobs to do and a family to get home to.
You touch it you own it.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.. DO not call dish and get me into trouble for bein lazy waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why should we not watch you while you do an install? what if you steal something from me? Should I just let you go walkin around my house without me keepin an eye on you?
this makes no sense? Customers, unless you are receiving error messages on your TV please do not call dish network for a trouble call and a technician to re-point your dish. if it pix elates who do we call the pixel fairy?
...and the two that have been to my house over the last 9 years both said they learned something from ME.
AND believe me, HIS job will be a lot easier if he follows my advice. I have taught a number of contractors a thing or two.
For the record, I have been a DN subcontractor for 2 years, and NOT a SINGLE customer has "taught" me a damn thing that would improve or be useful to my technical abilities.
Also, I strongly believe, this community has a counterintuituve and unfortunate affect of fostering "know-it-all" customers.
Customers, satellite is my trade and livelihood; this is why I consult this site. Sure I am interested in the architecture of my apartment, but this does not mean I hit up a bunch of architectural forums and then up with a million questions to bother the builder who is constructing an additional wing of my building. William Shatner said it best: get a life!
You've been a subcontractor for 2 years and you know everything. Wow! I've been in retail grocery for 22 years and I still learn something new everyday. Customers will bring things to my attention that I may have overlooked. We thrive when we strive to make ourselves better. When we aren't open to suggestions or a differing opinion, then we limit ourselves to what we are willing or capable of learning. If your job brings you such great dissatisfaction, then maybe you should move on to something new. If you don't like a differing opinion, like many have on this forum, then maybe you should move on.For the record, I have been a DN subcontractor for 2 years, and NOT a SINGLE customer has "taught" me a damn thing that would improve or be useful to my technical abilities.
Also, I strongly believe, this community has a counterintuituve and unfortunate affect of fostering "know-it-all" customers.
Customers, satellite is my trade and livelihood; this is why I consult this site. Sure I am interested in the architecture of my apartment, but this does not mean I hit up a bunch of architectural forums and then up with a million questions to bother the builder who is constructing an additional wing of my building. William Shatner said it best: get a life!
And last thing please clean your houses b4 tech arrives you know who you are.
to customers that feel the need to tell us how to do our job dont. Untill most of you can pull tv away from wall, put your dog away and dont get mad when we ask you to restrain him, not excpect us to move couches or all your junk in basement and countless other things i could go on about then maybe we will lesson to what you have to say. And last thing please clean your houses b4 tech arrives you know who you are.
For the record, I have been a DN subcontractor for 2 years, and NOT a SINGLE customer has "taught" me a damn thing that would improve or be useful to my technical abilities.
Also, I strongly believe, this community has a counterintuituve and unfortunate affect of fostering "know-it-all" customers.
Customers, satellite is my trade and livelihood; this is why I consult this site. Sure I am interested in the architecture of my apartment, but this does not mean I hit up a bunch of architectural forums and then up with a million questions to bother the builder who is constructing an additional wing of my building. William Shatner said it best: get a life!