A few questions regarding new lease program for current subscribers

Please reply by conversation.


Original poster
Mar 23, 2006
I am a current subscriber of D* and in June (I can't do it any earlier) I plan to get the HD programming offered by them. Now several questions to clarify my understanding of the new lease program:
1. I was planning on purchasing the H20 STB from a third party retailer or eBay. If I do this, does D* somehow perceive that this is a "leased" box when I call to activate the box?
2. Will I be required to agree to a 2 year contract for my "leased" HD box (even though I undoubtedly purchased it)?
3. Would this two year contract apply to any D* programming subscription or would I essentially have to pay for an HD subscription for 2 years?
4. If D* somehow assumes that I am "leasing" this box, do I also have to pay the monthly lease fee (again- even though I BOUGHT it)?
5. Would I have to return this box back to D* once I am done with it (and again- even though it is my property & I BOUGHT it)?

It just seems like this program really punishes current customers (like me) who are looking to upgrade. If the answer is yes to all of the above questions, I will have to strongly consider getting rid of D* and finding a provider that actually cares about current subscribers and doesn't screw them over!
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The following is based on my understanding of the situation, corrections welcome.

1) AFAICT, it'll be considered a lease, however, I have read where people called D* and got it marked as purchase, YMMV.

2) Yes, no matter where the equipment came from you will have a 2yr commitment (or 1 yr for standard non-dvr SD (non-HD) equipment.)

3) Any programming. (depending on your programming agreement, there _maybe_ a minimum of TC or higher required, but I doubt it)

4) Yes, if they consider it a lease, you will pay the lease fee regardless of where/how you bought it. (if you have more than 1 receiver, the lease fee replaces the mirror fee).

5) It seems, yes you would have to, since they subsidize the cost of the STB, you never paid the full price, so it still belongs to them (arguable).
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Thanks for the quick reply. I guess it's not as bad as I initially expected if the lease fee replaces the mirror fee and the contract extends to any programming over two years (as I may decide that D*'s HD-Lite is a bit too "Lite" for me).
However, I have a follow up question in regard to the last question:

6. I only plan on using this box with the current account for about 6 months; then I plan on opening a new subscriber account under my own name at a different residence (currently living w/ parents). Will I be able to transfer this box to a new account after those 6 months or will D* require that I send it back to them as soon as I deactivate it from my current residence?

Any other responses to the my questions are welcome!
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I hear all of these complaints about HD-Lite. I've got two plasma sets and consider the picture quality of HD-Lite to be perfectly acceptable.
If all of that is true, then do they realy reaize how many people they are going to piss off that have them currently before this whole lease deal showed up. esp when people may want to finaly get hd, or add a 2nd hd to thier setu, or god forbid a DVR! walk into a best buy, (or where ever) buy said equiptment w/new tv, or just to finaly get modern technology. Go home, set up everything, call into d* and get told that the money they just spent (lets say 400 for a hddvr) means nothing to d* (outher than more money they just made off a sucker) and that the equpitment they just bought will never be the customers, will have to pay a lease fee, and oh yea, when its over/up/you decide to cancle early, you have to send us back that equiptment you just bought with your own money in a store, back to us with no refund of the purchase price. If you ask me, this is just screaming for a class action lawsuit, or at least an investigation by numerious state attorney generals.

now im off my soap box.....
mikew said:
I hear all of these complaints about HD-Lite. I've got two plasma sets and consider the picture quality of HD-Lite to be perfectly acceptable.

I fully respect that, I'm just a bit of a perfectionist so I am always looking for the best in picture, sound, etc. So I'm less inclined to be okay w/ "acceptable"

No problem, glad to be of any help.

6) I'm fairly certain you can do that without sending anything back to them, check with them first, I don't think it'll be a problem. I'm guessing they would just remove it from it's current account (assuming the account is in good standing), and add it to your new one (this would then be subject to a new 2 yr commitment for this new account.)
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ghettogreg said:
I fully respect that, I'm just a bit of a perfectionist so I am always looking for the best in picture, sound, etc. So I'm less inclined to be okay w/ "acceptable"
I have an HD RPTV set, not an expensive plasma, and find HDnetmovies no better than superbit DVD actually worse as well as SHowtimeHD. Those two channels are pure Crap PQ on D* now. HBOHD is watchable. Ive posted several screen shots on various threads showing the macro blocking and Mpeg2 compression artifacts. A more comprehensive analysis and record of the bitrates and their affects can be seen here : www.widemovies.com/dfwbitrate.html
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ghettogreg said:
1. I was planning on purchasing the H20 STB from a third party retailer or eBay. If I do this, does D* somehow perceive that this is a "leased" box when I call to activate the box?
Ya know, I don't really know where these people are getting their answers from... but if you purchase a used receiver... it's yours. If you pay full cost for a new receiver.... it's yours. If you pay a discounted rate... it's not yours. Just tell them you purchased the receiver, they will look up the card number and ID number on the receiver and mark it as an owned receiver instead of a leased receiver if you paid full cost or purchase a used receiver that was owned by the person you bought it from. YOU MUST TELL THEM IT IS AN OWNED RECEIVER or they will see it as leased.

ghettogreg said:
2. Will I be required to agree to a 2 year contract for my "leased" HD box (even though I undoubtedly purchased it)?
If you paid full cost for a receiver ( which you can do through D* just by asking to pay full cost for it) then there is no commitment for that receiver. If you get it anywhere else... you MUST SPECIFY IT IS AN OWNED RECEIVER and that you paid full cost for it to get the commitment waived.

ghettogreg said:
3. Would this two year contract apply to any D* programming subscription or would I essentially have to pay for an HD subscription for 2 years?
If you pay FULL cost, or purchase a used receiver... which is verified to be owned... then there is no commitment. If it is a leased receiver, you are required to maintain programming on any receiver for 2 years or return the equipment AND be subject to an early cancellation fee.

ghettogreg said:
4. If D* somehow assumes that I am "leasing" this box, do I also have to pay the monthly lease fee (again- even though I BOUGHT it)?
You pay $4.99 per month regardless of if it is owned or leased.... the only difference is weather or not they will replace it at no charge if it breaks.

ghettogreg said:
5. Would I have to return this box back to D* once I am done with it (and again- even though it is my property & I BOUGHT it)?
If you paid full price for a receiver, or purchased a used receiver.... which is verified to be owned, then it's your receiver. Feel free to resell any OWNED receivers you have... or use them as yard decorations.... either way.

For anyone that doesn't think I am providing correct information... Call and ask. If you request the info... they are required to tell you... but not unless you ASK about purchasing the equip at full cost. And if anyone tells you something other than what I have put here... ask for their supervisor.
Thanks directvrep, your knowledge on the subject matter was exactly what I was looking for! From your explanation, I have deduced that as long as I clarify that it is an OWNED receiver that I bought used, I can basically ignore the rules and limitations (such as contracts and other obligations) associated with leased receivers.

Thanks again!
I, too, found that very informational. I am going to look into purchasing D* equipment for resale WITHOUT becoming an 'authorized' dealer. I never did it before because I didn't want the hassel of dealing with chargebacks or the lower tier customers looking for something for free, then acting like the world owes them something. Also, I could upgrade existing customers.....

I figured if you bought equipment at full price that they would waive there lease and commitment. Their SAC would be zero on new customers brought in that way.

I'm gonna look into doing the same with E*. There might be some money in it if I can get a supply of 622's. They've pissed of loads of customers with that fiasco!
chadzx11 said:
I, too, found that very informational. I am going to look into purchasing D* equipment for resale WITHOUT becoming an 'authorized' dealer. I never did it before because I didn't want the hassel of dealing with chargebacks or the lower tier customers looking for something for free, then acting like the world owes them something. Also, I could upgrade existing customers.....

I figured if you bought equipment at full price that they would waive there lease and commitment. Their SAC would be zero on new customers brought in that way.

I'm gonna look into doing the same with E*. There might be some money in it if I can get a supply of 622's. They've pissed of loads of customers with that fiasco!

That is not applicable to new customers. Sorry I didn't mention that. ALL new customers are required to follow lease program t&c. You can not activate an account with a used receiver.
directvrep said:
That is not applicable to new customers. Sorry I didn't mention that. ALL new customers are required to follow lease program t&c.

Even if they pay full price for non buy down equipment? NEW. I'm not talking about used.
Thanks for some honest answers. NOW, what about some of the resellers that tell you it is full cost and not subsidized. They claim all you have to do is tell D* that it is owned. SO HOW do we know for sure??
A big problem with D* is it is a programmer and if I want to buy their programming I shouldn't have to commit for more than a month or two. Thats with my OWN equipment.
For ANY programmer to sell THEY have to make it easy and affordable and NOT charge persons for all the equipment just to purchase their programming.
Nice Post directvrep! And oh Vurbano, who freakin asked you. I am really starting to lose respect for your opinion on this matter. This is not what the thread was about but you just couldn't help yourself. Stop watching HD on D*. Stop commenting on it when no one asked. If someone asks, yes I expect for you to pop in but enough already.
directvrep said:
That is not applicable to new customers. Sorry I didn't mention that. ALL new customers are required to follow lease program t&c. You can not activate an account with a used receiver.

So to just to be clear, if I were to sign up for a new account under my own name at a later date (currently under my parents name), I would not be able to reuse/transfer my used receiver to this new account? Would I have to follow the lease program and get a new receiver (even though I already have a perfectly working receiver)?

Thanks in advance directvrep
directvrep said:
ghettogreg said:
1. I was planning on purchasing the H20 STB from a third party retailer or eBay. If I do this, does D* somehow perceive that this is a "leased" box when I call to activate the box?
Ya know, I don't really know where these people are getting their answers from... but if you purchase a used receiver... it's yours. If you pay full cost for a new receiver.... it's yours. If you pay a discounted rate... it's not yours. Just tell them you purchased the receiver, they will look up the card number and ID number on the receiver and mark it as an owned receiver instead of a leased receiver if you paid full cost or purchase a used receiver that was owned by the person you bought it from. YOU MUST TELL THEM IT IS AN OWNED RECEIVER or they will see it as leased.

ghettogreg said:
2. Will I be required to agree to a 2 year contract for my "leased" HD box (even though I undoubtedly purchased it)?
If you paid full cost for a receiver ( which you can do through D* just by asking to pay full cost for it) then there is no commitment for that receiver. If you get it anywhere else... you MUST SPECIFY IT IS AN OWNED RECEIVER and that you paid full cost for it to get the commitment waived.

ghettogreg said:
3. Would this two year contract apply to any D* programming subscription or would I essentially have to pay for an HD subscription for 2 years?
If you pay FULL cost, or purchase a used receiver... which is verified to be owned... then there is no commitment. If it is a leased receiver, you are required to maintain programming on any receiver for 2 years or return the equipment AND be subject to an early cancellation fee.

ghettogreg said:
4. If D* somehow assumes that I am "leasing" this box, do I also have to pay the monthly lease fee (again- even though I BOUGHT it)?
You pay $4.99 per month regardless of if it is owned or leased.... the only difference is weather or not they will replace it at no charge if it breaks.

ghettogreg said:
5. Would I have to return this box back to D* once I am done with it (and again- even though it is my property & I BOUGHT it)?
If you paid full price for a receiver, or purchased a used receiver.... which is verified to be owned, then it's your receiver. Feel free to resell any OWNED receivers you have... or use them as yard decorations.... either way.

For anyone that doesn't think I am providing correct information... Call and ask. If you request the info... they are required to tell you... but not unless you ASK about purchasing the equip at full cost. And if anyone tells you something other than what I have put here... ask for their supervisor.

#4 is wrong. if that IRD his his only IRD, there is no lease fee.

Sorry I haven't had time to reply lately.

chadzx11- I have never heard of this situation. In order to PURCHASE equip from D* at full price you must first have an account. If you go to local retail they may be able to sell without an account... but in order to take any new cust offer you must have a commitment.

PATONENOW- Just like any other company, if you want what they provide... you must have the ability to receive it. Weather it be D*, a cell phone company, or even a main stream local provider... you have to be able to receive it in order to use it. If you get cell phone service, you have to pay for the phone or commit to them for a reduced price. If you get a local provider... you pay an upfront cost for the equipment, or an increased monthly fee for leasing it.

ghettogreg- Unique situation. The only way to start out as a new customer with D* and NOT have to get new equip is- 1) You must move into the physical address of someone who previously had D*. 2)The old account must be disconnected and have no remaining balance. 3) You must be able to provide the name and account number of the previous home owner. 4) The equipment must be verified as being active on the old account. 5) In order to use the old equip you must purchase 1 new access card per receiver on the old account that you will be using.
If any of these criteria are not met, you must get new equip.

dragon002- Thanks for catching that. It's the same either way. If you purchase the equip, there is no additional receiver fee for the 1st. If you lease it there is a lease fee that is credited to the account each month for the 1st lease receiver (given that all other equip is leased or it is the only receiver on the account).

verbano- Full purchase cost. Standard IRD- $149, DVR or HD - around $379 (sorry it's been a while since I looked at this figure it may be $349 ), HD-DVR- $749.
You know, the one thing I don't understand about this lease program is the way they've done away with the mirroring fee in favor of a "leasing fee."

Does anyone know how they're supporting that?

I just don't get that, for current customers who own their equipment how can they justify charging an equipment lease fee?

Why should current customers who own their own equipment pay a lease fee?

I figure the argument will be that it's just a mirroring fee and what they were paying before, but that's not what the bill will say, so why should current customers not call in monthly and ask for the lease fee to be dropped since they're not leasing their equipment.

In fact current customers who own their own equipment almost have a positive duty to do that since doing otherwise can be viewed as a tacit agreement that their equipment is leased, after months of service the reasoning could very easily be "they've been paying a monthly lease fee, and why would they do that if it's not leased?"

Can anyone shed some light here?
Please reply by conversation.

Question about adding a 5th output/new multiswitch