A day after leaving Dish Network, CEO starts as head of real estate giant, Erik Carlson was hired by Re/Max Holdings Inc.

Not a good time to go into real estate. Looks like the comission splitting system had been abolished in a legal proceeding.

Shockwaves rolling through the agencies.
Wouldn't matter since Re/Max is the largest real estate brokerage in the world and he's not the one doing the selling, he's just collecting his share from all the people underneath him.
I think he does a bit more than that
Ofcourse he does but do leaders really do anything. The higher the position, the less work one does and when it comes to a residential brokerage. All the offices are licensing the name as a franchise. Just like you don't expect the CEO of McDonalds to run each of the franchised locations and ofcourse the CEO does not do the marketing either as there is a department for that as well. This is listed on the current Re/Max's page:
Erik Carlson joined RE/MAX Holdings, Inc. as Chief Executive Officer in November 2023. He drives the strategy of RE/MAX Holdings, overseeing all operations for the Company and providing direction to the Chief Financial Officer, Chief Information Officer, Chief Operating Officer, and the Presidents and CEOs of RE/MAX and Motto Mortgage and wemlo. on it.

So obviously the strategy part could come from him or what people under him or advisors would present to him. If the CFO/CIO/COO needed him to show the direction, they don't qualify for their jobs.

Also, keep in mind that RE/MAX Holdings, Inc. is not the actual RE/MAX Residential brokerage offices themselves as those are individually owned and operated but just licensing the name.
RE/MAX Holdings, Inc. is one of the world's leading franchisors in the real estate industry. They franchise real estate brokerages globally under the RE/MAX® brand and mortgage brokerages in the U.S. under the Motto® Mortgage brand.

So they also license the mortgage broker as well.
Ofcourse he does but do leaders really do anything. The higher the position, the less work one does and when it comes to a residential brokerage. All the offices are licensing the name as a franchise. Just like you don't expect the CEO of McDonalds to run each of the franchised locations and ofcourse the CEO does not do the marketing either as there is a department for that as well. This is listed on the current Re/Max's page:
Erik Carlson joined RE/MAX Holdings, Inc. as Chief Executive Officer in November 2023. He drives the strategy of RE/MAX Holdings, overseeing all operations for the Company and providing direction to the Chief Financial Officer, Chief Information Officer, Chief Operating Officer, and the Presidents and CEOs of RE/MAX and Motto Mortgage and wemlo. on it.

So obviously the strategy part could come from him or what people under him or advisors would present to him. If the CFO/CIO/COO needed him to show the direction, they don't qualify for their jobs.

Also, keep in mind that RE/MAX Holdings, Inc. is not the actual RE/MAX Residential brokerage offices themselves as those are individually owned and operated but just licensing the name.
RE/MAX Holdings, Inc. is one of the world's leading franchisors in the real estate industry. They franchise real estate brokerages globally under the RE/MAX® brand and mortgage brokerages in the U.S. under the Motto® Mortgage brand.

So they also license the mortgage broker as well.
Tell Charlie that
Tell Charlie that
Charlie also has advisors and then he either takes the advice or doesn't. Remember everyone else works under him as he is the Chairman of the Board and the biggest shareholder so what he says goes. Charlie is not hired management working beneath a Board of Directors so it's different. It's almost like you have FDR and Truman, both U.S. Presidents with the same advisors, the decision part and what to do with the information is also important. Ofcourse if anything goes wrong by anyone at the company, he will get the blame for it. Remember even Steve Jobs hired the CEO and even he got fired by the CEO.
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I hope you didn't mean that quite the way it came out.
It depends as some will lead and some will not. It all depends on how competent the person is and their leadership skills and how well they use whatever is presented to them and make the best decisions. They will never get anywhere if they were honest as they will get eaten alive by everyone else. Remember I also don't know Charlie that well compared to some of you here.
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It depends as some will lead and some will not. It all depends on how competent the person is and their leadership skills and how well they use whatever is presented to them and make the best decisions. They will never get anywhere if they were honest as they will get eaten alive by everyone else.
Charlie built dish from the ground up...he knows how to hire good people who can make money...I don't think you know what a CEO does but they usually get paid by stock options with some cash...so their primary focus is to increase profits and stock prices..kicking back and collecting a pay check is not an option
Charlie built dish from the ground up...he knows how to hire good people who can make money...I don't think you know what a CEO does but they usually get paid by stock options with some cash...so their primary focus is to increase profits and stock prices..kicking back and collecting a pay check is not an option
Ofcourse but that was back then, this is now. People get old and the company was way smaller back then and easier to manage. Ofcourse, CEOs get paid with stock options and then there are those who would take a $1 salary like Steve Jobs did. Every CEO is different as I am a CEO but of a private smaller company. When the company is public, they try to increase profits and stock prices but not all companies are successful in doing it and remember what matters also is what the analysts are expecting so they also have to beat earnings among other things. And not all companies have to increase profits to have their stock prices go up either. A lot of it is political since upgrades and downgrades from analysts who are reputable from a respected company can easily push down the prices of a companies shares. So it can be many things. So don't assume that I don't know what a CEO does as each CEO can do things differently. It's almost like you can't answer what makes Citi and JPMorgan Chase different from other banks in the way money is made. You probably don't know my profile either as let's put it this way. Have you ever had $75 million in funding from Chase, Dell, Ford, Pepsi, Lazard and Microsoft which was IPOing but failed for other reasons. Go look up Digital Entertainment Network and you will also see my business partner also owns the patents for Google's advertising technology. Also, a small company can grow bigger but once a company is bigger, there is a limit of how much they can grow since DISH is not going to keep growing 1000% for example after they have already reached a certain size. I know how lots of things work but that doesn't mean I am going to spend all day talking about it. You can do your own research as didn't you violate one of the rules of the site as basically, you are resorting to personal attacks. All you had to say is let's agree to disagree as obviously you didn't realize a forum can be different opinions since as the chinese saying goes, you are acting like you were the worm inside Charlie's stomach and bascally knows how he thinks among other things.
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Ofcourse but that was back then, this is now. People get old and the company was way smaller back then. Ofcourse, CEOs get paid with stock options and then there are those who would take a $1 salary like Steve Jobs did. Every CEO is different as I am a CEO but of a private smaller company. When the company is public, they try to increase profits and stock prices but not all companies are successful in doing it and remember what matters also is what the analysts are expecting so they also have to beat earnings among other things. And not all companies have to increase profits to have their stock prices go up either. A lot of it is political since upgrades and downgrades from analysts who are reputable from a respected company can easily push down the prices of a companies shares. So it can be many things. So don't assume that I don't know what a CEO does as each CEO can do things differently. It's almost like you can't answer what makes Citi and JPMorgan Chase different from other banks in the way money is made. You probably don't know my profile either as let's put it this way. Have you ever had $75 million in funding from Chase, Dell, Ford, Pepsi, Lazard and Microsoft. Go look up Digital Entertainment Network and you will also see my business partner also owns the patents for Google's advertising technology.
I only know what you post..and it doesn't scream fortune 500.
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I only know what you post..and it doesn't scream fortune 500.
That is not the point. Learn to accept opinions as I never said it was 100% fact as I could be completely wrong and don't go personal attacking other people which was what you were doing. Fortune 500 or not makes not difference since it is still *competent* management that counts. And no one said you had to agree with everything but the way you were acting sounding like what a troll would do... "Tell Charlie that" is basically someone trying to instigate something.
And then they think someone doesn't know what a CEO does is even more funny and almost like a personal attack since I have been investing for 32 years so I know how things work more than most people would especially with 45,000%+ returns in Apple alone which is also easily proven. navychop could be right as it is how someone interpreted something as while you were not flaming as Section B.1 of forum rules stated, you were on way or another doing Section B.3 of forum rules as did I personally say anything bad about you. No, not in this thread or any other threads either. Learn that everyone is entitled to their opinion since did I state anywhere it was to be taken as 100% fact as it's obvious Charlie started DISH originally and like I said, decisions are what matters for leadership since isn't hiring the right people or wrong people still a decision which is what matters as the people he hires can provide all the feedback and anything else they want, but at the end of the day, what he decides will either help the company or harm the company as what I was trying to say earlier is currently, Charlie is not going to come climb your roof and install your DISH for you is what I mean by hard vs easy as his work is really in the decision making which still would depend on the individual themselves after the information is presented to him by others and his own due diligence so he has 50/50 chance of getting it right or getting it wrong. And until the company really fails, it's hard to say if Charlie doesn't come out and reinvent the company which only time will tell. Anything else is speculation and not proven until it happens. Just like Erik Carlson only started at RE/MAX, let's see how long he actually stays there among other things. Charlie can always hire someone like Eckhard Pfeiffer since while he may have been ousted at CompaQ, he went to KMart which was bankrupt and eaten Sears, Roebuck and Company alive.
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