A day after leaving Dish Network, CEO starts as head of real estate giant, Erik Carlson was hired by Re/Max Holdings Inc.

That is not the point. Learn to accept opinions as I never said it was 100% fact as I could be completely wrong and don't go personal attacking other people which was what you were doing. Fortune 500 or not makes not difference since it is still *competent* management that counts. And no one said you had to agree with everything but the way you were acting sounding like what a troll would do... "Tell Charlie that" is basically someone trying to instigate something.
And then they think someone doesn't know what a CEO does is even more funny and almost like a personal attack since I have been investing for 32 years so I know how things work more than most people would especially with 45,000%+ returns in Apple alone which is also easily proven. navychop could be right as it is how someone interpreted something as while you were not flaming as Section B.1 of forum rules stated, you were on way or another doing Section B.3 of forum rules as did I personally say anything bad about you. No, not in this thread or any other threads either. Learn that everyone is entitled to their opinion since did I state anywhere it was to be taken as 100% fact as it's obvious Charlie started DISH originally and like I said, decisions are what matters for leadership since isn't hiring the right people or wrong people still a decision which is what matters as the people he hires can provide all the feedback and anything else they want, but at the end of the day, what he decides will either help the company or harm the company as what I was trying to say earlier is currently, Charlie is not going to come climb your roof and install your DISH for you is what I mean by hard vs easy as his work is really in the decision making which still would depend on the individual themselves after the information is presented to him by others and his own due diligence so he has 50/50 chance of getting it right or getting it wrong. And until the company really fails, it's hard to say if Charlie doesn't come out and reinvent the company which only time will tell. Anything else is speculation and not proven until it happens. Just like Erik Carlson only started at RE/MAX, let's see how long he actually stays there among other things. Charlie can always hire someone like Eckhard Pfeiffer since while he may have been ousted at CompaQ, he went to KMart which was bankrupt and eaten Sears, Roebuck and Company alive.
Wasn't meant as a personal attack but you come off as a union leader rather than a professional..there is nothing wrong with that perspective and you do make valid points..the problem is not the CEO but the board who appointed him..They are there to make money and not to provide jobs or a good place to work or make a difference in the world with social change
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They are there to make money and not to provide jobs or a good place to work or make a difference in the world with social change
Why are you trying to make this into a PIT topic, you know it is not allowed here.

The only thing this thread should be about is a former Dish person is now working for ReMax, no need for the Social Change stuff.
Wasn't meant as a personal attack but you come off as a union leader rather than a professional..there is nothing wrong with that perspective and you do make valid points..the problem is not the CEO but the board who appointed him..They are there to make money and not to provide jobs or a good place to work or make a difference in the world with social change
Sorry, I didn't mean to sound that way but I type fast so there can be mistakes in it since it's almost like someone saying a glass is partially full but that's not defining exactly the %. Ofcourse, you also sounded like Charlie's Alter Ego and when I looked at your profile in the past, I remember it says Moscow, Russia so might be things others say can get lost in translation due to the terminology used in English that might have been nothing more than a common misunderstanding. Remember Charlie is also the chairman of the board so you are right, the problem can really be anywhere as even Charlie can make mistakes in his decisions. The board, the CEO itself or even people under him but at the end of the day, the CEO is the one who will get the blame and then gets removed from the Board of Directors. And you are right, they are not a charity and they didn't exist to lose money. So at this point, either Charlie turns around the company or he has to find someone to turn around the company but remember this thread is supposed to be about Erik Carlson as CEO of a Real Estate Brokerage and Mortgage holding company so it's too early to tell one way or another how he will perform in the future and not about Charlie so a lot has to do with the realtors out there in both listings and representing buyers since over here in San Francisco, RE/MAX is not exactly well known as it has one brokerage office in the entire city. It is smaller than Compass, Berkshire Hathaway, Alain Panel among others as you can usually tell from listings of different priced properties how they rank. And I mean referencing Fortune 500 is useless as well because Charlie is the 905th richest in the world, not even the top 100 or even top 500. The union leader part is funny because I know nothing about unions as I work for NASA which is non-union and I am also a Toastmasters Internatonal member where competent communications and competent leadership skills are taught but whether the communications is accurate or not is not important similar to when people interview for a job, with the correct skills in talking, they can literally answer the question anyway they want as long they can get the conversation going and get hired at the end which is what matters. So even in Charlie's case, just because satellite tv is dying does not mean he has to make the money in satellite tv or services provided from DISH itself, there is nothing preventing Charlie and/or DISH from investing in other companies and make the profit from there instead as investors only care about the results and the money was made legally, they do not care if Charlie invested in stock options on Tesla and turned every $300 into $2100 on the same day as long as the company is kept alive and growing. Charlie could always do a swap of ownership in some company that is growing for assets in DISH which again comes to decisions which is the important part. And ofcourse a CEO will handle operations to a certain extent but a majority of that is done by the Chief Operations Officer and people below the COO.
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Sorry, I didn't mean to sound that way but I type fast so there can be mistakes in it since it's almost like someone saying a glass is partially full but that's not defining exactly the %. Ofcourse, you also sounded like Charlie's Alter Ego and when I looked at your profile in the past, I remember it says Moscow, Russia so might be things others say can get lost in translation due to the terminology used in English that might have been nothing more than a common misunderstanding.
If I remember correctly, Juan lives in Virginia and works for Verizon, also, as he has pointed out before, his provider is Comcast, I do not believe they offer service in Russia.
If I remember correctly, Juan lives in Virginia and works for Verizon, also, as he has pointed out before, his provider is Comcast, I do not believe they offer service in Russia.
I am basing it on his profile as seen below since I never saw where he pointed it out before. And as with anything, it can always be subject to correction.

I know what it says, just telling you it is incorrect and his way of having fun.
LOL I think in this thread Apple TV and MLB live games with Google TV app - he was the one who kept saying the Hopper Plus's apps had nothing to do with Google and DISH controlled it when the Hopper Plus uses apps from the Google Play Store as it was the Apple TV app being discussed and then in comment #28, I did mention the Russia part and he never responded or basically corrected me saying he was not in Russia and ofcourse until you mentioned it, one can only take what his profile says for what it's worth at face value.
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do leaders really do anything

I am a CEO but of a private smaller company.
These two sentences jumped out at me.

Leaders should get good people under them that know their jobs and can advise the leader.
Leaders need to listen to their people AND encourage, inspire, and support their people to do the best job possible.
Leaders also take care of their part of the financial picture of the company. Obviously the higher in the leadership rank, the more of that financial part they have a hand in.

There are good leaders and bad leaders.
About 25,000 people live in Moscow, Idaho. College town.
Yes but not when it includes the word Russia after it, that's as specific as it can get. Just like my profile, it says San Francisco, California USA which tells you it's the one known as SFO in the USA and in the state of California. There are San Francisco's elsewhere in the world including the one in the Philippines which I was aware of only a few years ago.
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These two sentences jumped out at me.

Leaders should get good people under them that know their jobs and can advise the leader.
Leaders need to listen to their people AND encourage, inspire, and support their people to do the best job possible.
Leaders also take care of their part of the financial picture of the company. Obviously the higher in the leadership rank, the more of that financial part they have a hand in.

There are good leaders and bad leaders.
And that is a good summary of what I was trying to say. Just like there is Elon Musk and then there is Charlie. Charlie had things in the outer space first but look at who came out of nowhere and ahead of everyone including Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, all of them started the companies from the ground up and obviously, they don't have prestigious business management degrees from the best known schools either so a lot has to do with their own personal thinking and skills they have acquired over time as in street smart vs book smart. Steve Jobs once again is a good example. No different when I was buying my house in 2009, the first two offers were from the Prudential agent who only got the offer denied and then all the other side would do is reduce the prices and basically told me to increase the offer by atleast $100k each time. Then I switched to Redfin where they don't work for commission but a salary so 50% of the buy side commission is given back to me. This one presented my Banc of America Investments Services, Inc. Master Relationship Account(MRA) statement which is what it is known in California but as the Master Money Account in other states to show I had the money for the down payment as this was included in the paperwork when the offer acceptance response was needed and even though the offer was denied, I was going to increase the offer by $10k and she came back and said, increase it by $1k which was what I did and ofcourse that was $150k less than the reduced listing price which originally was $200k higher. Offer was accepted in less than 24 hours. I have been shopping for houses since 1986 and every time, I always find the house on my own and then tell my realtor about to see it. My personal friend in the Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas area is a realtor and later woked for RE/MAX since a year ago even back then was saying "a lot really just get paid to open car doors" since usually clients would drive there themselves and the agent just writes and presents the offer but it's obviously how they present it and the communication skills they have that matters. So basically in the quoted post, it includes multiple leaders with different levels of leadership and not just the CEO alone, and that also would define competent and caring leaders but not all leaders are that way as some can be very demanding on anyone under them and if the people under them make a small mistake, they can also kiss their job goodbye if they are strict and not forgiving. But for a holding company as in RE/MAX holdings, what can they really do since remember everything is really done by the licensees and their agents as far as businesses are concerned unless the holding company is basically able to get real estate brokerages like Compass, Coldwell Banker which was a part of Sears, Berkshire Hathaway, Keller Williams, Sotheby's, Century 21 and others to become RE/MAX. That's almost like asking MacDonald's franchises to become Burger King. While anything is possible, when was the last time you have seen it happen. This is almost like asking Hungry Jack's in Australia to use the Burger King name, this is almost impossible because Hungry Jack's in Australia is Burger King but the Burger King name cannot be used because it was already used by someone else. One other thing no one mentioned is companies have to attract investors whether public or private and that is paying dividends which is only possible when they actually generate profit and revenue. When a company is public, what you invest does not even go back to the company as you are exchanging shares and money with other public investors. When the company IPOed, the Investment Bank already bought the shares from the people inside the company and it's the Investment Banks who sell the shares to the public so the shares that were already sold to the Investment Bank when it IPOed, it can fly to the moon but the insider no longer owns those shares to profit from them. A leader does not need to run a business as remember you can have leaders for religions, nations among other things just like the U.S. President is basically the chairman and CEO of the USA as a country while in countries like England and Japan, the Queen/King has a title but it's the Prime Minister who is the real leader in the actual operations. Then there are CEO's of non-profit organizations and charities so being a CEO does not always mean it is always going to be about generating profits either. Even for a company, if the COO is doing a good job in the operations, would people even know the CEO is lazy if the CEO really does not do anything. In the U.S. and other places in the world, the higher the job, the less physical manual hard labor is done while the pay is higher. So others are right, I do not know much about Charlie other than what I read here because DISH is not a company I am investing in or have a interest of investing in so I don't use my time to put Charlie under a microscope. Ofcourse at the same time, I do not hope DISH fails either as a customer because they are the exclusive provider of Hong Kong TVB(Television Broadcast Limited)'s channels in the US as the only other options are for the same price, one channel on cable tv or on Sling. TVB does have their own streaming service now under TVB North America also for the same price but prefer DISH over Sling or their own streaming service.
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Yes but not when it includes the word Russia after it, that's as specific as it can get. Just like my profile, it says San Francisco, California USA which tells you it's the one known as SFO in the USA and in the state of California. There are San Francisco's elsewhere in the world including the one in the Philippines which I was aware of only a few years ago.
Moscow is an unincorporated area of Russia New York....there are lots of Russias and Moscows in the USA...next time don't assume
Moscow is an unincorporated area of Russia New York....there are lots of Russias and Moscows in the USA...next time don't assume
Yes, it's wise never to assume anything since that was what I meant by assuming earlier. Never thought of it that way since I guess when one sees Moscow and Russia mentioned together, one would always think the default. The only thing is while one can find Russia, New York. The reference to Moscow inside of Russia, New York would be harder to find.
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Yes, it's wise never to assume anything since that was what I meant by assuming earlier. Never thought of it that way since I guess when one sees Moscow and Russia mentioned together, one would always think the default. The only thing is while one can find Russia, New York. The reference to Moscow inside of Russia, New York would be harder to find.
Correct..its out there in a book

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